recall list (furloughed) now I am throwing a childlike tantrum..oh god get real already...It's not that serious what I said in the first place and if you took it like I was saying something ignorant than you seriously have issues. I never ,to my knowledge have ever said anything mean or thrown a tantrum or acted in any crazy outbursts in nearly the 3 years I have been posting on here...


Your words and posts speak for themself. I will leave it at that and allow everyone to draw their own conclusion. I know I have.

For the rest of you,

The reason why things are taking as long as they are is because the Office was flooded with 200 more Forms yesterday. And not with new bidders either. People changing their mind at the last minute, or sending multiple forms worrying that the previous one didn't go through...essentially creating a nightmare and a mountain of additional work for poor Thelma as she scrambles to figure out which Form replaces which to ensure that the most recent form is once again I say have some patience, there should be some news out shortly.
please pb...its not a senior or "elderly" issues.... dont be so literal. put down your picket sign. of course there were some older age at mda and they are great, age isnt anything in airlines. old means tired, done, haggard which could be 74 or 25... mda was just good because everyone wanted to be there. there were a couple salty old bitches at mda (young and old) that needed a smack with a frying pan but all in all great people. now you cant tell me there are some lazy crazys at mainline that dont need to go... i dont really want work with them .

:up: pitbull i think you really like the expression salty old bitches.
I would have to agree w/ embfa...we are referring to senior as seniority wise w/ the company. Not saying all of them are that way but alot of them don't even want to be here. Over at mda it was different cause everyone of us wanted to be there. That's the difference we mean. Leave out only a handful of f/a's from mda and it was great! Dispite what we had to go through.

Your words and posts speak for themself. I will leave it at that and allow everyone to draw their own conclusion. I know I have.

For the rest of you,

The reason why things are taking as long as they are is because the Office was flooded with 200 more Forms yesterday. And not with new bidders either. People changing their mind at the last minute, or sending multiple forms worrying that the previous one didn't go through...essentially creating a nightmare and a mountain of additional work for poor Thelma as she scrambles to figure out which Form replaces which to ensure that the most recent form is once again I say have some patience, there should be some news out shortly.
I expect that you should have some patience if you have been waiting as long as you have to come back to U.

Your words and posts speak for themself. I will leave it at that and allow everyone to draw their own conclusion. I know I have.

For the rest of you,

The reason why things are taking as long as they are is because the Office was flooded with 200 more Forms yesterday. And not with new bidders either. People changing their mind at the last minute, or sending multiple forms worrying that the previous one didn't go through...essentially creating a nightmare and a mountain of additional work for poor Thelma as she scrambles to figure out which Form replaces which to ensure that the most recent form is once again I say have some patience, there should be some news out shortly.

Ok, I have NEVER seen xoxo be anything but cool and collected... aren't you the one who threw a major hissy fit when the recall numbers changed? And also the one that was nasty to the F/As that went to PHX?
I expect that you should have some patience if you have been waiting as long as you have to come back to U.

You're absolutely right...if anybody knows patience it would be me, and now it looks like I have an indefinite amount of time once again to languish on the vine and continue to be patient, as do many other disappointed furloughees who were unable to hold a position. But let me be the first to graciously congratulate you on your recall XO, looks like you got your wish getting based in PHL.

And of course FlyOnWall returns with his bizarre ax to grind once again. You BET I was upset over the #'s changing after the company made a public announcement otherwise, because exactly what I knew would happen...has happened. If the recall remained at 400 for the Summer, or if at the very least, the Company did a recall for the entire 280 to cover the Summer at once rather than recalling 200 now and 80 more later when they start at the top once again, then it is quite likely that my Seniority would have been reached. I'm sure it must give you great pleasure that it did not. I guess since none of this affects you personally, that I'm just being a "cryass" again, to use your own words...just try to remember that while you and the rest of the returning Furloughees celebrate, there are many still with heavy hearts (excluding myself) who are left behind once again feeling "deflated"...

And if you AGAIN want to take old posts out of context, then I guess you'll never appreciate the concept of "owning your decisions" and taking "responsibility for your own choices" which is the only point I was ever trying to make in those old posts you get such a kick out of twisting and convoluting.

You must really get a thrill out of kicking Furloughees when they are down, huh Fly?
there are many still with heavy hearts (excluding myself) who are left behind once again feeling "deflated"...

