Chip if you read the section 1113 motion, they are seeking an additional $5.1 million in concessions from the employees, not the union.
Read this
After the company filed for bankruptcy protection on August 11th, US Airways presented District 141-M with another proposal, the 1113 proposal (also referred to as the post-petition proposal), which contained terms that are substantially worse than the proposal that is currently before the membership for ratification. This proposal is not being voted on by the membership, but is what US Airways intends to present to the bankruptcy court judge if their current proposal is rejected.
The 1113 proposal calls for the following …
Wage Rates
Wages to be cut by 19% retroactive to July 1st through April 1, 2003 (i.e. top of scale base rate for mechanics goes to $21.08). After that, the scale will be set at rates 6.8% below current rates through July 1, 2004 (i.e. top of scale mechanic rate goes to $23.84). Wage rates will increase by 2% on July 1 of 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 and will increase by 5% in 2008.
Scope changes
Changes will be made to the collective bargaining agreement to permit outsourcing of work as necessary.
Receipt and dispatch duties will be performed by Fleet Service employees at all but 7 stations.
Utility work will be performed by Fleet Service employees at all but 7 stations.
In addition to these terms, the 1113 proposal includes the same terms as the proposal before the membership with respect to forgoing future license increases, elimination of the paid lunch, uniform cleaning, 3% lump-sum payment, pension accrual for furloughed employees, as well as the changes to bumping and bidding, and vacation scheduling. In other words, it takes the proposal currently before the membership, pulls out the changes to vacation and holidays and substitutes changes that are much more painful in economic terms and that would seriously jeopardize our members’ job security by gutting our scope clause.
These terms clearly reflect what the company truly wants in the way of concessions and what they would prefer to have if they did not have to negotiate with the IAM – a 19% wage reduction retroactive to July 1st through April 1. 2003.
Here is the link.
Chip you really need to research things before you make posts, post facts not your opinions and assumptions