Point one is hard to argue with. 1) your EAST side sold you out by agreeing to "share" with the WEST. Point two is hard to swalow (2)the west did not ask for your profit sharing.given your statements in point three.3)Both EAST and WEST will take "ANY" monies that the airline will give to them. Which is human nature for beings that have been shafted out of their pay and benefits previously. It is "THEM" (management and the union) not the "employee".
When Unions and management Cooperate with each other the dues paying members need to get out the K-Y and that's why I'm sticking my nose in where frankly it doesn't belong. To me Union Leaders and Company Managers are one in the same, One Theodora Xidas excepted! It's the average Joe or Jane that I side with.
Ref point (2):I have no knowledge that the West asked to "share" the profits that the East's contract provides. Ref point (3): Have you ever heard of anyone telling any company to keep the extra income given by the company that would not result in finance taking the money back at a later date? I think not, because it is a windfall and if the company puts it in your check, you will cash the check.
Until the EAST and WEST can put aside the petty squabbling, the COMPANY wins every time.
IMHO the COMPANY is going to drag its heels and do nothing until it is forced to act by all employees (which isn't likely) and two years from now, we will be in the same situation.