Question For Little


Dec 21, 2002
In Little's victory speech, he says he extends his hand to AMFA supporters.


Please explain where The TWU had any part in these decisions?
TWU does not set guidelines for the NMB and no one will be changing title groups.

NMB ruling; United Airlines, 22NMB 12 (1994), United Airlines, 28 NMB 533 (2001), and American West Airlines, 22 NMB 12 (1994), to support its contention that employees whose predominant function is cabin or lavatory service are part of the Mechanic and Related Employees craft and class.

“American states that it erroneously omitted these individuals from the listâ€￾

Therefore, the 1167 names on Attachment O will be added to the list.
All of the Amfa wannabes are welcome to become involved and participate in the Day to Day functions of the TWU. I believe you will find out, it is a different world when you are actually helping a fellow member and being held accountable for your decissions.
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Where were these names when Kasher was ruling on the TWA/AA merger seniority issue?

CIO: Since you have the "in" with respect to Little and the TWU, please tell me how Little is going to "extend" his hand to us AMFA supporters?

Please tell me how he's gonna "fight" to get back all we lost?

Does he mean in 2008 where he undoubtedly will no longer be around?

Tell me CIO, what exactly is Little gonna get back for us?

He has isolated the line stations because all he needs are the sheep in Tulsa.

Since 1983, the TWU has given mechanics' work away to line carge and cabin service with the pushbacks and deicing. They allowed the creation of the SRP?

Did that create and perserve mechanics jobs, CIO?

NO! it created and perserved jobs for line cargo and cabin service.

How much do you want to bet that AA will begin closing some Class 2 stations and Little will sit by idly thinking to himself, "SCREW THE LINE MECHANICS, THEY WERE ALL AMFA ANYWAY!"
Please explain where The TWU had any part in these decisions?

The TWU is the reason the issue is even before us. The division of the membership and the concessions to the company.
Checking it Out Posted: Jun 18 2004, 12:50 PM
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Please explain where The TWU had any part in these decisions?
TWU does not set guidelines for the NMB and no one will be changing title groups.

NMB ruling; United Airlines, 22NMB 12 (1994), United Airlines, 28 NMB 533 (2001), and American West Airlines, 22 NMB 12 (1994), to support its contention that employees whose predominant function is cabin or lavatory service are part of the Mechanic and Related Employees craft and class.

“American states that it erroneously omitted these individuals from the listâ€￾

Therefore, the 1167 names on Attachment O will be added to the list.
The TWU is the Best Choice in Representation! Get the Facts! Learn the Truth!

Again, we get to the real question: unlike the cases cited above, the functions of Title II Cabin service v. Title III, FSC Cabin Bid and Title IV Fueling v. Title III, FSC Fueling Bid are factually different at AA versus the way those departments functioned at other carriers.

I) Cabin Service - Occupational Seniority and Predominance of the Work:

Since the 1995 contract, Article 11 of the Maintenance & Related contract has a defined position for Title II Cabin Service. After the concessions negotiations, the TWU still has Maintenance & Related Title II Cabin Service that is ONLY allowed to function on the aircraft, they are not part of the Ramp Overtime sheet nor are they allowed to bid out of their position to the ramp or air cargo without losing all occupational seniority. Further, the Title II Cabin Service pay steps are altogether different with the Title II Cabin Cleaner "topping-out" at a substantially lower rate of pay than the Title III, FSC Cabin Bid whose pay steps are the exact same as other Title III FSC bidding the ramp or air-cargo.

The predominance of the work belongs to the Title II Cabin Serviceman prior to being proffered to the Title III, FSC Cabin Bid.

The Title III, FSC Cabin Bid are allowed to cross-over bid from cabins to the ramp and to air-cargo and keep their occupational seniority and regularly work overtime on the ramp. Factor in the elimination of RON cabins in the majority of the system and fewer Title III, FSC Cabin Bids are in existence much less potentially eligible.

Therefore there is a factual difference in the scope of the work, the functional departments to which these employees belong and their pay and status when moving between departments.

II) Fueling- Occupational Seniority and Predominance of the Work:
The Maintenance & Related contract, again in Article 11, maintains a classification description for Fuelers. Although the Fuelers were recently allowed to begin accruing dual Seniority in Title III, FSC, they are not allowed to use their full Seniority to cross-over bid into Cabins, Ramp or Air-Cargo and they are only allowed to use that dual time for the proffer of ramp overtime while Title III, FSC Fuelers are allowed to use their full seniority for both the cross-over bid to the ramp, cabins and air-cargo and the proffer of overtime.

The predominance of the work belongs to the Title IV Fueler prior to being proffered to the Title III, FSC Fueling Bid.

