Correct, East suffered previously. Are you going to say that HP, the lowest paid in the industry since its *inception* due to a revenue lacking route structure, did NOT suffer???Look, we know you all suffered back east under the old days of USAir.
I understand that.
But, damn, are you ever gonna get over it and move forward?
Yeah, life sucked, and you almost shut down which would have been real bad.
But there is an airline, there is a future, but if you carry around all your victimhood and anger, the airline has no chance, because nothing will ever be good enough.
I'm sorry life sucked, we get it at HP, we heard it a million times, focus on a positive future instead of constantly complaining about the past.
Its just a job
We are not trying to make it W v E, we are simply saying that West should have received their own negotiated form of reward/ profit sharing in the deal, instead of enjoying our share which was extracted over 3, yes 3, concessionary contracts. It comes down to a lack of spine on the part of our MECP, nothing to do with the rank and file FA on East or West. Please do not misunderstand the direction of frustration.
Does that help?Please point out the point that you're pointing to.