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Railroad Union Strike Threat Kneecapped by Biden

Junior Fleet Service may have ended 22 years ago but the B-Scale never did.

12 years IS the new B-Scale WeAAsles.

That's what you don't seem to be getting.

The membership saddled low seniority and employees to be with a ridiculous pay scale because it served their purpose at the time.

What makes you think your labor is worth so much more than theirs?

You need a reality check. You don't work a complex job requiring an education or years of training, you work an entry level labor job that anybody can learn to do in a month's time. I know, I've done it. At any rate they damn sure would be trained as well as you in 5 years.

I see the TWU strategy of cultivating narcissism is not wasted on you. I mean it has to be narcissism. I don't know what else could explain why you think someone should put in 12 years to earn top pay in a non skilled entry level job.

If you have an explanation or justification as to why your labor is worth so much more, other than "I have time on the clock" I would love to hear it.

You certainly don't bring any value to the job that any able bodied person with a high school education off the street can offer with minimal training.

La Li I wanted you to understand what you are to me. You’re the outcome of a warning I gave to at least two people I worked with back in DFW who went over to that job when I told them it’s not a good idea with what was probably coming. You’re vindication then even back then I knew what I was talking about. 2 Clerks in particular Sean Paul and Jose Rivera. I practically pleaded with them not to put in that transfer. But they wanted the extra Buck an hour and the easier gig. They didn’t listen. And they never came back just like you.

You’re a person who made a foolish choice. You’re a person that wants to point the finger at everyone else for the foolish choice you made. You guys knew how M&R felt about you and you all still brazenly and stupidly went over there. You guys made your own bed for your decision.

I really don’t have any remorse for any of you. If I hadn’t been warning people maybe I would have that remorse. But again you guys walked off your own cliff. Since I don’t know your real name maybe you’re even one of those guys I warned? Either way you’ll never look in the mirror because people like you never do.

Anyway I await your next angry rant. They do help to pass some time here and there.
Don’t really care what you think. You’re some guy on the outside looking in and you’ll never be in any of my labor negotiations. Do you want to repeat how great you have it on the outside again though? But if you really are so concerned about the 12 year scales for us poor little Airline workers you can write some letters to all the Airline CEO’s since they’re the ones who pushed for it in every workgroup from the Pilots on down.

You should also tell them your story of how you got screwed again too. I’m sure they’ll address your grievances with a response. Maybe even bring you back?
I wouldn't come back.

Too much truth WeaSSles?

I notice you did not have a single thing to say to support your position on supporting a 12 year pay scale.

That's how I know you don't actually believe what you are saying. You simply refuse to acknowledge the UNION ate a sh*t pie with a shovel.
I wouldn't come back.

Too much truth WeaSSles?

I notice you did not have a single thing to say to support your position on supporting a 12 year pay scale.

That's how I know you don't actually believe what you are saying. You simply refuse to acknowledge the UNION ate a sh*t pie with a shovel.

I usually only go back and forth with people that matter. You know, people who actually currently work in the Airline Industry. Not people who were walked off the property long ago.

Did you miss this one BTW?

La Li I wanted you to understand what you are to me. You’re the outcome of a warning I gave to at least two people I worked with back in DFW who went over to that job when I told them it’s not a good idea with what was probably coming. You’re vindication then even back then I knew what I was talking about. 2 Clerks in particular Sean Paul and Jose Rivera. I practically pleaded with them not to put in that transfer. But they wanted the extra Buck an hour and the easier gig. They didn’t listen. And they never came back just like you.

You’re a person who made a foolish choice. You’re a person that wants to point the finger at everyone else for the foolish choice you made. You guys knew how M&R felt about you and you all still brazenly and stupidly went over there. You guys made your own bed for your decision.

I really don’t have any remorse for any of you. If I hadn’t been warning people maybe I would have that remorse. But again you guys walked off your own cliff. Since I don’t know your real name maybe you’re even one of those guys I warned? Either way you’ll never look in the mirror because people like you never do.

Anyway I await your next angry rant. They do help to pass some time here and there.
La Li I wanted you to understand what you are to me. You’re the outcome of a warning I gave to at least two people I worked with back in DFW who went over to that job when I told them it’s not a good idea with what was probably coming. You’re vindication then even back then I knew what I was talking about. 2 Clerks in particular Sean Paul and Jose Rivera. I practically pleaded with them not to put in that transfer. But they wanted the extra Buck an hour and the easier gig. They didn’t listen. And they never came back just like you.
When was that because I spent 12 years at that base and never met those people. Were they in Fleet Service?

