Question about total of UsAir f/as


Apr 15, 2003
How many total flight attendants at UsAir/America West?

What is the most junior seniority at both?

If there was a merger which Union would you vote for, AFA or APFA?

Just curious! Good Luck to all involved!
Number 1 most Senior Based in DCA has over 50 years of service
Number 2 Based in CLT do not know how many years but I would guess about the
Number 3,4,5 based in DCA
Most Senior Person in PHL is #8 in total seniority

Don not know the PHX numbers.... The most senior was hired in August 1983 or so I think..... Someone from PHX would have to tell those numbers, as we dont have a published combined seniority list available to us yet. It exists but not published to us yet.

Amount of f/a's as of July 1

CLT 2,371
PHL. 2,270
DCA 400

Total on the East Coast 5, 041

Again, I am sorry don't have the PHX base numbers
Maybe a PHX person could help out here?
Just FYI from the AA side of the equation.

According to a document on the APFA website, as of 2/3/12, there were 16,337 American flight attendants. This does not include any American Eagle f/as (I think they are AFA.)

The #1 f/a was hired in Oct., 1958. The #2 in Nov., 1958. Then there is a "huge" gap. The #3 started in July, 1960. You have to get to #392 to find a f/a with a hire date in the 1970's. #392 started in January, 1970.

The company re-shuffles the seniority list every year in June to remove those who have left--quit, died, retired, got fired. So, there will be a more accurate list sometime next month.

The most junior "regular" f/a has a hire date in June, 2001. That f/a along with approx. 200 others just senior to him/her are still on furlough. There are 28 Mandarin speakers that are junior to that f/a, but who are active. Under an LOA with the union, they were hired out of seniority so that the company could increase China service. The agreement states that if there is a furlough they are first to go, and they will never be senior to the people who are still on the furlough list to be recalled.

Of course, as at US Airways, not all of those on the active seniority list are actually active--if you know what I mean. According to the union, we have over 200 f/as on the "active" list who have not flown a trip in over 10 years. There are at least 1,000 who haven't flown a trip in years, but it's been less than 10 years. The bankruptcy term sheet that the company has proposed would eliminate this idiosyncrasy because every f/a would have to fly a minimum of 200 flight hours/year on a rolling 12-month basis "in order to maintain employment." Under our current scheduling system, that would be approx. one 3-day trip/month.

We already have to fly a minimum of 420 hours/year on a rolling 12-month basis (average of 35 hrs/month) in order to receive company-paid benefits--like insurance. The bankruptcy term sheet proposes increasing this to an average of 45 hrs/month.

Hope this sheds some light on the topic.
Yes... we too have a lot of f/a's who are still on this list who have been out for years and years... The number I posted include those, as well. I would have to go in an manually count those, and our list does not say why or how long they have been out or plant to stay out. I just know particular names, that are still Based in DCA that I know have not been active in at least 12-15 years if not more.... I am not sure why they can still be here?
To help put things in perspective, I am flying this month with a f/a who has 24+ years with AA. Her seniority number is approx. 8300! She is back on reserve for June at DFW!!! Thank goodness we only have to serve reserve 3 months/year.
PHX here.
Total number of F/A's in Base as of May,20
PHX- 2433
Perspective here, just hit my 27 year on May 11 and my base seniority is 201

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