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Poor service on 1st class cabin from HNL to PHX

I know that every company has a few bad apples but I find this to be a little harsh. Speaking for the east group as I'm east myself I do not agree with what your saying as the majority. NO WAY. We are given VERY limited tools to do our job. Sometimes limited on something as simple as ICE or WATER. How about sometimes not even having enough pretzels or excuse me "Tidbits" to go back east from VEGAS a F'n so called HUB. So besides maybe the crew not sitting on your armrest with a short skirt and flirting with you or smiling so much it hurts what more were they to do? It is NOT the crew. My God does that p!ss me off to no end when someone gets their panties in a twist because we can't do MORE for them. PLEASE write a letter and let the company know of your displeasure. As for being treated better as NRSA I give them THE SAME service as I would a customer. I WILL AGREE that at US East you do get the occasional flight attendant that will give you the look of death if you even asked for water. We take care of each other but again you DO have the few bad apples.

I've not seen US FA's ignore pax in favor of non revs; but I see this frequently on Untied. Really. It seems part of the culture there. Odd, when you think about it.

The difference between UA and US FC has nothing to do with the crew and everything to do with what the crew is given to work with.
For those who have the pleasure of flying other airlines recently, you quickly discover that on US it is the poor attitude you receive from the in-cabin crews that ruin most flights.

I was recently on a foreign carrier in a cramped seat flying through Europe and it was the crew and their attitude that made the flight worthwhile. On US the negative attitude you receive and lack of attention is the real killer. We are not all Kettles, but when you treat us like one, we can easily make the decision to fly elsewhere and we often do.

Well Congrats To You!!

another attack on Flight Attendants

:down: :down: :down: :down:
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Exactly! 🙄

In all honesty though, I have travel benefits on another major carrier and also fly on the others on ZED fares, cabin jumpseat etc... I am sad to say I'm generally treated much better on the other carriers, from the gate agents to the flight attendants. Not over the top to the detriment of revenue customers, but they are very welcoming. Half the time on US you'd never know these people were your co-workers.

We can't even do the old water bottle offer nowadays since we don't even have enough supplies for our customers.

I think for the most part US Airways (east) has some fantastic flight attendants who have had the spirit beaten out of them. We were hired to present an image for the airline, not to be an apologist or creative type who turns two cans of Diet Coke into a service for two hundred people. This place is shameful to be associated with, and it's increasingly hard to stand behind it. There aren't tools to do the most primitive basics, much less go above and beyond. I say it all the time- this airline can't cater an Embraer for a limited beverage from Philly to Boston, but wants to fly to China?

Service recovery is a great opportunity to shine in a customer service position- there is an art and skill to turning a customer's negative experience into a positive one. I used to enjoy that challenge when I felt empowered and rewarded for doing so. Now, why bother? Instead of the occasional glitch or dropping-of-the-ball, the entire thing is a fiasco from start to finish. It's exhausting. It's really better to just blend in and do your own job in a pleasant way. If the company wants to present itself as it does, that's thier business. I'm no longer financially or emotionally involved enough to care on the level I used to. I'm a potentially spectacular flight attendant who is just a good one and is still more than this company deserves. I'm thinking most of us feel the same way.
I think for the most part US Airways (east) has some fantastic flight attendants who have had the spirit beaten out of them. We were hired to present an image for the airline, not to be an apologist or creative type who turns two cans of Diet Coke into a service for two hundred people. This place is shameful to be associated with, and it's increasingly hard to stand behind it. There aren't tools to do the most primitive basics, much less go above and beyond. I say it all the time- this airline can't cater an Embraer for a limited beverage from Philly to Boston, but wants to fly to China?

sky high states:....no truer words, EMBRA. My spirit dies alittle more each day.

EMBRA SAID: I used to enjoy that challenge when I felt empowered and rewarded for doing so. Now, why bother? Instead of the occasional glitch or dropping-of-the-ball, the entire thing is a fiasco from start to finish. It's exhausting. It's really better to just blend in and do your own job in a pleasant way. If the company wants to present itself as it does, that's thier business. I'm no longer financially or emotionally involved enough to care on the level I used to. I'm a potentially spectacular flight attendant who is just a good one and is still more than this company deserves. I'm thinking most of us feel the same way.

EMBRA, I feel exactly the same. At times, it used to be a challenge and I thrived on turning those situations around. Some of my best letters came from difficult situations. Now, you just shake your head and think, that's insane, how could we treat our passengers that way?
More insulting is seeing those signs in the crew lounges....Flight attendant appreciation......we appreciate you, blah, blah, blah. (have some apple pie.) ............I'm surprised they havent been TORN DOWN yet.

anyway. EMBRA. Your above post resonates with me. Well put.

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sky high states:....no truer words, EMBRA. My spirit dies alittle more each day.

I used to enjoy that challenge when I felt empowered and rewarded for doing so. Now, why bother? Instead of the occasional glitch or dropping-of-the-ball, the entire thing is a fiasco from start to finish. It's exhausting. It's really better to just blend in and do your own job in a pleasant way. If the company wants to present itself as it does, that's thier business. I'm no longer financially or emotionally involved enough to care on the level I used to. I'm a potentially spectacular flight attendant who is just a good one and is still more than this company deserves. I'm thinking most of us feel the same way.
EMBRA, I feel exactly the same. At times, it used to be a challenge and I thrived on turning those situations around. Some of my best letters came from difficult situations. Now, you just shake your head and think, that's insane, how could we treat our passengers that way?
More insulting is seeing those signs in the crew lounges....Flight attendant appreciation......we appreciate you, blah, blah, blah. (have some apple pie.) ............I'm surprised they havent been TORN DOWN yet.

anyway. EMBRA. Your above post resonates with me. Well put.
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Once again, EMBRA speaks for the masses :up: "How do WE hate YOU (let Me count the Ways" Holy Sh*T Dougie, I have Lost Count already :lol: ! that's why I place Fortune Cookies in my F/C snack Basket.......everyone Laughs at THESE FOOLS, and mention CHINA........heck people start choking at that thought. LOVE MY JOB, Just HATE THE MANAGEMENT!
I was recently on a foreign carrier in a cramped seat flying through Europe and it was the crew and their attitude that made the flight worthwhile. On US the negative attitude you receive and lack of attention is the real killer.

sky high states: To maintain those kettle prices SOME of you pay....the airlines have REDUCED the number of flight attendants onboard. Example: A321: FOUR F/A's ONBOARD for almost TWO HUNDRED PASSENGERS, gee, and you wonder about that lack of attention? The Real killer here? Trying to do a beverage service, on a FULL flight, under an hour at that ratio. :down:

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