insp89 said:
Why, thank you for "allowing" me to disagree with you.
Hey, it wasn't about permission. Sheesh.
I have to say I'm a little disappointed in you, Knowing that you are a "numbers" man, I noticed that you resorted to statments such as "about $10 dollars" and "in most markets".
It takes more computing horsepower than I have at my disposal to do effective fare comparisons. Not that I haven't tried. Nonetheless, check out the fare buckets that Travelocity shows for markets where there is competition with TZ and HP. You'll see what I mean.
I respectfully stand behind my previous post.. We are seeing fundamental changes in the way airlines "globally" do business,
No argument there. It's when you add this:
Most of those amenties you speak of are sadly going by the wayside due to the vast majority of passengers will not pay for them.
that I start to differ in opinion. Look, people were ready to suggest that inflight entertainment was something passengers weren't willing to pay for, but somehow B6 manages to offer it at a profit. As I said before, people will pay
some more for extra amenities (at least, people who travel with any degree of frequency). The once-a-decade travelers will always go for the cheapest fare, because to them the airlines are all the same.
I would like to know "WHY" you choose to fly on U when the fare is $10 dollars lower on another carrier ? [although I'm glad you do].
For me, it's because I have traveled on many airlines, and I recognize the differences among them. My last experience on HP was in coach on an A320. Far and away the worst experience I have ever had in terms of seat pitch. Horribly uncomfortable. I'm perfectly willing to pay $10 to escape that. Incidentally, my experience on US's 737s was close to that bad, though the 319/320/321 is decent.
But I'll be frank...the differences are diminishing, and it is really getting close to the point where I'll have little choice but to choose based on fare. If that's all that differentiates the airlines, what other reason would I possibly have?