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recall list (furloughed)

Only the first 200 letters were "OFFICIAL RECALL" Notices. Therefor, only those people that failed to respond out of those top 200 can be removed from the list.

Section 19-2 of the Contract:

I. The Company shall recall furloughed flight attendants in order of seniority. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, a flight attendant who leaves the service of the Company on a Voluntary Furlough With Limited Recall (VFLR) as covered in Letter of Agreement 41, will be offered one
recall opportunity after the actual recall of all other voluntary and involuntary furloughees. Notice of recall shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested, sent to the most recent recall address provided by the flight attendant and shall specify: the name and address of the Company official to whom the flight attendant shall forward his/her reply and the
approximate number of days of anticipated employment. A furloughed flight attendant failing to notify the Company of his/her intention to return within seven (7) days after receipt of notice of recall and who fails to return
within sixteen (16) days after receipt of such notice, will be considered to
have resigned.

Thanks USAirBoy... I hope AFA jumps on this and gets the company to retract the "resignations". Of course, Mike Flores is probably still having a hissy fit over losing space positive travel, so I guess we shouldn't expect too much from him. I was apalled that they sent out that e-line saying it was considered a resignation... they should have sent out an e-line saying that the company consideres it a resignation and that they will file a grievance.
In my view...if you don't keep an updated address with the company you should be removed off the senority list! It's the real world people and if you don't care enough to tell the company where you can be reached, then you don't deserve to get recalled. There are JR people that want to come back and it's holding up the process for them.
But USAirways is a Flag without a Pole.
Thanks USAirBoy... I hope AFA jumps on this and gets the company to retract the "resignations". Of course, Mike Flores is probably still having a hissy fit over losing space positive travel, so I guess we shouldn't expect too much from him. I was apalled that they sent out that e-line saying it was considered a resignation... they should have sent out an e-line saying that the company consideres it a resignation and that they will file a grievance.

Once again DCAflyer, you are correct! The E-lines should never reiterate that not contacting the company on a possible recall is considered a resignation. If they are sending out information regarding company action to the f/as, it should state, " the company considers it a resignation".

With regard to a "possible recall" notice, is just that. It is only notification of possible recall. There would be no need to repsond unless it was an actual recall notice. There is definitely an argument that could be made.

I surely wouldn't want to be the f/a to give up my current job by notifiying the company that you will accept recall...only to find out the Company was just basically giving you a hypothetical "maybe", "will see".
The 200 letters last year said the same thing, from my understanding. So, out of those 200 letters sent last April did anyone get released that did not return them?
In my view...if you don't keep an updated address with the company you should be removed off the senority list! It's the real world people and if you don't care enough to tell the company where you can be reached, then you don't deserve to get recalled. There are JR people that want to come back and it's holding up the process for them.
But USAirways is a Flag without a Pole.

I agree! Since being furloughed in June 03, I've moved a few times. While sending change of addres forms to USPS, I always logged on theHub and submitted a change of address to the company. It's not a complicated process to do, taking all of a minute at most.

I do not know if the language in the "possible recall letters" differs from the "offical" letter, but I strongly feel the company will take those whose did not reply/bid off the Seniority List and, although you may disagree with me, RIGHTFULLY SO! When the company sent letters to furloughs regarding MDA, half came back as undileverable. We were told by the company that it was our RESPONSIBILITY to keep our address current while on furlough.

As far as the contract goes, I'm receiving e-Lines from US MEC still, and if the company is violating the contract in selecting RONs, then I don't think they will have a problem in shrinking the Invol Furlough List by those who failed to bid, chose not to bid, too lazy to bid, thought they could do it the next time around. While it appears whatever is going on with AFA and company regarding the RON issue is a violation of contract, they WILL resign those who didn't reply. I guess it's another battle for our MEC leadership to fight??
I would have been furloughed May 8th or 10th which ever it was and now at america west. I miss mda now!! And when your in the jetway changing planes it's not the usual reunion!! I now get oh you have the new id, how did you get the new id and then they find out your from usair east....

i know how you feel i just got "shown the door" myself and i do miss it already. i will really miss mda, the crews were so great... im almost scared to go back to mainline. i wish i could only work with emb crews when we go back! no im a bit excited but its too much of an emotional roller coaster, i just cant put my heart into it the third time around. well see. when do we hear?
I agree! Since being furloughed in June 03, I've moved a few times. While sending change of addres forms to USPS, I always logged on theHub and submitted a change of address to the company. It's not a complicated process to do, taking all of a minute at most.

I do not know if the language in the "possible recall letters" differs from the "offical" letter, but I strongly feel the company will take those whose did not reply/bid off the Seniority List and, although you may disagree with me, RIGHTFULLY SO! When the company sent letters to furloughs regarding MDA, half came back as undileverable. We were told by the company that it was our RESPONSIBILITY to keep our address current while on furlough.

