I have a question, how can a person learn about a contract that isn't even written yet? How many SEA twu personnel will be present when the final contract language is agreed upon by the company and the twu int'l Bootlickin Brigade? I know, that was two questions.
The twu just did worse than what they have accused AMFA of doing for years. I still remember the story from a fella in the AFW structures building that was approached by a convicted felon hired by the twu int'l as an agent provocatuer against AMFA supporters during the 2003-04 drive. When told about what a mistake he was making by backing the AMFA against his co-employer, twu, the fella tells the twu felon that after 42 years of twu representation at Pan Am and AA he will receive about $800 after taxes. He told the twu punk to STFU and get outta his shop before he vomitted on him!! Thanks TWU!!!!
Dan Cunningham