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New Business Plan

Light Years

Aug 27, 2002
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So this new business plan...

*is this admitting that the first one was a disaster from the get-go? That extreme labour cost cuts, mainline shrinkage and Replacement Jets werent the answer? Dave looks at US like he looked at CoEX- replace everything with RJs. Well newsflash! This is a mature major airline, not a commuter partner! You have the costs of one so you cant change the game 70 or so years later.

*will this actually be a NEW business plan or more of the same doom and gloom... is he just going to come out and say we need to lay off even more and park more planes so we can place multimillion dollar aircraft orders for other companies to fly?

*is it going to involve outsoucing more of our work, be it through RJs or outside maintenance?

*is it going to involve REVENUE generation by providing a product people want, be it a decent route system, real airplanes, or inflight service, or enhancing Dividend Miles as opposed to gutting it?

I dont see Dave Seigel as having any idea as to what to do. Great job he's done so far. Get him away from our planes.
Anybody know what the circumstances were under which Dave left CO? I've no idea myself, but he sure doesn't seem to be the "airline genius" he was portrayed to be when he first got here.
Don't know the circumstances but CO express (which he headed, I believe) was (is) like the Piedmont, Allegheny, PSA express. Mainline tells them where to fly, when to fly, what equipment they'll fly, sets the fares, etc. etc. etc.

Doesn't take much a a management genius to operate in that environment.

PineyBob said:
If you STAND & DELIVER, SWA & JB wouldn't be so eager to venture into your sand box.
They don't only venture into our sand box they #### in it. Do you know why? Becuase they can! Who is going to stop them. The Avis man? The CO Express man? Express carriers are needed..no real fight there. Rental cars are rental cars...not real fight there either. Mature carriers have to fight. They always have and now they are in the fight of their lives. Uncle Dave is NOT the man for the job nor is his team.

Expressing the whole operation is not the answer. Although, the EMB170 is a great craft. It should be paid as if it were a F100 not an express.

Southwest will bury us if Dave doesn't leave.
JetBlue??? We can handle them, but without Dave as well.
One small note to Piney Bob,

Little Dave has ordered the EMB-170, option EMB-175. These are basically the same airplane with some weight/range improvements with the 175. The 170/175 are covered in the ALPA contract. The EMB-190/195 (which JetBlue ordered and Southwest is looking at) would have to be flown by mainline and I doubt the pilots are going to allow a change to their contract to allow this aircraft to be flown by anyone else. So...if Little Dave wants the EMB-190/195 as he has hinted at, it will be flown, maintained, etc. by mainline while the EMB-170/175 will be flown, maintained, etc by Express/Midatlantic. So much for planning ahead for efficiency of operation.

The rank and file are starving for leadership. They just don't want to be led like "herds of cattle". No sir. They want true, inspiring, trustworthy, people of honor and their word, leadership.

If management made a mistake ADMIT IT! We all make mistakes. Takes integrity, honor, humbleness to admit it, even as management.

They need to rid themselves of certain individuals. Trust is gone, and will be difficult to restore. First step, get rid of the folks who clearly do not understand labor and their value. Stop with the punitive, pouncing, I-will-hammer-you-till -your employee morale improves, type folks.

Those are just starters. Long way to go, but have to start somewhere.

We will stand and defend our turf; with mangement assitance, or without it. We really don't need them to tell us how or when to fight. We have always done this; they haven't. That is why they are scared. WE ARE NOT!

I agree about the admissions of a mistake...but that is for humble and honest people , not the likes of what is running our company and large portions of the world today.

Many issues could be resolved with intelligent exchanges and a combined desire to right the wrongs of the past...however , I clearly see a motivation that is "Ego Driven"...not actual performance and logic oriented.

I think the chances of getting an admission of a mistake , blunder , or anything else from this crew is dreaming..but a dream that needs to become reality quickly.

Without the introduction of honesty , integrity , and hard core motivation on the part of all concerned...we are destined to be burried in the sands of time. So are the days of our lives !!!