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What's the matter ken, having a little trouble with twaokc?
He may recognize that Charlie was a skilled craftsman. Who was a Machinist! With your posts you "lack to acknowledge him for what he was", and this leaves room for scrutiny.

This gives way to the suggestion that the poster may be trying to capitalize upon the accomplishments of others to better their position.

Honor Charlie if you will. But you need to recognize the man for what he was, and for what he has done for the career of the AMT...... 😉

Really ken, It is called "Back to the Basics".... 😀
high speed are you feeling a little insecure? Comparing Charles Taylor with the machinists in an (air conditioned) shop in tulsa is like comparing a sparrow hawk to an eagle but yes we get your point. Machinists are important too.
"Honor Charlie if you will. But you need to recognize the man for what he was, and for what he has done for the career of the AMT......"

What did Charlie do? He created an engine, by hand, which enabled the Wright's to put the POWER in controlled, POWERED flight. He enabled mankind to shrink the world.

What did Charlie do for the career of the AMT? He created it by being the FIRST aircraft mechanic. He not only built the first engines for the Wright Flyer he also built many of the parts for the Flyer itself.

Oh, and by the way, thanks for the concern you think I might have with twaokc. No problem here. Unless of course he attempts to repair an aircraft. It's a shame to see your insecurities are still with you.
"Honor Charlie if you will. But you need to recognize the man for what he was, and for what he has done for the career of the AMT......"

What did Charlie do? He created an engine, by hand, which enabled the Wright's to put the POWER in controlled, POWERED flight. He enabled mankind to shrink the world.

What did Charlie do for the career of the AMT? He created it by being the FIRST aircraft mechanic. He not only built the first engines for the Wright Flyer he also built many of the parts for the Flyer itself.

Oh, and by the way, thanks for the concern you think I might have with twaokc. No problem here. Unless of course he attempts to repair an aircraft. It's a shame to see your insecurities are still with you.

That was a little better. So you agree that you must create it, before you can maintain it....Hmmmmmm 😉

No insecurities here. Got the TWU on my side :up:
Who is this guy? Hope he's not the DC10 ORD "forklift" mechanic.

Cheap shot.

Uninformed shot, too.

You need to do a little studying on that incident if you think it was a mechanic with a forklift that was the cause of the crash.

You will find that it was management behind the shortcut that cracked the tombstone. The person who came up with the idea was removed from aircraft maintenance, with a transfer and a promotion, some say as the price for his silence. He is now retired, but is being paid as a consultant by AA. The FAA gave him verbal approval for the procedure, so they are real quiet about it, too. I know the forklift operator who heard exactly that on the first one AA did. And the supervisor who committed suicide the day before his testimony was totally blameless. Yes, I knew him, too.

Search this forum for some good links. I hope they are still good. Or do your own research. There are some "lost" documents, so I hope "they" haven't caused the web sites to disappear, too.
What's the matter ken, having a little trouble with twaokc?
He may recognize that Charlie was a skilled craftsman. Who was a Machinist! With your posts you "lack to acknowledge him for what he was", and this leaves room for scrutiny.

This gives way to the suggestion that the poster may be trying to capitalize upon the accomplishments of others to better their position.

Honor Charlie if you will. But you need to recognize the man for what he was, and for what he has done for the career of the AMT...... 😉

Really ken, It is called "Back to the Basics".... 😀

If you are so proud that Charlie was a Skilled Machinist, then why didn't you start and lead the crusade to insure the recognition?

Why don't you spend the time and effort to insure the record is clear?

No, like always, you will let someone else do the work. You will instead, continue to ride the coattails of the licensed AMT instead of leading or standing to fight to insure that your own skill is recognized. You are willing to sell yourself and your craft for less than you deserve, much less lead a political campaign for recognition of your worth.

