To answer your question: PSA is planning on hiring another (min)250 to the upwards of 300-400 more FA's if they are scheduled to take delivery on all of the CRJ-200 and the 25 CRJ-700 dual class a/c that requires 2 FA's.
As we speak, there is a completed CRJ-700 in the plant in Montreal awaiting delievery to PSA in Dayton. It was completed and built to USAirways and PSA specifications. Not rumor, call them if you like. As for the routes? PSA is currently using the new aircraft in DAY, DCA, LGA, RIC, PIT, AVP, YOW, CAK, PHL and a few more i do believe. New cities include: MKE. CLE, BNA, ATL and several others. They are expanding to the west of the Mississippi very soon and holding open interviews for people in ATL. 22 FA's will be based in PHL and no news of any current bases being closed. CAK and DAY of course are the two best economic choices for the maitainance and crew bases-and all of USAiways Express. I firmly believe that without CAK and the city of DAY, things would be entirely different right now. The hanger which can hold 3 dornier and 3 CRJ's (high wing low wing configuration) in CAK, is almost free for PSA (1.00 a year, up until a few years back), and the City of Dayton has helped in a tremendous way to Airways group and Bombardier. (training centers, hotels, leases, ect.) I hope that PSA expands and DS will allow for them to take more and more routes from MESA, to keep the money within the company. Mainline has complete jurisdiction of PSA and keeps close tabs on their daily operations. Hope they continue to perform and the jets get to them sooner.......then later.