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Professionals At Work.

New photos of New York State Police AMTs have been posted on the "Faces Behind Safety" link at WWW.AMTAUSA.COM. This link is enabling the AMTA to show the public exactly who some of the men and women are that are not seen or thought of but will always remain vigilant in their responsibilities of providing airworthy aircraft.

If you know of anyone who would be eligible to be added to this link please contact me. To educate the public a voice will be needed. Will you lend your voice?
The AMTA web site, WWW.AMTAUSA.COM, has been updated with another recipient of the Charles E. Taylor Master Mechanic Award, photos of more AMTs who are the "Faces Behind Safety" and the Canadian National AME Day Resolution.

Mr. Ed Kaston has been added to the "Pride & Honor" link. Ed earned his recognition over more than 50 years as an AMT. Read about how he helped maintain F-86 aircraft that fought against Communist China!

AMT Dave Mooney provides photos of the mechanics who maintain racing aircraft on the "Faces Behind Safety" link. Thanks to Dave people will be able to see and understand that there is yet another aspect to which today's AMTs meet the challenges of providing safe, airworthy aircraft.

The Canadian National AME Day Resolution took a big step forward with Mr. Mervin C. Tweed, MP, contacting Minister Cannon and voicing his support for this over due resolution. With the US National AMT Day Resolution waiting to go before Congress for a vote and the Canadian National AME Day Resolution gaining internal support throughout Canada it will be interesting to see which resolution passes first!

Donations for the USAFA and Southwest Airlines bronze busts of Charles E. Taylor are still being accepted. Plans for other busts are in the work too. As always, I thank you for your support in the AMTA! Sincerely, Kenneth MacTiernan Director AMTA