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Amt Day

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proAMFA said:
There's no TWU logo anywhere on the hat-I'll wear the dang thang

You could start a collection by adding the "TWO GREAT AIRLINES-ONE GREAT FUTURE" hat..lol AA sure seems to like their hats.
Buck said:
So 2007, you do not work for American Airlines?

How fitting that you concern yourself with us.

No Buck, I work @ MCIE, well, for another 2 weeks...but we have never really worked for AA, or had the use of the full TWU contract.

And really Buck..I do not concern myself with you, as you have never concerned yourselves with us, nothing lost here. Now go have yourself a great TWU future!
DECISION 2007 said:
No Buck, I work @ MCIE, well, for another 2 weeks...but we have never really worked for AA, or had the use of the full TWU contract.

And really Buck..I do not concern myself with you, as you have never concerned yourselves with us, nothing lost here.  Now go have yourself a great TWU future!

There you go again. Hey, we tried to warn you guys, but you guys chose to side with Little, Gless, and Luby.

Two of us from New York even flew out there to talk to you guys but your E-board flipped. We told them that they were welcome to do the same in NY and that we asked Butch first. We didnt just show up. The few R&F guys we did meet, including at least one Shop Steward were very friendly and receptive. Maybe they were some of the No votes.

I saw Littles latest scam where he claims that he was on your side in the recent Kasher decision. Sure, let the company be the bad guy, this way they wont have to worry that you guys are signing AMFA cards on the way out. The fact is they hoodwinked you. I have little doubt that he was lying. Little had it within his power to dovetail you like they chose to do with AirCal but he chose not to. They never asked the membership if AirCal should be stapled or dovetailed, they simply did it. If they had how do you think the members would have voted? Asking the membership was simply a away of avoiding the blame and dividing them.

Little and Luby put in language to deny you carrying your seniority.

Under the old contract Article 1 stopped at (d) which is now (e). All the other stuff, (g), (h),(i),(j),(k) and (l) were added in 2001. Articles (h) (i) (j) and (k) were added specifically to block you guys from getting dovetailed and Luby (working under Little) was the one who put it all together and presented it.

Gless was also involved in all that too.

Remember that as they act like they care.

You accuse Buck of not having any concern for you but the fact is he is one of the few who were saying that you should be dovetailed. In fact the only ones that were saying that were AMFA supporters out of Tulsa.

I'll admit, I was against it. But for Little to claim that he was neutral or on your side is nothing but a lie.

So if you are pissed and feel screwed then why not fill out a card? This way you can help the TWU to lose 16000 members, Luby is already gone, Gless admitted that if maintenance left that he would lose his $120,000/yr job and have to go back to the floor and after losing a big chunk of the ATD Little could find himself being challenged by the SWA flight attendants at the Convention this fall. Maybe he could end up back on the floor too. In the meantime we would still be stuck with this contract till 2008, or 9. So your filling out a card would not immediately benifit those who still work at AA, would support the only people who pushed for dovetail, and could send those in power, who really screwed you, back to the floor to work amongst the same people they screwed over.

What do you have to lose? If you dont think AMFA will do anything for us then why would you want to prevent us from going there?
DECISION 2007 said:
No Buck, I work @ MCIE, well, for another 2 weeks...but we have never really worked for AA, or had the use of the full TWU contract.

And really Buck..I do not concern myself with you, as you have never concerned yourselves with us, nothing lost here. Now go have yourself a great TWU future!

The fact is I was for "dovetailing", but the actions of many of the former TWA members has caused a change of my opinion. I thought that they had some unionism that the TWU supporters lacked. I guess not? We will now see if there is any union men and women left from TWA in the mechanics rank and file. They will soon be tested at the picket lines.

Maybe if you had worked for AA instead of the TWU, you might still be employed by AA. The TWU contract is only as good as Article 28 para. b.
amt day for me will be when the american people wake up and see what this administration and the right-wing agenda realizes that the goal is to take away everything that FDR put into place.
get rid of the elitsts-silver spoon-greedy-zealots . wake up!
AMT Day May 24th, 2005 was a big draw at Spanish Landing in San Diego. Thanks for all those who attended. Many people did not know about Charles E. Taylor and were very interested in learning about his contributions to aviation's history. People also learned about what it takes to become an Aircraft Maintenance Technician and what our responsibilities are. The 50/50 raffle winner and certificate winners are posted too. A few photos have been posted with more to come. Click the AMTA Accomplishments link at www.amtausa.com to view them.

There are now 30 States that have passed resolutions like the one California passed in 2002. Click on the AMT Day State Resolution Map link to see if your State has passed one. If your State has not passed one, and you are interested in having one introduced please contact me.

Also, the goal of having a National AMT Day Resolution is alive and if you are interested in helping have this become a reality contact me and I will inform you as to the status.

The AMTA is now trying to raise funds to purchase a bronze bust of Charles E. Taylor created by the extremely talented artist Virginia Hess. This bust will be donated to the San Diego Aerospace Museum and be placed by the Museum's Wright Flyer Exhibit so people can not only read about Charlie's contributions to aviation's history but see him too. Donations may be made by clicking the Donation link on the AMTA web site.

Thanks to all who attended the AMTA free bar-b-que! And thanks for all the support to help the AMTA achieve our goal of promoting Charles E. Taylor and today's AMTs to the public.
Recognition is growing for Charles E. Taylor and today's AMTs. On May 24th, 2005 Embry-Riddle University in Florida changed the name of their AMT course to the Charles E. Taylor Department of Aviation Maintenance Science. The AMTA sponsored a free bar-b-que in San Diego at Spanish Landing on May 24th, 2005. PAMA and other organizations celebrated May 24th too. Currently there are 30 States/Commonwealths and Territories that have passed resolutions recognizing Charles E. Taylor and today's AMTs on May 24th as Aviation Maintenance Technician Day. These accomplishments are achieved through support of people both in and out of the aircraft industry. That is why I am writing to you.

The AMTA is doing what we can to promote the proud craft & profession of the AMT. Please visit our web site at www.amtausa.com and view the AMTA Accomplishments link. The AMTA is currently trying to raise funds to purchase a bust of Charles E. Taylor to donate to the San Diego Aerospace Museum this December at a catered ceremony. The bust will cost $6000.00 and can be viewed by clicking the Charles E. Taylor Bust Donation link. The AMTA is raising money through Memberships and donations. Both can be made easily through a PayPal donation link on our AMTA Membership page.

The AMTA would be grateful for your assistance in helping us reach our goal of not only purchasing this bronze bust of Charlie but also of promoting a proud craft to the public. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining the AMTA or making a donation please forward this information to them. Let's keep the momentum of recognition for the craft & profession of the Aircraft Maintenance Technician growing. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Kenneth MacTiernan Director AMTA www.amtausa.com
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