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record profits and our benefits go up?

dfw gen said:
thank you TWU!
As I mentioned in another thread, thanks to your dues and benefit increase, your little raise just went out the window. It's almost like the union and the company saying "I got mine". Well, so did I, just to turn around and give it right back. And, if Mr. Parker truly wanted labor peace, the prefunding issue would be a non issue and settled by now. But as long as he lets Mr. Weel call the shots, same old AA.
yep.hey maybe the profit shafting will off set the cost.... oh wait we gave that away......

thank you TWU!
maybe they can start a drive to stop by the house to tell me how good they are for me.... maybe not no threat to the gravytrain yet.
To all,
Delta is paying out 5% profit sharing early in October to all employees. Additionally, all employees are getting raises of 3 to 4 percent in the new year. More importantly, Delta employee medical for families is only increasing $12 to $16 per month. What da F%$K!
Here at American Airlines, we get a $144 raise per month before taxes.  After taxes maybe we see about $96 dollars per month.  However, American sees fits to increase our medical an unconsciencenable $60 per family per month to ensure that they neutralize our raises. This is a whopping 13.76% increase over the prior year.  Sarcastically, "Thanks for all that we do".  This is not how you say thank you!
Don't worry about it, Mr. Harry Lombardo has the "Militancy" tool he can use at any time. He's just waiting for the right time!
AANYER said:
To all,
Delta is paying out 5% profit sharing early in October to all employees. Additionally, all employees are getting 3% to 4% raises in the new year. More importantly, Delta employee medical for families is only increasing $12 to $16 per month. What da F%$K!
Here at American Airlines, we get $144 raise before taxes.  After taxes maybe we see about $96 dollars.  However, American sees fits to raise our medical $60 per family to ensure that they neutralize our raises.
Again, the international (dues) and company (premiums) got theirs.
Took me awhile, but I finally figured out that what you meant was not that benefits were increasing.  It is the cost of the benefits which is increasing.  I'm shocked.  Shocked, I tell you.  I can't imagine benevolent American Airlines doing such a thing.  You must be mistaken.
When government interferes, this is what happens.

Healthcare premiums have been increasing on average of 10% per year since 2009, thanks to the costs of implementing and complying with Obamacare.

The CBO estimated the added cost of compliance to be around 10-13%.

Someone has to pay for that...

Go shop on Healthcare.gov for your plan, and see how much it costs on the open market. Something says you won't be complaining as much about the $60/month increase.
AANYER said:
To all,
Delta is paying out 5% profit sharing early in October to all employees. Additionally, all employees are getting raises of 3 to 4 percent in the new year. More importantly, Delta employee medical for families is only increasing $12 to $16 per month. What da F%$K![/size]
Here at American Airlines, we get a $144 raise per month before taxes.  After taxes maybe we see about $96 dollars per month.  However, American sees fits to increase our medical an unconsciencenable $60 per family per month to ensure that they neutralize our raises. This is a whopping 13.76% increase over the prior year.  Sarcastically, "Thanks for all that we do".  This is not how you say thank you!
What were premiums at AA before? Max out of pocket cost? Deductible?
During the APFA q&a call today the spoke about US adopting AAs health
Ins, after 2015. Due to the affordable care act there 90/100 point
Plan will no Longer be available, Jensen US fa's
Will revive 3,000 dollor stipened pay, to
Off set it.
Kev3188 said:
What were premiums at AA before? Max out of pocket cost? Deductible?
Depends on whether it was an 80/20 plan, managed care, or high deductible. Managed care was a 300/900 individual/family deductible, 80/20 plan was 750/2250 deductible, and high deductible was 2000/4000.

No idea what the premiums (or company contributions to the HSA on the HDP) were.
When government interferes, this is what happens.

Healthcare premiums have been increasing on average of 10% per year since 2009, thanks to the costs of implementing and complying with Obamacare.

The CBO estimated the added cost of compliance to be around 10-13%.

Someone has to pay for that...

Go shop on Healthcare.gov for your plan, and see how much it costs on the open market. Something says you won't be complaining as much about the $60/month increase.
health care inflation in the US has been running 10% for more than a decade. It didn't just start with Obama Care

what obamacare has done is incentivize companies to start eliminating covered employees which is precisely why growth of full-time benefitted employees in the work force is so much lower than the growth of part-time and non-benefitted employees.

jim and others posted the jump in AA premium costs during BK. They were well below national levels prior to the BK era increases.

Now, it appears that AA is increasing yet again and at far larger amounts than other airlines are doing.... completely validating that you can avoid health care cost increases for a short time but you can't avoid them on a long term basis and the company does get back with interest its "subsidies" for lower than market health care costs, a genuine cost that AA and any company must pay.
I was somewhat surprised when I looked at mama's benefit book, compared to my benefit package her's looked good... We're all getting dinged on healthcare costs, don't look for it to get better....
WorldTraveler said:
what obamacare has done is incentivize companies to start eliminating covered employees which is precisely why growth of full-time benefitted employees in the work force is so much lower than the growth of part-time and non-benefitted employees.
...And the romance with offshoring, the decline of manufacturing, and the shift to a service economy all have nothing to do with it, right?

Of course it's Obama's fault! It always is...

(sarcasm, of course)

BTW, DL is eliminating one of it's HRA plans altogether. No warning, no soliciting of employee feedback, no nothing. They also didn't bother to tell anyone which plan, and made sure to do it in the shadow of the early PS announcement.

Another day, another unilateral change...

LD3 said:
I was somewhat surprised when I looked at mama's benefit book, compared to my benefit package her's looked good... We're all getting dinged on healthcare costs, don't look for it to get better....
My better half's insurance blows the doors off of anything DL has, which of course lays waste to the message that "every one is charging more for less, so we have to too."

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