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QC off the b checks

1AA said:
Well lets see here.... DFW,ORD,MIA,JFK,LAX all fly the 777 and have hangars to work on them. All Class 1 stations and all represented by the same Transcontinental TWU self appointed local of 591. So what is the problem? I am sure if the membership complains or asks the good ole TWU in DFW to look into it the answers will range from They can do that brother or maybe we are all in the same local.
this issue becomes an issue of support between stations under the same local.
Well, now since MIA got the I check and DWH got the B check, maybe us here at DFW can have the Holiday off instead of forcing us all to work it, which our almighty powerful Local 591 was impotent to change.
591 created more inhouse fighting. Sometime way before I was born it was the company against the union, then came Tulsa against the line stations. Now it is Tulsa against the line stations and the line stations against the lines stations. So to connect the dots here we have a maze of division. Company, union, Tulsa, Line stations, line stations against line stations and the grand finally is the line stations and Tulsa against the TWU International.
Usually when trying to figure out the numbers you come up with a common denominator.
In this case there is NO common denominator so the only solution is to throw out all the factors and start over again with a better solution. You always look for a balance of even numbers. As they say odd man out.
TWU = 3 (company,union and division)
AMFA = 4 (Title 1,title 2, transparency and craft unionism)
We have a winner folks.
Fill out an AMFA card and lets keep things even.
1AA said:
591 created more inhouse fighting. Sometime way before I was born it was the company against the union, then came Tulsa against the line stations. Now it is Tulsa against the line stations and the line stations against the lines stations. So to connect the dots here we have a maze of division. Company, union, Tulsa, Line stations, line stations against line stations and the grand finally is the line stations and Tulsa against the TWU International.
Usually when trying to figure out the numbers you come up with a common denominator.
In this case there is NO common denominator so the only solution is to throw out all the factors and start over again with a better solution. You always look for a balance of even numbers. As they say odd man out.
TWU = 3 (company,union and division)
AMFA = 4 (Title 1,title 2, transparency and craft unionism)
We have a winner folks.
Fill out an AMFA card and lets keep things even.
On the AMFA formula you have to back out Title 2. AMFA completely gave up on Title 2 at NWA. Title 2 knows this and that is why hardly any of them would sign cards in 2004, 2012, and now.
So the score is even then.
Overspeed said:
On the AMFA formula you have to back out Title 2. AMFA completely gave up on Title 2 at NWA. Title 2 knows this and that is why hardly any of them would sign cards in 2004, 2012, and now.
So the score is even then.
Incorrect, don't lie, AMFA never gave the Title 2 guys since all of the mechanics were on the same seniority list. That is the way it was at NW under the IAM.
AMFA never changed it since to do that it would have to be voted on. AMFA never made that as a voting issue to shed them.
Just like at CAL, UAL, USAirways, even at SWA since they were IBT, still that way. Auto mechanics make more at SWA than a A&P Mechanic here at AA. 
AA is the only carrier I know of that has a seperate Title group for the Automotive/Facilities/Utility mechanics. Thats a TWU thing and it will remain unless we the membership make it a voted issue to join the seniority list, which I don't think we here at AA would do so don't make it a AMFA will screw the Title 2 guys think just to spread your BS.
Unless you have time in that title group you just can't bump them. So I claim BS on YOU.
Overspeed said:
On the AMFA formula you have to back out Title 2. AMFA completely gave up on Title 2 at NWA. Title 2 knows this and that is why hardly any of them would sign cards in 2004, 2012, and now.
So the score is even then.
You mean like the TWU is doing here..http://www.airlineforums.com/topic/57260-tul-mechs/?p=1099909
Yea I agree with you..
Loss of VC, reduced sick time accrual, 1/2 sick pay, a penny or two for shift premium, yea that is really taking care of Title 1 at AA under the TWU. Like you have room to talk about the TWU here at AA. Strength in numbers but not in our favor.  You will not admit our own problems and have to look outside at the past. No effort in fixing our issues. Did you ever stop to think this is why we continuously try to make changes within ourselves? The TWU won't and the company knows it. Tell us how great the TWU has been, oh wait you can't but you can go and reference other airlines and unions failures but not their accomplishments.