Let me see if I have this straight. From behind an alias you make the claim that I "walk on water". I also claim that my classification is the only one that keeps an airline in the air. Right?
Thanks for the opportunity to educate someone about the AMTA. That would be you twaokc.
At NO TIME have I ever said that my classification is the ONLY one needed to run an airline. If you were actually able to read above a grade school level AND comprehend what you read longer than it takes to watch a Looney Tunes cartoon you would not be so ignorant in your posts on this BB.
I have said ALL ALONG that the AMT craft & profession, be it mechanics that maintain commercial, military, government, private, corporate, civil service, cargo, etc. aircraft, has been for too long been over looked and taken for granted. I am trying to change the perspective that OUR responsibilities are looked at by the public.
After more than 100 years of aviation I feel it is time that the public become more aware of the knowledge, skill & integrity that each AMT possess. Starting with the "Father of Aircraft Maintenance", you know, aviation's original "Unsung Hero", was a good place to start. Just go to WWW.AMTAUSA.COM.
Perhaps you might think about this when the aircraft you are flying on rotates into the air.