You’re a person who made a foolish choice. You’re a person that wants to point the finger at everyone else for the foolish choice you made. You guys knew how M&R felt about you and you all still brazenly and stupidly went over there. You guys made your own bed for your decision.
You know what WeAAsles, you are absolutely right. I made a foolish decision. It was not foolish to take the job but it was foolish to stay as long as I did. It was foolish to stress myself out putting up with worthless ass people with a sense of entitlement. I really should have left that job about 2 years before I did. Maybe I would have been happier had I put in a transfer to another title group I don't know. From what I have observed though I doubt it. That corrosive TWU entitlement from what I can tell infects every department. You have a couple of things wrong though. I never "went" to TULE. I was hired there originally. Also I would hardly call TWU leadership pushing a concessionary contract "making my own bed". I was going to leave regardless but I certainly would not have voted on a contract that would have such an impact on my peers. Though I have a low opinion of MOST of the people that worked in my department there were a few I was sorry to see negatively impacted. You are right that M&E (I don't know where you got M&R unless that was a typo) title one employees did not care for Fleet Service. They were not shy about stating that either. What I found funny is at least 3 of the people in Fleet Service who suffered their disrespect actually had A&P's. They had just not had the opportunity to pursue it up to that point for various reasons.

I really don’t have any remorse for any of you. If I hadn’t been warning people maybe I would have that remorse. But again you guys walked off your own cliff.
I would hardly call Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller pushing a concessionary contract onto their peers, violating seniority, and being the last 2 standing after over 100 people were impacted by a shop closure walking off a cliff.

It's obvious to anyone with eyes those MF'ers cut an under the table deal with management.

Since I don’t know your real name maybe you’re even one of those guys I warned? Either way you’ll never look in the mirror because people like you never do.
I rather doubt it since Tulsa was the only place I worked.

Again, you need a reality check. You don't work a complex job requiring an education or years of training, you work an entry level labor job that anybody can learn to do in a month's time. If American Airlines ever goes bankrupt, and I hope they don't, you may find that YOU are the one that walked off a cliff WeAAsles. I agree that is unlikely but I have seen some very unlikely things come to pass in my time. I hope you are able to achieve the comfortable retirement you desire, really.
When was that because I spent 12 years at that base and never met those people. Were they in Fleet Service?

You know what WeAAsles, you are absolutely right. I made a foolish decision. It was not foolish to take the job but it was foolish to stay as long as I did. It was foolish to stress myself out putting up with worthless ass people with a sense of entitlement. I really should have left that job about 2 years before I did. Maybe I would have been happier had I put in a transfer to another title group I don't know. From what I have observed though I doubt it. That corrosive TWU entitlement from what I can tell infects every department. You have a couple of things wrong though. I never "went" to TULE. I was hired there originally. Also I would hardly call TWU leadership pushing a concessionary contract "making my own bed". I was going to leave regardless but I certainly would not have voted on a contract that would have such an impact on my peers. Though I have a low opinion of MOST of the people that worked in my department there were a few I was sorry to see negatively impacted. You are right that M&E (I don't know where you got M&R unless that was a typo) title one employees did not care for Fleet Service. They were not shy about stating that either. What I found funny is at least 3 of the people in Fleet Service who suffered their disrespect actually had A&P's. They had just not had the opportunity to pursue it up to that point for various reasons.

I would hardly call Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller pushing a concessionary contract onto their peers, violating seniority, and being the last 2 standing after over 100 people were impacted by a shop closure walking off a cliff.

It's obvious to anyone with eyes those MF'ers cut an under the table deal with management.

I rather doubt it since Tulsa was the only place I worked.

Again, you need a reality check. You don't work a complex job requiring an education or years of training, you work an entry level labor job that anybody can learn to do in a month's time. If American Airlines ever goes bankrupt, and I hope they don't, you may find that YOU are the one that walked off a cliff WeAAsles. I agree that is unlikely but I have seen some very unlikely things come to pass in my time. I hope you are able to achieve the comfortable retirement you desire, really.

Too much to bother reading here. Not interested.
Too much to bother reading here. Not interested.
Here. This is short.

You don't work a complex job requiring an education or years of training, you work an entry level labor job that anybody can learn to do in a month's time.

If American Airlines ever cuts you loose you're f**ked.
Here. This is short.

You don't work a complex job requiring an education or years of training, you work an entry level labor job that anybody can learn to do in a month's time.

If American Airlines ever cuts you loose you're f**ked.

Yes I know I work in a fairly menial job. Very well paid menial job mind you. My buddy back in NYC also got one of those entry level labor jobs driving Subway Trains last year. He’ll probably make $130,000 this year off the backs of the public. Transport Workers Union of America represented.

Nah. I’d just start collecting my Pension and tap into my savings for awhile. Definitely relax and enjoy some leisure time before concentrating on maybe another gig. Probably HVAC. Or off earlier than I planned to Panama?

You were the one who obviously got f**ked in life since you keep coming back here.
I spent 12 years at that base
You know what WeAAsles, you are absolutely right. I made a foolish decision. It was not foolish to take the job but it was foolish to stay as long as I did.

There you have it. These comments are taking personal responsibility. If you really did better yourself after that 12 years then you should be happy that life threw that curve ball at you the way it did. Every time you come back here though just proves to me that you can’t let it go. That it gnaws at you.
Nothing wrong in having an interest in what happens at company you used to work for. Unfortunately some of the people still working there seem to hate hearing that leaving can be an upgrade on their quality of life.
Nothing wrong in having an interest in what happens at company you used to work for. Unfortunately some of the people still working there seem to hate hearing that leaving can be an upgrade on their quality of life.

