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Railroad Union Strike Threat Kneecapped by Biden

1. I can't stand liars and hypocrites and the TWU leadership/membership is plagued with both.

2. I know from experience that local leadership will stab you in the back and the international will turn a blind eye to it.

3. I hate how the TWU leadership insulates itself from the same rules they negotiate for the membership.

3. I hate to see people so loyal to the UNION when that loyalty is not reciprocated.

4. I feel the TWU culture cultivates entitlement and an inflated sense of self worth.

5. I resent I had to pay dues to a UNION that refused to represent my best interest.

Is that enough or you want more?

You’re a bitter obsessive. Good luck to you.
Does not mean what I said is not true.

Whatever you say Ahab.

Back on topic. The Biden Administration absolutely deserves “some” credit for their advocacy. But more so the Unions themselves who raised strong voices to what their main issues were.

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Here. This is short.

You don't work a complex job requiring an education or years of training, you work an entry level labor job that anybody can learn to do in a month's time.

If American Airlines ever cuts you loose you're f**ked.
In my experience, the louder the breakroom gasbag, the more they have to lose.

The same ones screaming “the time is now!” at the start of contract talks are often the first to cave once things heat up.
He’s anonymous here.
Good job undercutting your own point. There’s literally one person on this board that uses their real name, and unless it says “WeAAsles” on your SIDA badge, it ain’t you (or me).
In my experience, the louder the breakroom gasbag, the more they have to lose.

The same ones screaming “the time is now!” at the start of contract talks are often the first to cave once things heat up.

Good job undercutting your own point. There’s literally one person on this board that uses their real name, and unless it says “WeAAsles” on your SIDA badge, it ain’t you (or me).

When you take a swipe at me I know who you are in real life, ditto when I swipe at you. Same thing with E. We also all know for a fact that the 3 of us are “current” Airline Employees. And I’ve said my name on this Forum a few times. P.S. I’ve seen this “anonymous” individuals gripe at lease a 100+ times now over the years ad nauseam. He was done wrong by the circumstances he found himself in. But all it is with him is an unending obsessive “argument” because he can’t accept that.

And honestly he’s the only one anywhere on any social media pages that still brings it up. He stands alone on a hill.

AA had a Bankruptcy, the Employees were forced to make cuts and the Mechanics chose to cut him and his coworkers. I am sorry that that choice was made but it was the Mechanics who made it. My Fleet vote had nothing to do with him.
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In my experience, the louder the breakroom gasbag, the more they have to lose.

The same ones screaming “the time is now!” at the start of contract talks are often the first to cave once things heat up.

How much of a personal experience did you even have as a member of a Union since you lost yours back now 18 years ago? Yes you went through the NWA story but you didn’t have a lot of time with them at that time if I recall correctly?
Back on topic. The Biden Administration absolutely deserves “some” credit for their advocacy. But more so the Unions themselves who raised strong voices to what their main issues were.

Try again to get back on topic?
How much of a personal experience did you even have as a member of a Union since you lost yours back now 18 years ago? Yes you went through the NWA story but you didn’t have a lot of time with them at that time if I recall correctly?
That's some terrible math (and history).

The dismissal verdict came just a few days after I completed my 13th year of service. At this point, I still have more time represented than I do at-will. We'll hit the 50/50 mark towards the end of this year.
That's some terrible math (and history).

The dismissal verdict came just a few days after I completed my 13th year of service. At this point, I still have more time represented than I do at-will. We'll hit the 50/50 mark towards the end of this year.

I got confused from when you went Bankrupt (2005) to when you lost your union (2010)

BTW those Gasbags and the ones screaming “Contract Now” are trying to motivate the slugs who just sit on their asses doing nothing but complaining. Without them you actually might as well work for Delta or JetBlue anyway. If you can’t lift a finger of effort why in the world should anything be handed to you? You don’t deserve it.
Seems that the guys at DL are doing just fine without needing the middleman. The company is doing more to take care of its employees than the unions are at other airlines.

And good for CSX on working out an agreement outside the S.6 process.
Seems that the guys at DL are doing just fine without needing the middleman. The company is doing more to take care of its employees than the unions are at other airlines.

You should take this down to the Delta thread. Otherwise “financially” I can’t argue against the increase Delta is providing. I still wouldn’t exchange my Contract for any of those raises however.

And good for CSX on working out an agreement outside the S.6 process.

Seems that the guys at DL are doing just fine without needing the middleman. The company is doing more to take care of its employees than the unions are at other airlines.

And good for CSX on working out an agreement outside the S.6 process.
Guess you forgot the Pilots and dispatchers are unionized.

Seems their pilots do very well.
Guess you forgot the Pilots and dispatchers are unionized.

Seems their pilots do very well.

That is correct. The Pilots who are represented by a Union are voting on far more than 5%

“If pilots approve the proposed agreement, they will receive an 18% pay rise on the day the contract is signed, followed by a 5% increase one year later, and then 4% increases in each of the subsequent two years. They will also receive a one-off bonus payment of 4% of their salary received from 2020 and 2021, plus 14% of their 2022 pay”

Eolesen also forgets that for about a year Delta Ramp agents were being paid 4% less than their counterparts at AA. Not to also mention that cut in hours Delta forced on their employees.

Currently though at this moment they will now be going above us.

Again “currently”
AA had a Bankruptcy, the Employees were forced to make cuts and the Mechanics chose to cut him and his coworkers. I am sorry that that choice was made but it was the Mechanics who made it. My Fleet vote had nothing to do with him.
What you are saying literally makes no sense. Mechanics did not vote on our (our as at the time I was working there) contract. Fleet Service UNION officers Sam and Debbie were the ones "encouraging" the TULE Fleet Service membership to vote on a concessionary contract.

Speaking of Debbie Tiller it seems she has passed on.

But all it is with him is an unending obsessive “argument” because he can’t accept that.

And honestly he’s the only one anywhere on any social media pages that still brings it up. He stands alone on a hill.
Why should I accept it? Nobody should ever accept injustice.
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