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My Take On Our Sorry Situation

I hope you I never encounter you on one of my airplanes.....with your pompouse attitude towards everyone, even though I thank you for contributing to my income...you are probably one of thos First Class Pax......that I just LOVE TO HATE. And another thing.....I guarantee you you don't work all that hard or you wouldn't be on this sight pontificating ALL THE TIME. Get over yourself. :angry:
Sorry everyone...those last two posts were meant for Piney Bob. No one else. I use this sight to educate myself and hopefully find some hope and some humor dispite the anguish and termoil we are all facing. But comments by someone who really doesn't have a clue and puts my fellow co-workers down as if we are NOTHING really gets my gall. I believe we all work hard...no matter how many years...no matter what job we hold. We ALL signed up to make this our life and how dare anyone who has never worked in this business think we can't make it w/o a college education. How assinine. :shock:
ktflyhome said:
EXCUSE ME OH SO MIGHTY PINEY BOB. BUT YOU HAVE REALLY PISSED ME OFF. HOW DARE YOU TELL PEOPLE WHO HAVE DEDICATED AND WORKED HARD FOR 20-30 YEARS THAT THEY ARE "UNSKILLED LABOR WITH OUT COLLEGE EDUCATIONS AND THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO FIND A JOB BECAUSE ALL THEY HAVE IS A HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION. They have life experience, they have work ethics, they have dedication, they have KNOWLEDGE.....THAT NO COLLEGE DIPLOMA CAN GIVE YOU. So get off your high horse and NEVER let me see you put down the good people of this airlines. You are really something else. :down:

"Earth to ktflyhome-You will not even get an interview for many positions without a degree." Have you looked around yet? You really are living in a dream world if you think anyone cares about your X years here. In fact, that even may weigh against you with no other skills.

People, do yourself a favor and seriously examine the act of interviewing, how and who makes it through the job screening/selection process, and put yourself in those shoes to help get your attitude in check....

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