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PSA Customer Svc Stations

Mar 17, 2006
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Can anyone please provide any insite on what is going on with PSA is reguards to reassigning PSA stations over to Piedmont? Is PSA or Piedmont going to be sold to Mesa, given to Air Wisconsin, or what? There are only 2 PSA customer service stations left (TRI and AVL). I know Doug Parker said that nothing was going to change with the wholly owned carriers, but it has. Piedmont has taken over all of PSA's customer service stations except for 2. That sounds like change to me.

A Mesa insider recently told me that since they are the ground and air operators for America West Express that they are in the process of aquiring Piedmont and plan to run the Express operation on both coasts.

Another insider also added that PSA's CRJs and crews were to go to Air Wisconsin for their contribution/investment in the new company.

Can anyone provide any insight?

I thought part of the reason for the conversion was because of the lapsed contract for the PSA ground workers. Stations couldn't get staffing having a top out pay of $10.42. While I think PSA has better health insurance, PDT's beginning and top out rates are higher. Did PIT Express convert to PDT also?
well for piedmont, the top out is 12.50 an hr. for a new hire, it comes after 21 yrs. for experience, i believe it depends on the company with doing a audit i could be wrong though. i have heard that pi already has taken over pit psa ops
well for piedmont, the top out is 12.50 an hr. for a new hire, it comes after 21 yrs. for experience, i believe it depends on the company with doing a audit i could be wrong though. i have heard that pi already has taken over pit psa ops
Robbedagain, if you work for Piedmont, you have been misinformed, and, therefore your post is misleading. Piedmont starts at $8.00 and after a $.60 increase at 6 mos, you are making $8.60. On your annual anniversary you will receive a merit increase of 2%-6%. If you receive the minimum, you would reach $12.50 after 19 years. If you receive the maximum, you would be at $12.50 after 7 years.

Although the raise is merit, it is based on your personnel file. You start at 2% and points are added based on your annual proficiency test score, attendance, and whether or not you have any corrective actions for safety or policy violations.

Not quite as bad as saying it will take 21 yrs to reach $12.50.
Here's a dumb question: Why, at this point, do the wholly owned affiliates have separate contracts? Why would an agent at PSA make more or less than an agent at PDT?!
Here's a dumb question: Why, at this point, do the wholly owned affiliates have separate contracts? Why would an agent at PSA make more or less than an agent at PDT?!
They are still separate company's. PSA is union, Piedmont is not, hence the different pay rates.
Did PIT Express convert to PDT also?

Well, anyone? Bueller? Has PSA lost the PIT USE contract?
Last time I checked in SABRE under N*PITNBR, it listed PSA as the USE customer service personnel in PIT. If this has changed, someone please advise.
Well, anyone? Bueller? Has PSA lost the PIT USE contract?
Last time I checked in SABRE under N*PITNBR, it listed PSA as the USE customer service personnel in PIT. If this has changed, someone please advise.

It was my understanding that mainline agents have taken(or will be taking) over the customer svc/gate functions at PIT and that all PSA agents were relocated to the ramp. That was a rumor from a pilot that flys there with some frequency.

Has anyone heard anything about Mesa or Air Wisconsin taking/buying/or being awarded Piedmont or PSA? If so let us know 'cause some of us will apply with and move to a mainline station.

Thanks to all of you for your imput. It's greatly appreciated! 😀
Hopefully not Mesa... Air Willy combined with PDT and PSA seems like it would be a really good airline with one consistant brand rather than the mish mash of express carriers they have now.

Either way hope for the best for the often forgotten US Airways wholly owned employees.
those of us who stayed during the transition from USAIR to Piedmont were automatically given 10.66 based on our years of experience at USAIR. About 8 or so of us stayed and We have been making 10.66 an hr ever since June 2005. But what I am saying is is that for a new hire to reach 21 yrs to see 12.50 an hr. That is based on merit. I could nt think of the word last night. therefore my post really isnt misleading.
How long had you been with mainline? At my station, those that were topped out with mainline, were automatically topped out with PDT. While they haven't had a raise since 2001, they at least were at the 12.50. Is it different now? Or is it different because you are just ramp?
How long had you been with mainline? At my station, those that were topped out with mainline, were automatically topped out with PDT. While they haven't had a raise since 2001, they at least were at the 12.50. Is it different now? Or is it different because you are just ramp?
I was two yrs away from top out at mainline before we became mainline express. once then I was close to the MLE of 13.01 an hr. But for the 7 others they were already topped out as they had more than ten yrs of service. We became PI on June 6th of 2005. They only offered us 10.66 an hr for the experience. We havent heard when we will even get a merit let alone a raise. We were mainline up to end of day on June 5th 2005. We had a lot of fellows topped out and they are not happy to be Pi with 10.66 an hr. As for me I am just going to ride it out until my son is finished getting development delay help at his elementary school then transfer to BWI and go to SWA.
those of us who stayed during the transition from USAIR to Piedmont were automatically given 10.66 based on our years of experience at USAIR. About 8 or so of us stayed and We have been making 10.66 an hr ever since June 2005. But what I am saying is is that for a new hire to reach 21 yrs to see 12.50 an hr. That is based on merit. I could nt think of the word last night. therefore my post really isnt misleading.

If you were hired in June 2005, then you should get an annual evaluation from your manager or supervisor in June 2006. Your raise will be between 2%and 6%, depending upon you eval.

For a new hire, the longest (at 2%) it would take someone to reach $12.50 would be 19 yrs, not 21. If you got the highest (at 6%) it would take a new hire only 7 yrs to reach $12.50. Just not sure where you get the 21 yrs from.
I couldnt remember where the 21 yrs came from I just thought of it. Sorry about it