Cheap shot.
Uninformed shot, too.
You need to do a little studying on that incident if you think it was a mechanic with a forklift that was the cause of the crash.
You will find that it was management behind the shortcut that cracked the tombstone. The person who came up with the idea was removed from aircraft maintenance, with a transfer and a promotion, some say as the price for his silence. He is now retired, but is being paid as a consultant by AA. The FAA gave him verbal approval for the procedure, so they are real quiet about it, too. I know the forklift operator who heard exactly that on the first one AA did. And the supervisor who committed suicide the day before his testimony was totally blameless. Yes, I knew him, too.
Search this forum for some good links. I hope they are still good. Or do your own research. There are some "lost" documents, so I hope "they" haven't caused the web sites to disappear, too.