Prater Road Shows

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Its because we are the only ones that have been effected by it.
What about your Shuttle arbitration? This isn't the first abritration since the policy was changed.
I wonder if this had happened to NWA,UAL, or DAL. I dont think they would be "ok" with it either.
To my knowledge this is the first time a union has tried to circumvent arbitration with another union. Truly something to be proud of.
To my knowledge this is the first time a union has tried to circumvent arbitration with another union. Truly something to be proud of.

Um, almost every "arbitration" has gone that way. Other than the Shuttle/US arbitration, can you name one that did not?
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Hahahahahah :lol: :lol: :lol: Wishful thinking again I see BF, you don't have the numbers and we both know it.

Have Jack Stephen explain what I talking about BF.

Actually, at this point in time and this point in history we do have the votes and now the cards.

No need to ask Jack Stephan anything. He will become irrelevant in the framework of ALPA in the near future.

Later Prater
We do have the numbers to vote down a joint contract. Guess you forgot about that one. Numbers are gaining rapidly to decertify. If ALPA hands over the list to the company, believe me we will have the numbers.


Like I said before wopr21 you ain't got the numbers and you know it!! Now go ask Stephen like I said. You're wishful thinking...
Actually, at this point in time and this point in history we do have the votes and now the cards.

No need to ask Jack Stephan anything. He will become irrelevant in the framework of ALPA in the near future.

Later Prater

Then don't talk and don't threat just do it!!! If you got the numbers and I know you don't then just do it...
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Then don't talk and don't threat just do it!!! If you got the numbers and I know you don't then just do it...

In due time, in due time. Unlike ALPA which has a tendency to shoot itself in the foot, or should I say feet? I would prefer care and caution to make sure the I's are dotted and the t's are crossed. Plus threats only get a response like yours.

If ALPA wasn't worried about USAPA, then why did Prater bring out the dog and pony show on extreme short notice? Friday the announcement and Monday the first meeting. When did an ALPA President ever move that fast on anything?

Whats even more perplexing for Prater, is he knows ALPA is gone from the property no matter what he does. It's gone if he tosses the list, and it's gone if he submits the list. What you don't understand about many members of the East pilot group, is that we want ALPA gone period!! And for my opinion, the sooner the better.

Later Prater
In due time, in due time. Unlike ALPA which has a tendency to shoot itself in the foot, or should I say feet? I would prefer care and caution to make sure the I's are dotted and the t's are crossed.
Within the last week or so, USA320pilot was on here crowing about how the petition would be filed with the NMB on Sept. 1.

Has that fallen by the wayside or are we still going to see things finally put in motion next Saturday?
Within the last week or so, USA320pilot was on here crowing about how the petition would be filed with the NMB on Sept. 1.

Has that fallen by the wayside or are we still going to see things finally put in motion next Saturday?

If they are smart, they are listening to Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen, and following their playbook and not acting out in emotion. They should pull the trigger when they are advised to.
If they are smart, they are listening to Seham Seham Meltz & Petersen, and following their playbook and not acting out in emotion. They should pull the trigger when they are advised to.

Dan Katz, who is no shrinking violet experience wise, was a good lawyer. That his client was an idiot did not help the nicolau situation a bit.

I think you are going to find (probably the hard way) that USAPA's lawyers are in the same boat.
Actually, I believe it was UAL, NWA, and DAL that pushed for the change. In any case, the change occured in the early '90s and you knew about it going into arbitration so it's a little hard to listen to your complaining about it now. Notice how the AAA group is the only group today that has a problem with it?

It was actually done after the turn of the century, most vehemently pushed by UAL. US/AWA is the first to be merged under the changes.
Yawwwwn... is Prater still talking to pilots?

Who thinks he has anything useful to say. He is the head of an association that doesn't have a merger policy they are willing to implement (even cant' get around the fact that they would have to define it first), they agreed to endorse pilots working till 65 (which means salaries will drop and spread out over that new "productivity enhancement period", and now they are endorsing an alter ego airline operation (again, but now among so-called majors).

Keep talking. Keep dialog open. Chatter away. But don't let it interfere with counting those dues. :rolleyes:
Jack Stephan is not BF he is BJ in the Park in Fra. As I read this web site I see that we as Americans can not help but want to like our enemy's its just who we are. I think that Captain Prather is slick not much to look at but you know that he shakes with his right hand when I think in essence he should shake with his Left........Get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lets just ROLL you guys I will be there in my Grim Reaper outfit. This time when Jack Stephan ignores me I will be delighted he is all TALK and no action just like his compadres .All I can say is WAKE UP People if not this time it will be NEVER
It was actually done after the turn of the century, most vehemently pushed by UAL. US/AWA is the first to be merged under the changes.
There have been more recent changes but the pertinent removal of DOH from the policy happened in the early '90s. I don't have a written reference but it's what our MEC officers informed us. The Shuttle/USAir arbitration document is on my home computer and I'm sure it mentions the details of the Policy at that time. If you have it handy you might want to check it out since I'm out on a trip.
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Dan Katz, who is no shrinking violet experience wise, was a good lawyer. That his client was an idiot did not help the nicolau situation a bit.

I think you are going to find (probably the hard way) that USAPA's lawyers are in the same boat.

My personal feelings towards Katz and Co. are mixed. He has represented my pilot groups 3 times over the years. Personal record: Won 1 and lost 2. The winner wasn't even an ALPA property. With a record like that, I will take my chances. USAPA's attorney for me is at least 0-0. As long as they are capable of representing USAPA to remove ALPA. Then so be it. They have my vote! Ah voting? What a beautiful concept.

Later Prater
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