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Plane Business, Not Looking Good

Frontier Investor relations: "The airline's (Frontier's) current unrestricted cash and working capital position as of September 30, 2004 was $160.1 million and $67.3 million, respectively. This compares to the company's unrestricted cash and working capital position for the same period last year of $201.3 million and $118.2 million, respectively."

I pulled this from Frontier's SEC's filings. I hope you can accept this even though it's not "from the newspaper." As you stated, since you haven't read about things "in the newspaper", it can't be true I guess.

Hmmmm........something about glass houses comes to mind. UAL is in rough shape no doubt. But you guys have burned through about 20% of your available cash and 43% of your working capital in 6 months (Frontier's fiscal year doesn't begin in JAN) and you're wondering how TED is doing? Your airline also has an operating loss for the 6 months ending Sept 30th. You tell me? How's Frontier's expansion in LAX going? How's Frontier's market share in DEN been doing in the past 12 months? You guys are going head to head with a bankrupt carrier in your only real hub and you can't even make any money? If Frontier can't even make money competiting against us when we're on the ropes and almost dead, how are you going to compete if we exit bankruptcy? I'll say it again, Fishy. The only way Frontier is going to thrive is if UAL fails. What a great business plan for Frontier!

No finacial institution wants to give United exit financing? Really? Was that in the newspaper too? I guess we got our DIP financing from the tooth fairy. After all, no one wants to give us any money.

I doubt financial results for TED will ever be broken out separately. I guess you'll be able to tell how TED is doing by just watching its growth in DEN and ORD.

Yup, it is IMPOSSIBLE to predict the price of oil. Hey Fishy, if you are so sure about the price of oil, take everything you own and start buying some options. Take every dime of your net worth and find yourself a good broker. Right now, oil is at $46.87, well below the 55 bucks it was trading at just a short time ago. Do it. Put your money where your mouth is. If you're so sure oil has nowhere to go but up, you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams. Unless you're going to do the above, then your dribble about the price of oil is just this: Moronic.

UniTED is cutting back on domestic flights here in DEN, I imagine some of those will be TED flights. Rumor even going around after the RJ construction is finished and UAL shifts most of it's flights to more RJ flying here. Is that TED will be moving to concourse B, retrenching????

As time goes on we'll see just how much MORE UniTED cuts the operations in DEN.
I heard they are going to start international flying out of Denver. That would be a plus for the people there.
UALDriver says, "I'll say it again, Fishy. The only way Frontier is going to thrive is if UAL fails."

F9 has been going at with UniTED for over 10 years now and is still doing just fine. I'll remember this quote though when your sending out that resume!!! :shock:
mrfish3726 said:
UALDriver says, "I'll say it again, Fishy. The only way Frontier is going to thrive is if UAL fails."

F9 has been going at with UniTED for over 10 years now and is still doing just fine. I'll remember this quote though when your sending out that resume!!! :shock:

Hey Fishbreath,

You forget only the gov't saved Frontier in the mid 90's from total liquidation. This time uncle sam ain't gonna save you... Oh hey there my buddy TED just walked in the door.....gotta go! :up: :up: :shock: Funny how you throw stones over here man what's that I hear...oh yeah just window panes breaking.
Can you say DEN-NRT boys and girls?

Fish, stop your ranting and raving. ualdriver is right, the only way Frontier survives and prospers long term is if United fails. The cutbacks at DEN do not affect TED. In fact, you're going to see more TED expansion in DEN. Yes, more RJ flying will come to DEN. That's because DEN is about the only hub UA has that can support more RJ growth. UA may ultimately fail yet. But it isn't going to happen anytime in the near future. In the interim, your employer will continue to see its' balance sheet in decline.
WE'LL see clone, BUS kept ranting and raving that we'd have a crappy quarter to. But turns out we even surprised the anylists, we'll probably keep surprising you all at UniTED to. You all have a great Holiday Season over there at UniTED, I'll have a toast to your success at F9's X-MAS party. :up:

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