By the way, "Back to Basics" was the campaign slogan, of the current Local 514 President, who in the end will go down as the most company oriented union man to ever walk the planet. I figure Airline Management in the future will be making Bust of Burchette, and recognizing the man as the largest sellout union leader that led the AIRLINE MACHINIST PAY AND BENEFIT PACKAGE closer to poverty than any leader in history. Maybe he will get all his dues payers back off the street, but the pay and benefit package for the overhaul machininst will be sacrificed further in exchange. In January, we can all look forward to 2.9% increase in payroll deduction for health benefits via the wonderful TWU Flex Benefit Plan. That's your TWU by your side, and it's makes you feel "secure"! :unsure:
Cheap shot.

Uninformed shot, too.

You need to do a little studying on that incident if you think it was a mechanic with a forklift that was the cause of the crash.
You will find that it was management behind the shortcut that cracked the tombstone. The person who came up with the idea was removed from aircraft maintenance, with a transfer and a promotion, some say as the price for his silence. He is now retired, but is being paid as a consultant by AA. The FAA gave him verbal approval for the procedure, so they are real quiet about it, too. I know the forklift operator who heard exactly that on the first one AA did. And the supervisor who committed suicide the day before his testimony was totally blameless. Yes, I knew him, too.

Search this forum for some good links. I hope they are still good. Or do your own research. There are some "lost" documents, so I hope "they" haven't caused the web sites to disappear, too.

Namely Joe Leonard gave the ok at AA. BTW, Forklift Joe is currently the boss of AirTran, formerly Valujet!

'Nuff said.
To get this thread back in line... I have posted more pictures from the Steven F. Udvar - hazy Center event. I will add more photos as I receive them from Guests and AMTA Members. Enjoy!
The problem I have with Ken, is he thinks his classification is the only one that is able to keep an airline in the air. It take everyone, from the cleaners to the CEO, but according to what he writes, he walks on water. I hardly believe that.
The problem with Ken is none of what you describe. The problem with Ken is that he is promoting a meaningless term. Have you ever read the requirements of what it takes to be classified as an AMT? It is absurd and a disgrace to the A&P Mechanic.

…You, on the other hand seem to be mis-guided. Perhaps you are PTO's cousin or something to that affect…

I don’t know why I was mentioned in this thread. Once again though the problem with the AMT term is that all twaokc has to do is pick up a wrench and look at an aircraft and he is considered to be and AMT. The AMT term is a slap in the face for the A&P.

Ken has indeed done a great job in promoting the AMT term but he has done nothing to promote the A&P Mechanic. You know the guy that works hands on the aircraft. The guy that spent two years in school or the guy that put in 36 months of hands on experience. Both of which went through a written, oral and practical test to obtain their certificates. The A&P's are getting the short end of the stick with this AMT term.

Sincerely though Ken, congratulations on your success with the Smithsonian.
"The problem with Ken is none of what you describe. The problem with Ken is that he is promoting a meaningless term. Have you ever read the requirements of what it takes to be classified as an AMT? It is absurd and a disgrace to the A&P Mechanic."

You know what really is a disgrace to the A&P Mechanic? SCABS! That would be you pto.

If you were ever able to slink into the Steven F. Udvar - Hazy Center and view the bronze bust of Charles E. Taylor remember the donation was done FOR Charles E. Taylor AND ALL AMTs NOT SCABS.

A quick question for hss: Is a Military Aircraft Mechanic, (USAF, USMC, USN, USA, USCG), any less/more than an A&P because they are not licensed?

Continue to fight with yourself from behind the safety of your alias.
I have to take issue with the following two quotes from you, Ken...

A quick question for hss: Is a Military Aircraft Mechanic, (USAF, USMC, USN, USA, USCG), any less/more than an A&P because they are not licensed?

Absolutely not.

A license alone doesn't make one competent than someone with hands on experience. As much as I may have poked TWU Informer in the eye, I wouldn't discount his skill as an unlicensed welder. I do find it odd that he bashes the SRP and MRO worker for being unlicensed as much as he has in the past when he himself is unlicensed, though....

If you were ever able to slink into the Steven F. Udvar - Hazy Center and view the bronze bust of Charles E. Taylor remember the donation was done FOR Charles E. Taylor AND ALL AMTs NOT SCABS.