And if you AGAIN want to take old posts out of context, then I guess you'll never appreciate the concept of "owning your decisions" and taking "responsibility for your own choices" which is the only point I was ever trying to make
you are a mess!
and, you are duplicit!
if you want to harp on the "choice" and "personal responsibilty" platitudes, then you wouldn't be defending those who "CHOSE" to not contact the company with address changes, and those who "CHOSE" not to respond to their recall notice, despite the disclaimer that they would be removed from the f/a list.
next in line, please...
you are a mess!
and, you are duplicit!
if you want to harp on the "choice" and "personal responsibilty" platitudes, then you wouldn't be defending those who "CHOSE" to not contact the company with address changes, and those who "CHOSE" not to respond to their recall notice, despite the disclaimer that they would be removed from the f/a list.
next in line, please...

Thanks for the kind words.

I have never "defended" those who did not respond or kept their address updated. Quite the opposite, I do not think they should be afforded the privilege of remaining on the list, but it's not for me to agree or disagree, it's AFA's battle to fight, and I was merely sharing the information that I was given by my Local Council that this position was against the contract language and would be fought against.

Now you can take your sassy attitude and go elsewhere. I really don't need it at this time. People like you make me wonder why I would want to return to this company anyway...
...just try to remember that while you and the rest of the returning Furloughees celebrate, there are many still with heavy hearts (excluding myself) who are left behind once again feeling "deflated"...

You must really get a thrill out of kicking Furloughees when they are down, huh Fly?
Deflated?...if you really wanted to go back to flying and not be LEFT BEHIND you would have gone to mda or america west...the ones that did get recalled will always feel for the ones who didn't get a callback. WE don't need to be reminded!! If you want to talk about being deflated both XOXO and I both would have been furloughed twice if we wouldn't have left mda before they shut the door. It's because we wanted to fly, took a chance and in the end got shut down. You had a choice just like us to get yourself out of being left behind.
Really, it shouldn't matter if it is contractual or not. If the letter stated that you would be removed if you don't respond, you should respond. Why is it that everyone always as to banter with the company on issues as such. Pitbull, you are one to NEVER give an inch. "Contracually I don't have to respond because my contract states...ABC". So what!!! Respond!!! What is it hurting?

As an employer your lack of response would tell me you just don't care. Why should I want to hire you back?

I am not saying to remove anyone but those from the 200, but stop the "I refuse to budge" stance already.
Really, it shouldn't matter if it is contractual or not. If the letter stated that you would be removed if you don't respond, you should respond. Why is it that everyone always as to banter with the company on issues as such. Pitbull, you are one to NEVER give an inch. "Contracually I don't have to respond because my contract states...ABC". So what!!! Respond!!! What is it hurting?

As an employer your lack of response would tell me you just don't care. Why should I want to hire you back?

I am not saying to remove anyone but those from the 200, but stop the "I refuse to budge" stance already.

Are you on crack?

The contract is the contract. It spell out the way the company is supposed to recall. At what point is the company not supposed to follow the contract? First this, but then what if they lower per diem to $.80 and say "well, if you come to work, you're ratifying an $.80 per diem? The contracts have been chipped away enough over the years. It is time to stop the insanity.

The company is not authorized the re-write the rules. It agreed to recall a certain way, taking certain steps, and going in a certain order. The contract says nothing about possible recall notices, or the requirement of employees to respond to such notices.

If AFA doesn't nip this in the bud, this will lead to anarchy.

I have always kept the company apprised of my whereabouts and I responded to the notice. But I shouldn't have had to respond. I shouldn't have had to spend my time and money to respond to a notice that, for all intents and purposes, should have no legal force or effect.

The company agreed, after going from a no-furlough clause to having people out on furlough for almost five years. Why should they be permitted to go back on its agreement now?

When you decide to need to run for union office. The f/as and the MEC so badly need a voice of strength and determination. B)

When you decide to need to run for union office. The f/as and the MEC so badly need a voice of strength and determination. B)


Thanks. I'd certainly have big shoes to fill after Teddy X.

I love ya', Man!

Deflated?...if you really wanted to go back to flying and not be LEFT BEHIND you would have gone to mda or america west...the ones that did get recalled will always feel for the ones who didn't get a callback. WE don't need to be reminded!! If you want to talk about being deflated both XOXO and I both would have been furloughed twice if we wouldn't have left mda before they shut the door. It's because we wanted to fly, took a chance and in the end got shut down. You had a choice just like us to get yourself out of being left behind.
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These people that did not make the recall have been furloughed for quite some time and if you have been sitting around waiting for USAir for this long there is something wrong. I feel for the people who did not make the recall and hopefully you guys will be back soon, however I think that going through 750+ people just to get 200 is quite amazing in itself. I kind of had the idea that so many people thought they would go all the way through the list because of the situation in May '05 (the LGA recall) when so many passed. I passed simply because I felt that I would go to LGA only to sit on RSV and then be furloughed again after I gave up a f/a position at a stable airline. I'm certainly not going to be ticked off at the company for not wanting to overstaff itself again.

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