UALDriver says "Just because Tilton didn't call you up at home or didn't call the NY Times or didn't call Vaughn or Holly or whoever you personally think should be "in the know" and say, "Guys here our proprietary secret plan for exiting bankruptcy" doesn't mean there isn't a plan."
Only plan Tilton and the boyz have is getting the employees to finance the BK exit because as BRACE said "We don't have a plan that is finance able PERIOD" Meaning UniTED is tainted and no financial institution in it's right mind wants to give it exit financing. One of the big reasons that will be is that UALDriver says, "The vast majority of upper management has been replaced." This ones funny, there has NEVER been anything in the news about upper management changes. Only that Goodwin resigned, so Dutta got smart and left to. Creighton he was instilled as a puppet dictator then entered OIL MAN Tilton. All he did was realign the management that was left. You still got Brace and McDonald there, two clowns that haven't accomplished anything other to rake over the rank and file. McDonald single handedly tearing the heart out of UniTED'S maintenance operations, and he isn't down with that yet. He isn't done with the ground service and food service units yet either. Contract workers will replace them before it's all said and done. Driver, DID Tilton FIRE the top 200 people at UniTED? If he hasn't then nothing will change!!!
UAL Driver says, "TED has been started and is growing (successfully I might add)." This is SOOOOO FUNNY

Driver, tell us how TED is any different from the mainline? Does TED have different pay scales for pilots, mechanics, gate agents, CSR, or FA'S????? Tell us why TED is anything different that the old UniTED shuttle other then a different fleet type with new paint. And give us the 3Q figures for TED’s profit or loss and the load factor for just TED. Or is it all consolidated in the mainline 3Q results just as the shuttle used to be. Wonder how UniTED likes selling those NEW winter fares for $99 bucks to Cabo for the winter and all the NEW fares they have to match to the other destinations that F9 serves???
UALDriver says "IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PREDICT THE PRICE OF OIL." Yeah we can't predict the price of oil, but with the current demand for oil by countries like China and India. You can bet that it won't EVER be $40 a barrel again, that is the reality that some airlines will face and the reason that some won't be around a year from now.
I know you'll just counter about how F'D F9 is and that we are the airline that is facing the end game, not UniTED. Remember UAL'S slogan "TED is the END of UniTED."