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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

When you get Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich & Barney Frank to vote on the same side of a resolution regarding our unlawful incursion into Libya I'd argue that a little Dr Paul goes a long way.

Funny you should mention Dennis Kucinich (seeing as he sponsored the resolution).

The Democratic version of Ron Paul. Idealistic, willing to stick his neck out to prove it, and a fiercely devoted following.

With no chance of moving from the fringe to the mainstream.
Funny you should mention Dennis Kucinich (seeing as he sponsored the resolution).

The Democratic version of Ron Paul. Idealistic, willing to stick his neck out to prove it, and a fiercely devoted following.

With no chance of moving from the fringe to the mainstream.

I just drove through a giant chunk of Iowa today and we shall see about Ron Paul. If he can break into even the teens percentage wise in IA, NH & SC then it's a whole different ballgame in terms of electability.
Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action.

Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,’ I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal

(W)e are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers.

We don’t think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That’s true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such.

Houston Chronicle

More on Ron Paul

The really amusing part of what politically is ancient history is that no less than Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby said nearly if not exactly the same thing about being afraid of young black men as Dr Paul.

The late Hall of Fame Football Player Reggie White who was also a Baptist Minister was roundly criticized for his speech on stereotypes.

Most of this has less to do with what is said then who it is who said it.

Reggie White - Conservative Black = Uncle Tom = Press Scorn
Ron Paul - Old White Guy = Evil Republican = Press Scorn.
Jesse Jackson - Rich Black guy with no known source of income = Media darling = Overlooking the Hymie Town comment among others
Bill Cosby - Speaks the unspeakable = Kid Glove treatment due to immense popularity = No scorn from the press

Anyone else see a pattern?
Everything is a conspiracy?

Ohhh If it were only that simple. This really isn't a Ron Paul thing actually.

Fox News is a prime example. They get absolutely skewered for anything and everything by the rest of the left leaning media!!!! Why?? A couple reasons, however the primary reason is FOX News has more viewers than MSNBC, CNN, PBS & CNBC combined!!!

How did they accomplish this? Simple by doing exactly the same shabby slanted job the Left Leaning MSM have done for years. I think one of the underlying reasons that FOX so annoys the rest of the media is frankly they are better at distorting the facts and not getting caught doing so. I watch Fox more than the others simply because I've figured out how to "Filter" a huge chunk of the Conservative Bias out.

Publication wise, Newsmax is the right wing version of the Huffington Post. Right now there is no "Joe Friday" (Just the facts Ma'am) out there as truth without spin does not a sale make.

The way I see it is like this. Anyone who can annoy both the left wing and right wing media to the extent that he does and yet they still have him as a guest has got to be onto something. I don't know if Ron Paul will see the Oval Office as a sitting President, but one thing he has done is make people think about just who it is that SHOULD be sitting behind that desk and for that reason alone I think he is a great man.

Think about it!! Did Ron Paul make the Tea Party or did the Tea Party make Ron Paul? A near 20% turnover in BOTH houses, the largest freshman class in US history. Every issue that Ron Paul hammered on relentlessly in 2008 is now on the lips of most voters. The Debt, The Federal Reserve, Balanced Budget and others are putting the heat on those who feed at the government trough. Ron Paul is a big part of the movement that says "Hey Wait a Minute, Mr/Ms Senator, Congress person you work for ME, not the other way around" It's a message that resonates as those with common sense begin to be serious about where we as a nation are headed.
This just in from the Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree Department Rand Paul is making a name as a freshman Senator and I think it might be "Mud" from the East Coast Republican Elite. I'm beginning to like him more than the old man.

Rand Paul Plans Senate Filibuster Over Debt Ceiling

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is planning a Senate filibuster next week in an attempt to force debt ceiling negotiations into the open.

"We've had not one minute of debate about the debt ceiling in any committee," he said in an interview with C-SPAN's "Newsmakers" that aired on Sunday. "We haven't had a budget in two years. We haven't had an appropriations bill in two years. So I'm part of the freshmen group in the Senate that's saying, 'no more.'"

Paul's plan: "Next week, we will filibuster until we talk about the debt ceiling, until we talk about proposals."

He added that a group of senators in the "conservative wing" of the Republican Party will also be presenting a proposal to tie raising the debt limit to passage of a balanced budget amendment.

Remainder of Huff Post Article

Right now I figure Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is making little voodoo dolls of Rand Paul to BBQ next to the Burgers and Dog's later today. It looks like Paul has about 12 Senators who are dead serious on the debt issue and if 2012 yields the Republicans the Senate then Rand Paul and the limited, smaller Federal Government folks control the balance of power. Things could be very interesting over the next 24 months
Rand Paul is an idiot. He submits a recovery plan on a 2% unemployment rate. Like that will ever happen. Just another pandering politiciant taking advantage of the ignorant voting public.
Rand Paul is an idiot. He submits a recovery plan on a 2% unemployment rate. Like that will ever happen. Just another pandering politiciant taking advantage of the ignorant voting public.

Singapore has a 1.9% unemployment rate.

North Dakota's is currently down to 3.3%. from 3.9% in the middle of a "no growth recovery"

Truth is right now this very day we have higher tax rates than countries that identify as Communist.

Whether you like it or don't, the growing economies of the world have lower tax and unemployment rates than we do. Rand Paul is trying to address the issue. and while his plan may or may not be sound, he has presented exactly ONE MORE then the current Empty Suit. Which in my mind makes him more credible than "Mr Lead From Behind" AKA the Empty Suit, AKA, Hero of the Stupid.
this is the US not SIN or any other place. When is the last time we saw 2%. And we have lower tax rate than most European nations.
Rand Paul is an idiot. He submits a recovery plan on a 2% unemployment rate. Like that will ever happen. Just another pandering politiciant taking advantage of the ignorant voting public.

How about your credentials? :lol:
this is the US not SIN or any other place. When is the last time we saw 2%. And we have lower tax rate than most European nations.

Nice answer you almost sounded like am America First Republican! :lol: :lol:
Nice answer you almost sounded like am America First Republican! :lol: :lol:

Nice dodge. The last time we saw an unemployment rate that low was 1953 when it was at 2.5%. I don't think McD's and BB King can hire that many people to help Rand out.
Nice dodge. The last time we saw an unemployment rate that low was 1953 when it was at 2.5%. I don't think McD's and BB King can hire that many people to help Rand out.

What happens if/when we eliminate the minimum wage?

BTW there is one very simple way to create a few million jobs with the stroke of a pen and because EVERY politician including Ron Paul is beholden to that industry it will never happen.

All you have to do to add about 3 to 4 million jobs INSTANTLY is outlaw self service gas stations. Are they great jobs? Nope, what they are is a private sector version of unemployment compensation. Currently only 2 state prohibit self serve, OR & NJ and speaking for NJ they have the lowest gasoline prices in the NY, PA, DE, CT region. OR is less than CA too, last time I was out there.

The oil Companies would go out of their minds but it would have worked better than the Stimulus did job creation wise.

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