However, the Title IV Fuelers always bid shifts and days off before the Title III, FSC Fuelers and a Title III, FSC Fueler cannot hold a Bid or Acting Crew Chief position if any Title IV Fueler is on that shift.

Alternatively, if a Title III, FSC Fueler Crew Chief wishes to bid outside of his department; all of his occupational seniority is good while only the dual portion of a Title IV Fueler is allowed to carry over.

Confusing, yeah.

But these were decisions of the TWU ATD and the Presidents Council playing Solomon with Employee Jobs. The majority of those in Title II Cabins and Title IV Fueling would have gladly been accreted into Title III FSC when the decisions were made but the FSC Local Presidents refused to follow the principle: you to take all the people and their time if you take the work.

The TWU and the TWU Presidents Council created a punitive system separating the classifications but now wish to claim that they are all alike.

In fact they are very different:
A) There are differences in Pay;
B) There are differences in Seniority;
C) There are differences in Overtime;
D) There are differences in Assignments;
E) There are differences in Bidding.

Reliance on past decisions requires that the facts in this case are the same as those other cases; else, they are not precedent setting. With the differences cited above, there is no precedent involved and in this case, and in my honest opinion, the phrase, "Potentially Eligible Voter," is as usefull as the phrase, "sort-of pregnant."
Checking it Out said:
All of the Amfa wannabes are welcome to become involved and participate in the Day to Day functions of the TWU. I believe you will find out, it is a different world when you are actually helping a fellow member and being held accountable for your decissions.
Now is that a false invitation or what?

And since when are Little , Gless and Yingst held "accountable"?
Read 28 NMB 533 (2001).

With apology to Randy Travis:

I'm diggin' up bones, I'm diggin' up bones;
Exhuming TWU things best left alone:
I'm resurrecting facts Hennessy did not claim to own;
Yeah, tonight I'm sittin' at the 'puter diggin' up bones.
Checking it Out said:
“American states that it erroneously omitted these individuals from the listâ€￾

Therefore, the 1167 names on Attachment O will be added to the list.
You see twuer this is just the problem we as AMFA supporters are fighting to stop.
You think just because the company says it, it is gospel and has to be done. Here is a news flash for you buddy THE COMPANY HAS LIED TO YOU AND ALL OF US ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hey twuer participate in what? I haven't found one Twscrew local 514 officer who can or is willing to answer the questions I have ? Why does Gless still get paid by the company? How can AA increase regional careers by 42 percent in two years and Twscrew not greve the violation of our contract scope? Why does AA pay Twscrew 3 mil a year? What gave Twscrew the right to eleminate local officers recall. Why would AA mechanics tell there members they can change a union where we are a 5% minority at best. I am ready to participate I will change this wreck in to a useful tool of the members. Can I get my 100K plus pay check now? How much AA stock does Randy own and when did he buy it? Why does Twscrews constitution say we don’t have the right to vote but the privilege to vote ? Why can Sonny Hall override a majority vote of the members. What days of the week do you say your prayers to the Twu gods? Wake up the cool aid is poisoned . Good luck on the elections Randy. See ya in the boiler room RD Rick. :up:
Mark Inman said:
Hey twuer participate in what? I haven't found one Twscrew local 514 officer who can or is willing to answer the questions I have ? Why does Gless still get paid by the company? How can AA increase regional careers by 42 percent in two years and Twscrew not greve the violation of our contract scope? Why does AA pay Twscrew 3 mil a year? What gave Twscrew the right to eleminate local officers recall. Why would AA mechanics tell there members they can change a union where we are a 5% minority at best. I am ready to participate I will change this wreck in to a useful tool of the members. Can I get my 100K plus pay check now? How much AA stock does Randy own and when did he buy it? Why does Twscrews constitution say we don’t have the right to vote but the privilege to vote ? Why can Sonny Hall override a majority vote of the members. What days of the week do you say your prayers to the Twu gods? Wake up the cool aid is poisoned . Good luck on the elections Randy. See ya in the boiler room RD Rick. :up:
Apparently Gless is not the only one.

The Company claimed they were giving the TWU $3.1 million in financial Aid. Who got these monies?

Well apparently who ever the company wanted to give it to. Probably the more cooperative the local the more financial Aid they got. Thats some way to run a union, allow the company to fund it at their discretion.

We had two guys, Bobby Gless and Levere Deane on company paid UB, both coincidentally are International officials now, neither was reelected by the members, Bobby dropped out to take the International spot when it became apparent he was not going to win and Deane lost to Chuck. But, when Chuck was voted in the company knocked it down to one guy. Now that Chuck is gone, and the new President is retired from AA they just pay 40 hours of lost time to whoever the Local tells them to. Nice isnt it? Nothing like having a union that has a better relationship with the company than the members do! Sure the treasury is going up, but at what price? Does that really need an answer?

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