Ken, this is where you contradict yourself.... Was the bust done to recognize ALL AMT's (your words) or just all union AMT's? Your words above above seem to insinuate that only the unionized AMT is worthy of being recognized, which then discounts the skill and talent that the Military Aircraft Mechanics possess and display....

As distasteful as you may find the scab's work ethic and character, I'll suggest that you separate the political aspect of being a scab from the professional aspect.

One's view on belonging to a union does not make someone an inferior mechanic/machinist anymore than their religion or nationality do, which is something that many of you seem to promote and/or believe.
SCABS are not worthy of any recognition.

In fact, they should be shunned and ignored both professionally. socially, and in union matters.

I feel quite sure that "Charlie" would understand.
I have to take issue with the following two quotes from you, Ken...
Absolutely not.

A license alone doesn't make one competent than someone with hands on experience. As much as I may have poked TWU Informer in the eye, I wouldn't discount his skill as an unlicensed welder. I do find it odd that he bashes the SRP and MRO worker for being unlicensed as much as he has in the past when he himself is unlicensed, though....
Ken, this is where you contradict yourself.... Was the bust done to recognize ALL AMT's (your words) or just all union AMT's? Your words above above seem to insinuate that only the unionized AMT is worthy of being recognized, which then discounts the skill and talent that the Military Aircraft Mechanics possess and display....
As distasteful as you may find the scab's work ethic and character, I'll suggest that you separate the political aspect of being a scab from the professional aspect.

One's view on belonging to a union does not make someone an inferior mechanic/machinist anymore than their religion or nationality do, which is something that many of you seem to promote and/or believe.

Irrespective of PTO's stated positions vis-à-vis union membership or his ability to hold a job, he is a Troll. He is a loser who can't hold a job, not even as a scab. His personality and character deficiencies are why he posts, not his recently adopted position on union membership. His status as a scab is only a consequence of his low character, non-existent integrity, obnoxious personality and inability to hold a job (which BTW, is related to the aforementioned). He is a very unhappy person who has chosen to vent his unhappiness on the internet. Lots of his ilk around. Don't honor him by confusing him with the reasonable (well, most of them) posters here who are legitimately anti-union. His anti union posts are just bait.

The mere fact of his odious presence here instead of a site pertaining to one of his many former employers is fair indication that he is a Troll. He has no dog in this fight.

Trolls never post with anything in mind other than stirring the pot.

Nota Bene: My usual aversion to ad hominum posts has an exemption clause with regard to Trolls.

This is not an anti-scab post. It is an anti-Troll post.
Ken, this is where you contradict yourself.... Was the bust done to recognize ALL AMT's (your words) or just all union AMT's? Your words above above seem to insinuate that only the unionized AMT is worthy of being recognized, which then discounts the skill and talent that the Military Aircraft Mechanics possess and display....
As distasteful as you may find the scab's work ethic and character, I'll suggest that you separate the political aspect of being a scab from the professional aspect.

FM, I do NOT contradict myself. I have stated that, yes, the bust was donated to recognize ALL AMTs. But you seem to forget the three basics characteristics for being an AMT... knowledge, skill & integrity. Union affiliation has nothing to do with it.

You see, pto, who is a SCAB, has NO INTEGRITY. He purposely will erode our proud, skilled craft. He purposely has hindered the promotion of our proud, skilled craft. He is a SCAB. There is no SCAB characteristic that is an indication of being an AMT. This is FACT not political aspect.

So this bust, and others to follow, will be donated for those who believe in their craft and constantly upgrade the standards by which airworthy aircraft are to be held to.

As far as having a license, this does not make one individual more competent than another. Like I pointed out the Military has many skilled, proud AMTs that are not licensed. If you look at the AMTA web site, WWW.AMTAUSA.COM, and click on the "Faces Behind Safety" link we proudly highlight many unlicensed AMTs, USCG, USN F-16 Overhaul Technicians just to name two.

The entire concept of the AMTA was/is to educate to the public about the responisbilities of those who have decided to carry the responsibility of safe, airworthy aircraft. Those proud men and women who call themselves AMTs.

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