The mini-me you are referring to (MDA F/O SN) was hand-picked by Ebola to be the ALG chief pilot, a spot he held until his repeated abuse of his brother and sister ALG ALPA pilots became to much for the DO to handle, at which time he was demoted to asst. chief pilot. Previously, he and two other company men in the ALG training department had refused to sign a letter authored by over 20 ALG instrutors, written to the ALG director of training, who threatened to withhold their services until such time that he granted them industry standard schedules and pay. He and two other company invertebrates broke ranks. and refused to sign the letter, only to have the other 20 trade unionists prevail, which resulted in he and his fellow company men enjoying the benefit of the others' solidarity. He was later rewarded with the Chief Pilot position. And now he is leading the fight for solidarity running the picket line for MDA?.
Can you say SCAB?
Check your six!