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This Week's Airline Conferences


May 18, 2003
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This week Wall Street investment firms are holding two airline industry transportation conferences, where additional news regarding the US Airways – America West merger and the potential sale of US Airways’ MidAtlantic Division EMB-170s to Republic could be obtained.

On Tuesday, June 7, America West CEO Doug Parker will be the opening keynote speaker at the Citigroup Fixed Income Research Airline Industry Conference.

Parker's presentation is scheduled at 2:00 p.m. EDT. The webcast will be available to the public at the company's website. To access the conference click here.

Then On Wednesday, June 8, Parker and Republic CEO Brian Bedford will speak at the Merrill Lynch 2005 Global Transportation Conference.

Parker's presentation is scheduled at 9:45 a.m. EDT. A webcast will also be available to the public at the company's Web site. To listen to the presentation click here.

Later that morning Beford’s presentation is scheduled to begin at 11:10 a.m. EDT. The webcast will be presented live and to participate in the listen-only mode, listeners should access the following website several minutes prior to the scheduled start time, allowing sufficient time to register and download and install any necessary software. To listen click here.

For those unable to listen to the live broadcast, a replay will be available at the websites listed above.