Don’t mind hearing it, just don’t necessarily believe it (them) Also don’t forget he didn’t leave under his own enthusiasm. He was cancelled.

And if he’s doing better or not we really can’t know for sure even if he’s says or claims otherwise? He’s anonymous here.
Nothing wrong in having an interest in what happens at company you used to work for.
Don't forget my wife still works there eolesen.

You are right, I certainly do have an interest in what happens there as I am still affected by it.

Unfortunately some of the people still working there seem to hate hearing that leaving can be an upgrade on their quality of life.
I attribute that to UNION conditioning. The UNION does everything it can to convince the membership they NEED the UNION to be successful in such an unfair world. To them every corporation is the boogeyman out to get them.

Don’t mind hearing it, just don’t necessarily believe it (them)
See what I mean?

Also don’t forget he didn’t leave under his own enthusiasm. He was cancelled.
Right... that's why I was already halfway through school when they closed the shop down. That's why I asked to be released early so I could focus on school. That's why I never put in a transfer. You really do invent your own reality don't you?

And if he’s doing better or not we really can’t know for sure even if he’s says or claims otherwise? He’s anonymous here.
Well.... aren't you just the big conspiracy breaker.

Yes I know I work in a fairly menial job. Very well paid menial job mind you.
No doubt. I know working for an airline is hard on your body and your social schedule. I am glad you make a decent living. I worked a "menial" job there myself for 12 years. No judgement here. I'm not saying don't pursue your career at American Airlines. I am only saying have an exit plan if it does not work out besides living on a pension from an employer that may go defunct and savings. I know you have a variety of retirement vehicles but YOU are the one that suggested drawing your pension early while you reassess . Hopefully that pension won't be negatively impacted if American happens to go bust.

Definitely relax and enjoy some leisure time before concentrating on maybe another gig. Probably HVAC.
HVAC is hot, dirty work. I used to work in construction so, I have seen the conditions those guys work under. I hope you are still physically able to do it after years of being a ramp employee. Also without any experience you are going to find it hard as a middle aged (or older) man to get a start when they can hire some 20 year old with lower expectations and cheaper pay without all the years of wear and tear. Also I worked in HVAC for a short time while being laid off at American. I leveraged my electrical background to get the job. He was on the fence as to hire me even with my past in the trades AND being far younger than you are (at the time I was in my 30's). Do you have any trade background?

You were the one who obviously got f**ked in life since you keep coming back here.
I thought the employees I worked with at American Airlines were done dirty. If it could happen to us it could happen to any of you. Stabbed in the back by our own UNION that we PAID to represent us. The fact you show such loyalty to an entity I know through personal experience would stab you in the back in a second if it served their interest is truly concerning.
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Don't forget my wife still works there eolesen.

You are right, I certainly do have an interest in what happens there as I am still affected by it.

I attribute that to UNION conditioning. The UNION does everything it can to convince the membership they NEED the UNION to be successful in such an unfair world. To them every corporation is the boogeyman out to get them.

See what I mean?

Right... that's why I was already halfway through school when they closed the shop down. That's why I asked to be released early so I could focus on school. That's why I never put in a transfer. You really do invent your own reality don't you?

Well.... aren't you just the big conspiracy breaker.

No doubt. I know working for an airline is hard on your body and your social schedule. I am glad you make a decent living. I worked a "menial" job there myself for 12 years. No judgement here. I'm not saying don't pursue your career at American Airlines. I am only saying have an exit plan if it does not work out besides living on a pension from an employer that may go defunct and savings. I know you have a variety of retirement vehicles but YOU are the one that suggested drawing your pension early while you reassess . Hopefully that pension won't be negatively impacted if American happens to go bust.

HVAC is hot, dirty work. I used to work in construction so, I have seen the conditions those guys work under. I hope you are still physically able to do it after years of being a ramp employee. Also without any experience you are going to find it hard as a middle aged (or older) man to get a start when they can hire some 20 year old with lower expectations and cheaper pay without all the years of wear and tear. Also I worked in HVAC for a short time while being laid off at American. I leveraged my electrical background to get the job. He was on the fence as to hire me even with my past in the trades AND being far younger than you are (at the time I was in my 30's). Do you have any trade background?

I thought the employees I worked with at American Airlines were done dirty. If it could happen to us it could happen to any of you. Stabbed in the back by our own UNION that we PAID to represent us. The fact you show such loyalty to an entity I know through personal experience would stab you in the back in a second if it served their interest is truly concerning.

What the hell is wrong with you?
What the hell is wrong with you?
1. I can't stand liars and hypocrites and the TWU leadership/membership is plagued with both.

2. I know from experience that local leadership will stab you in the back and the international will turn a blind eye to it.

3. I hate how the TWU leadership insulates itself from the same rules they negotiate for the membership.

3. I hate to see people so loyal to the UNION when that loyalty is not reciprocated.

4. I feel the TWU culture cultivates entitlement and an inflated sense of self worth.

5. I resent I had to pay dues to a UNION that refused to represent my best interest.

Is that enough or you want more?