Rep. Trey Radel busted in cocaine sting

southwind said:
So.........if a Demorat condones smoking crack, get's caught smoking crack, it's all cool ?
Nope. Pretty sure I did not say or imply that. Try again.
Recenty read that Radel voted for a bill to test food stamp recipients for drug use because they are receiving federal monies. I wonder if he knows who signs his check?

Currently he says he will not resign. I hope he keeps his word.
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Can you say hypocrite?
700UW said:
Maybe, but how do you know he wasn't exploited and set up by some party hacks?
Saul Alinsky 'Rules For Radicals':
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
Ms Tree said:
Recenty read that Radel voted for a bill to test food stamp recipients for drug use because they are receiving federal monies. I wonder if he knows who signs his check?

Currently he says he will not resign. I hope he keeps his word.
Not withstanding Radel's actions, I happen to agree with the idea of drug testing food stamp recipients. I wonder if the food stamp recipients understand where the money is coming from . . . drug tested taxpayers.
I actually agree with the idea as well.  I would like to see it implemented for all federal, state and city employees.  How ever I am not the one voting for the very law which I am violating.  When Radel forfeits all the money the US tax payers have given him while he was using drugs I might actually give him a little credit.  Since he has made no such offer his actions are what the rest of us call "Ironic" and "hypocritical".
The problem the right/Tea Party seems to have in so far as 'family values' is concerned is a do as a I say not do as I do.  Palin is against family planing, single parents, premarital sex .... etc yet her, her daughter and her son all have had kids out of wed lock.  There have been several republicans who have voted against equal rights for gays while concealing the fact that they are gay.  There are republicans like Radel who are drug users all the while ranting and passing laws against drug users.  You have republicans praising the value of family and marriage while they are banging a mistress (or two ... or more).  Irony at it's best.
Yes Dems are as crooked as all the rest but I do not see them out preaching about family values and trying to stuff it down everyones throat.  
Knotbuyinit said:
Not withstanding Radel's actions, I happen to agree with the idea of drug testing food stamp recipients. I wonder if the food stamp recipients understand where the money is coming from . . . drug tested taxpayers.
Not all tax payers are drug tested. IMHO, since we randomly drug test GI's, Bus drivers, train drivers, flight crews, etc...
Also IIRC MickeyD's has a job entry drug testing procedure.
But we do not drug test the movers/makers and shakers of the world.
They have more power to screw up more people than anyone.
Drug test all managers and above. Drug test everyone from city councilmen to the POTUS.
Drug test every DEA agent and Judge.
These are the clowns that have the power to destroy lives and livelihoods yet come out smelling like a rose.
I wonder what would happen to my business if I was busted for drugs.
Pay a fine for coke yet if it was a poor kid smoking crack, they would be doing 30 days "min" and a federal record.
The inequality of the powers that be and the little people is astronomical.
B) xUT
If you test food stamp recipients, how about SSDI, Vets, SS, Student Loans, FHA/VA Loans, etc...

Drug test anyone who receives any federal money.

That will be a rather large pool. The only people who will profit will be the testing labs.

The 'GIFT, that Keeps on GIVING' !!!!!!!!!!!



This Florida ASSS-HOLE is gonna DONATE his salary to charity. Wanna bet who 'cover that play' $$$$ ?

Maybe the 'COKE Brothers' ?????

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