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The Transaction Is Complete...

The majority of us don't want to "dump" U, we're just tired of the constant hammering from the MDA guys about this deal. I've said before I don't like what's happening to the MDA guys, and I don't have any personal eye on the U 170 flying. I'm just not gonna resign my 145 seat out of protest. I've also said I think the union would support a fenced integration, but our EC was never given that option. Usually a reasoned reply is met with someone like Light Years muttering about scabs and threatening non-revs.....
Oh honey, calm yourself. I'm not even there, so no worries about me. I'm just responding that anyone can see who you work for. And yes, upon request and always out of DCA, the F/As do have a full manifest with every customers name on it.

And sniping at me doesn't change how you are viewed, nor do the lame replies on this board.
Boy, it took her a whole 19 minutes to take the bait on that one....
Who's being baited? I don't see anyone devoting thier posting space to you... Let's talk about Light Years... fine with me.
mdarules said:
Give me a break!!! They should deny you jumpseat!! I actually just got a call an hour ago that a RH pilot got denied - You guys should be ashamed of yourselves and be aware of what is happening to fellow pilots at MDA! I would not only call you a scab to your face but I would give you a slip that defines the word - there are many definitions and no my friend you don't have to cross a picket line.. You are operating planes in violation of LOA 91 and that my friend is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should know this and RAH pilots do not make the same as USAir or should I say MDA.. get real - we definitely know the flight attendants make signifcantly less, those scabs will not be allowed on my plane as well - I will refuse to fly with one of them in a passenger seat on my plane and i can assure you they will remove them!!! If they don't I will not fly!! Maybe you should wake up and look at what is going on - on the other side of the table! You are right you are not in control of the decisions that corporate makes as well as MDA employees aren't in control of USAir mgmt., however you are responsible for Your opinion and actions. Your workgroup and union should see the problems and address your sh+++y BB about the situation - they are not even offering F/A's jobs at any pay rate- we have the ability to interview - yeah right, and you think you are getting on my plane - no way - look at the big picture - we are dealing with our mgmt with our own reps. they have tried scare tactics etc. to break up our group and i hope they rot!
:down: :down: :down:
alohablue1 said:
:down: :down: :down:

There is no question the situation at MAA is not at all satisfactory. You seem to be one angry individual with more issues than just MAA. Have you considered seeking help?
TBONEJ4J said:
There are only US Airways Pilots at the Embraer Division. :up:

Where were you before you became an apologist for SCABS? :down:

Sure is a lot of misinformation out there. MAA employs pilots from Mainline, Piedmont and the former Allegheny.

As for checking the manifest for "scabs" and other so-called undesirables, it seems someone thinks they have the authority to "bump" these other airline folks from their flights. Only justifiable in the interest of safety do crewmembers have this authority.
alohablue1 said:
Sure is a lot of misinformation out there. MAA employs pilots from Mainline, Piedmont and the former Allegheny.
As for checking the manifest for "scabs" and other so-called undesirables, it seems someone thinks they have the authority to "bump" these other airline folks from their flights. Only justifiable in the interest of safety do crewmembers have this authority.

Those pilots are all mainline now, as MAA is mainline. The CEL F/Os are former WO. All of the captains and F/As are former "mainline."

A F/A can pretty much remove whoever they please as long as they are willing to put a pretty good excuse down on paper. There's been cases of F/As walking off planes with members of management on them. They said that thier presence was causing them emotional anguish and stress that rendered them unable to perform thier duties in a safe manner. Completely kosher.

I couldn't give two hoots about it really, but don't assume a crewmember can't take someone off a flight, particularly a non-rev. Non-revving is a privelege, particularly for contract help employees.
alohablue1 said:
Sure is a lot of misinformation out there. MAA employs pilots from Mainline, Piedmont and the former Allegheny.


Every Pilot who flys for the Embraer Division is on the US Airways Pilots System Seniority List. Every Pilot at MDA has been an employee of the US Air Group from 7 to 21 years. Some Pilots were indeed previously at ALG or PDT, but those pilots are now US Airways Pilots. So what's your point?

