Pivotal Airline Faceoff Today

The Artical Said: US Airways said it would offer simplified low fares like those at Southwest Airlines.
What it didn't say is the employees would shoulder the cost of years of
mis-management. So you will have Southwest fares with an attitude.
actually..what it says is that the employees will shoulder the cost of what ever the moment brings, but no Legacy Carrier will stand up and say," all you Walmart Shopping POS flyers will have to pay your part" . They are affraid.. they have no BALLS...they find that it is easier to take from the employees than from the Wall-Mart flyers....now if only my Utilities companies , had the same idea. or ?????

zonecontroller said:
The Artical Said: US Airways said it would offer simplified low fares like those at Southwest Airlines.
What it didn't say is the employees would shoulder the cost of years of
mis-management. So you will have Southwest fares with an attitude.
ITRADE said:
Guess you never took a course in economics.
I did and I come up with this: The company’s mismanagement with no real plan and constant attacking it's employees coupled with record high fuel costs equals total failure. This company will not be around to B-i-t-c-h about in the long term. Sort of like the terminal cancer patient when you know the end is coming but time unknown.

Anyone with brains will bail before you kill yourselves trying to beat the mass exodus.

Good Luck and Good Bye U employees…..Itrade___73 catch on 40 cw
ITRADE said:
Guess you never took a course in economics.
What's that steal from the working class to prop up the rich? We all had that class through the Republican trickle down theory. Sorry doesn't work.
WTF are you talking about? We're talking about airline pricing and fuel.

A perfect non-argument for those that can't provide a cogent one.
ITRADE said:
WTF are you talking about? We're talking about airline pricing and fuel.

A perfect non-argument for those that can't provide a cogent one.
Here's a "cogent" idea.

Shut this Mess down. Before it totally ruins the rest of the industry.
Have you taken a minute to look at the rest of the industry? Consider the term "true market value". Most businesses have had to change to adapt to the consumer over the years, the legacy airlines have had success adapting the consumer to their business till now and have just run into a wall with post deregulation carriers. The days when there can be several labor agreements, each which restricts business in different ways than the other and are not complimentary are past.

The reason SWA/HP/F9/JB are doing so well aren't just labor cost. They have depeaked their hubs (yes, hubs), use the rolling hub theory we have heard so much about and the real biggie, they cross utilize their employees. Each of these things combine for a much smaller total work force. The reason U employees will have to work for less to realize the same cost is our labor contracts don't allow cross utilization and thus require more people to operate the same # of flights.
ITRADE said:
WTF are you talking about? We're talking about airline pricing and fuel.

A perfect non-argument for those that can't provide a cogent one.

Ok, here's one. The "simplified pricing" scheme does not require employee pay and benefit cuts to implement. None of the alleged non-labor cost reductions that the company is claiming to have waiting in the wings requires the cuts. They could have, and should have, been implemented already. For that matter, they should have been implemented coming out of the 1st BK. Leads me to believe that they don't exist.

The fuel is a non-issue, because it affects ALL airlines. Other than DL no other airline has asked its employees to shoulder that cost. (Don't get your knickers in a twist, I am well aware that other airlines have threatened to do so, but none have so far.)
jimntx said:
The fuel is a non-issue, because it affects ALL airlines. Other than DL no other airline has asked its employees to shoulder that cost. (Don't get your knickers in a twist, I am well aware that other airlines have threatened to do so, but none have so far.)

Fuel is an issue as it does not affect ALL airlines equally. WN had the smarts and balance sheet to hedge fuel futures and pay quite a lower rate for fuel than US.
SoldWholeSale said:
The reason U employees will have to work for less to realize the same cost is our labor contracts don't allow cross utilization and thus require more people to operate the same # of flights.
Then how come the company has been arguing for massive pay and benefit cuts instead of just asking for contracts that allow for cross utilization? Because, cross utilization is the stock excuse for USAirs problems and worthy of scrutiny in a weighty industry journal like Readers Digest.

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