As far as the contract goes, I'm receiving e-Lines from US MEC still, and if the company is violating the contract in selecting RONs, then I don't think they will have a problem in shrinking the Invol Furlough List by those who failed to bid, chose not to bid, too lazy to bid, thought they could do it the next time around. While it appears whatever is going on with AFA and company regarding the RON issue is a violation of contract, they WILL resign those who didn't reply. I guess it's another battle for our MEC leadership to fight??

Not all f/as know to go on the HUB to give notice of "change of address". The majority of the INVOLS occured by Dec. of 2001, there was no web HUB. I would send a certified letter to the company indicating a "change of address" to prove it if you'd have to. Trust, that the company uses the argument that they never received a change of address when the furloughee insisted that they did.

Best rule of thumb is to certify any communication with the company...even when responding to an actual recall.
i know how you feel i just got "shown the door" myself and i do miss it already. i will really miss mda, the crews were so great... im almost scared to go back to mainline. i wish i could only work with emb crews when we go back! no im a bit excited but its too much of an emotional roller coaster, i just cant put my heart into it the third time around. well see. when do we hear?

MDA f/as all came from mainline. Don't understand why it would be such an emotional concern to return. If you love the folks, you'll join them at mainline.
Not all f/as know to go on the HUB to give notice of "change of address". The majority of the INVOLS occured by Dec. of 2001, there was no web HUB. I would send a certified letter to the company indicating a "change of address" to prove it if you'd have to. Trust, that the company uses the argument that they never received a change of address when the furloughee insisted that they did.

Best rule of thumb is to certify any communication with the company...even when responding to an actual recall.

I hear what you're saying Pitbull. Perhaps because I knew I wanted to come back, I always kept myself current. I always followed up, waiting to speak with someone from HR/Benefits (sometimes up to 45 minutes) just to make sure they got my address change.

My point is that whether you were furloughed in Dec. 2001 or Sep. 2003, our "Career Transition" packet included a statement advising us of keeping our address current with the company. I have no sympathy for anyone who failed to do that. If the company truly wants to be rid of the furlough list by this time next year (Parker has said that a couple of times already), then this would be an effective way to get "unnecessary weight" off the Seniority List. Whether this is contractually legal or not, the Union had to see this letter prior to its distribution to us. If there was a question about the language of the letter it should have been dealt with...and NOT sent out stating a no reply = resignation.
MDA f/as all came from mainline. Don't understand why it would be such an emotional concern to return. If you love the folks, you'll join them at mainline.

duh i worked there, so i know its mainline. and its an emotional concern because i just had my i.d. and manual taken away for the THIRD time pitbull and im on unemployment!!!!! yes thats an emotional thing, it SUCKS sorry it bothers you, but im just a dumb junior mda girl right,. yes i love the people but i dont know if i can get laid off evetry year. i love everyone except the salty old biches but that doesnt help me get a steady paycheck without. i love the job but i cant do it "seasonal"
Duh...those are the risks being at the bottom of any airline. I too remember being furloughed in 1981 when I was with the company only 4 months. And I, being a "salty old ####", just came off unemployment taking a VFLR, so again, I don't get the emotionalness.

Salty old bitches you say?, or do you just hate senior people who've held the job. Many "salty old bitches" have either taken a VOL furlough, a VFLR or retired. Many junior..and that includes you, have been given an opportunity to come back because their leave has afforded openings. And oh, those same "salty old bitches, in fact, all of mainline labor had extracted from them $1 billion just to have a LCC MAA Division, which gave you and those in your group an extra 2 years of flying service instead of remaining furloughed.

If you don't want it...with such a great attitude...keep walking. :angry:
i dont hate senior people at all. most of them are really friendly and great at he job good to learn from. well , again MOST of the people are cool except the salty old biches! if you dont think they are there then whatever. ask the customers. hope they leave. and a vflr is just that.. voluntary.... i bet ive been displaced and furloged more times than you. actually in know i have. and i still dont have the nasty attitude alot of the other f/as do. but i have EVERY right to be on here and express my reservationsabout going back and hurt about turning in my stuff and being kicked out the door again the other day. the third time... yes its an emotional choice. if you dont understans the "emotion" in that then i dont know what to tell ya
i dont hate senior people at all. most of them are really friendly and great at he job good to learn from. well , AGAIN most of the people are cool, again, except the salty old biches!

Well, so its not a senior mainline issue, just salty old #### issue. Which of course would include MAA, because there were some senior-citizen junior f/as working there too.
Well, so its not a senior issue, just salty old #### issue. Which of course would include MAA, because there were some senior-citizen junior f/as working there too.

please pb...its not a senior or "elderly" issues.... dont be so literal. put down your picket sign. of course there were some older age at mda and they are great, age isnt anything in airlines. old means tired, done, haggard which could be 74 or 25... mda was just good because everyone wanted to be there. there were a couple salty old bitches at mda (young and old) that needed a smack with a frying pan but all in all great people. now you cant tell me there are some lazy crazys at mainline that dont need to go... i dont really want work with them .

:up: pitbull i think you really like the expression salty old bitches.

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