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Pittsburgh Airport


Jul 1, 2003
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I wanted to get some opinions from the veterans about whether or not Pitt will survive as a hub. Have not heard anything on the negotiations and wondering the likelihood of the hub surviving.

Let me know your thoughts.

My two cents: 35-40 percent chance it will remain a hub in any form, 20-25 percent chance it will remain a mainline hub. If Chip's prediction is right and US wants to do more point to point service, I could see them cherry picking point to point routes in the NE with the RJs and just relying on PHL and the UA codeshare to route passengers on less lucrative routings.

This is totally my own opinion, though. I have no real facts to back this up.
I have 25 years in Pittsburgh and in my opinion Pit will be a much smaller mainline operation with about 30 to 40 mainline flights.
This will occur as more Mid Atlantic planes and flights start up.
I think this will occur over the next 12 months.

Just my opinion as you requested.
I see PIT as the US version of a Cincinnati hub. Lots of RJs. I believe Seigel has said as much in the past and that seems to make sense given the costs that have been outlined there and the level of O&D traffic -- enough to support a hub, but not one as large as Philly. Of course, the down side to this is that US does open the door to new competition that could squeeze them on price and/or lure away much needed PIT O&D traffic.
It'll survive as a hub much like CVG or CLE.

It's not like any other municipality is going to touch US right now after what happened to PIT and their current financial state, and there are no metro areas with more O&D than PIT that are both available and not already hubbed by a stronger airline. Further, PHL won't handle the traffic and it makes no sense to run somebody from PVD to CMH via CLT.

Further, it's not like US has the loose cash to outfit an "unhubbed" airport elsewhere. Add that to the fact that PIT's O&D is greater than CLT, and O&D is about to get smashed at PHL...... Why do you think the ACAA grew a pair and told them to get stuffed on the second lease extension.
I see it coming down to how much the state is able to combine Philly and Pitt as a package deal. If Dave is able to keep them separate then Pitt could be in big trouble. Charlotte and NC are offering to build to get MDA. Since Dave and the boys are rethinking the hub vs. direct. The EMB-170 lends itself well to the direct service side in many of US markets. Dave could rebuild the systems with MDA going over the hubs and leaving Pitt to disappear.

On the other hand, if Dave is forced to accept a combination of Pitt and Philly from the State, then Pitt will continue as a reduced hub with MDA handling most of the former mainline flights. This will reduce the amount of flying that can be done on direct service.

Looks like Daves got a whole lots of balls in the air. I sure hope he knows how to juggle.
ClueByFour said:
It'll survive as a hub much like CVG or CLE.

It's not like any other municipality is going to touch US right now after what happened to PIT and their current financial state, and there are no metro areas with more O&D than PIT that are both available and not already hubbed by a stronger airline. Further, PHL won't handle the traffic and it makes no sense to run somebody from PVD to CMH via CLT.

Further, it's not like US has the loose cash to outfit an "unhubbed" airport elsewhere. Add that to the fact that PIT's O&D is greater than CLT, and O&D is about to get smashed at PHL...... Why do you think the ACAA grew a pair and told them to get stuffed on the second lease extension.

Again, I find myself agreeing with your premise and opinion.

I do believe PIT will survive as a HUB status for U; MDA for sure, "mainline" 99%, if I were a gambling person.

I place much faith in the PA Delegation, who has the interest of the State, Pittsburgh and most definitely the 7,000 plus employees in our region. I know that they will make every effort known to "man kind" to secure a "mainline Hub status" with big jets for that tax dollar contribution from the tax paying citizens of PA in the form of the relief U seeks in cost savings and in some tax relief U presented as well.

I truly, in my heart of heart believe that both U and Pittsburgh need each other. We once benefited not so long ago in a mutual, synergistic benefit fom the Pittsburgh Airport Hub....we will again.
Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, U is not in a position to abandon the hub at PIT, simply due to the revenue premium it still commands on many routes. PHL's revenue base will get smacked starting in April. U cannot afford to give up a fortress hub, for the revenue premium will go with it.

Other airlines get it. I understand that PIT-MIA is going double daily (one RJ plus an MD-80 from AA) and PIT-DFW will see an additional frequency. When I was in PIT, I found that it was not the end of the world to connect. Many others will reach that conclusion.
I believe PIT will remain a hub even more so now since the announcement of
Southwest in PHL.

ClueByFour said:
I understand that PIT-MIA is going double daily (one RJ plus an MD-80 from AA)

Only on Saturday, I believe. I also believe PIT will survive at a reduced level, as STL was reduced. PIT's O&D fares are still at a premium; the problem has been the constant shrinkage of the passenger count. I don't think ALL those people vanished, I think a lot of them are driving instead of flying these days.

Recent reports say manufacturing is getting better - maybe the Midwest will see some of these gains, helping PIT.
hub yes,...........maintenance base????
recent paybacks to TPA for their contract concession vote intimates that possibly PIT and CLT will get screwed over the airbus issue when it is resolved ....past practices indicate a less than enthusiastic reception for these involved cities.CLT and PIT were and are the 2 major cities to go for the farmout issue.other stations really didn't much care,however....these 2 stations have the most employment in the system.... caveat emptor!

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