Chautauqua/Republic/Shuttle America employs pilots from the real world, Kids from Purdue, UND, etc., ex Flight-Instructors, etc. I assume they have a place on the Chautauqua Seniority list regardless of where they came from. Don't they?

Or do you make the distinction as to how somebody became a US Airways Pilot to facilitate Scabbing E170 jobs?

ALL or NONE. SCABS go to hell! :up:
Hey, I hate to get in the middle of a good slug fest, but tomorrow is going to be a big day for the MDA folks...... I predict some news will come of the situation ;-) I predict some discomfort for leadership and the need of a couple cold beers and a sigh from the most unified group of professionals to ever strap on an airline.

For those of you who work under the Wexford/Republic umbrella, this wasn't about you. Yes, we are offended that your union is as weak kneed and greedy as ours, and when you have the sort of unity and integrity of this group, we really look down on those who have less of either and are willing to use our backs/careers/loss, as the spring-board of their gain. I worked for a contract carrier prior to USAirways, I know the drill.... "The company tells me what to fly and I fly it, sorry guys". What if the/your company bought Colgan and said sorry guys, the money is in Beech 1900's and we are downsizing. Would you be so anxious, eager, or willing to follow mgmnts requirements? Nope.

I and the other MDA pilots do realize ALPA tried to screw you all, but what they really wanted was to screw the MDA pilots because they knew the IBT would never go for it. So, you really didn't get scewed, a breeze just went up your skirt... ;-) Our official representative has contacted BB and they have had conversation in regard to what our minimum requirements are. We ask to be integrated or "dove tailed", jobs for everyone, with longevity for pay and vacation. I believe giving the boot to ALPA was also in the offering, but all was a no-go. Lots going on behind the scenes, but if you fly any "shiney new jet" they give you in the name of employment, terms like "whipsaw", "outsourcing" (goes both ways), and yes SCAB will be thrown liberally about....

The traditional term SCAB was for one who crossed a picket line to perform struck work. Also a tradition when that was the case, was for unions to support or be sympathetic to the cause of other unions. This not being the case, and the new way being "every chapter of every union for themselves", SCAB has taken on a new definition. How about this: A worker who at a lower rate and or lesser experience will perform the work of another who was better compensated to complete a task on the same piece of equipment in indestinguishable branding of said product while the rightfull holder of the job is unemployed.

Now, before you get all fired up.... I didn't call anyone a SCAB. However, try walking a mile in my shoes and those of my fellow MDA employees/family, I've walked many miles in yours.


Light Years said:

I'm a bit out of the loop... is tomorrow the results of the arbitration?
Tomorrow is when they open the law suit..I think..
OK, I blew it..... My prediction was off by one day. Today will be the day



Sold Whole Sale:

Just for the record, if BB told me I had to go fly a 1900, I wouldn't cry too hard about it; I love king airs🙂.

Seriously, your replies have been the most comprehensive and reasonable about this sad subject. I think this subject is just about exhausted, but you really hit the nail on the head vis. a vis. ALPA's proposal to our pilot group and the reasoning behind it. I don't know why BB wasn't more interested in any subsequent offers by your group; I can safely promise it's not because of any particular love he has for current CHQ employees. At any rate I wish you and the MDA group the best whatever the final disposition of the aircraft.
Gosh..... another set back B) No worries though, its on its way, just a little slower than planned.




PS. I like the King Air myself, but am guessing you don't want the pay rate any more than I would..... On the other hand, a 350 to fly and a 170 pay check would be a different thing --- as long as the 170 pay rate is MDA. On the other hand, after seeing the POS the AAA MEC put together for the 190 (Mesa pays better on the -900), the CHQ pay rates would be more desirable, not to mention not wasting 2% on ALPA. I may as well take a 2% pay cut and let the company do anything they want, the result would be the same or better.....