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Pit Res To Close?


Jan 17, 2003
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The word around the ticket counter at PIT is that Jerry Glass is coming to Pit tomorrow to visit reservations, and tell them it will be close in February.Anyone know about this?
Hate to see it happen but things have got to start moving and this will be a way to show dave and company means buisness. From a buisness 101 perspective it makes sense. It doesnt help the very dedicated men and women who have been there time and time again for this company , but we have to change adapt move on. Good luck to all those hard workers who may lose a job. I think we are getting ready to see why Dave was really hired and see some MAJOR news in the coming weeks.
This makes no sense, we don't have enough res agents now and Jerry "The Consultant" Glass will be in CCY at MAA Negotiations with the AFA this week.

Did the new VP of Rumor Control tell you this information?

We'll know Dave means business when he imitates LUV by moving his office from CCY to the hanger in CLT (or PIT or PHL). Oh, I forgot - Dave made sure that HIS office wouldn't move when he negotiated his employment contract.

Jerry Glass is not the VP for res. That would be Ms. Trucksteps. (kerry carstairs)
Is tomorrow not the big meeting day for all the higher-ups in CCY ?.....I'm told that all with a pay classification of 80 and above are to be in attendance.

Is this the un-vailing of Plan 2004 in the works ??? Survey says it is :shock:
Is there a specific day and timeline that the new plan will be announced? Will there be a new plan or is it just rumour? When will it be available to the public?
Light Years said:
Is there a specific day and timeline that the new plan will be announced? Will there be a new plan or is it just rumour? When will it be available to the public?
I sure hope US's business plan is not made public. That would be a huge win for your competitors. You'll see the effects of the plan over time, but in no way would I expect management to lay out a plan for all of the competition to read.
Light Years:

Light Years asked: "Is there a specific day and timeline that the new plan will be announced? Will there be a new plan or is it just rumour? When will it be available to the public?"

Chip answers: I understand the transformation plan will be presented to the board this week and it will be announced after New Year's. Union board members will be in attendance at the meeting, but they all have signed confidentiality agreements.

In regard to the Greentree (Pittsburgh) Reservations facility, the company rejected the lease agreement just prior to exiting bankruptcy.

In my opinion, the company could close this facility and transfer the agent positions to Winston-Salem, where additional space may be available. This move could serve two purposes: get the ACAA's attention on the Pittsburgh hub and create further economies of scale with one Rez facility.


Let me get this straight. US will have ONE and ONLY ONE res facility? Bad move if weather or something else happens in INT.
Winston Res is almost out of space, unless the company wants to sign a lease again for the building that Gen sales moved out of.

I think they will do it and when the call volume gets too high they will stop having us book awards and contract out award booking to one of those call center businesses that operate out of India and the Phillipines like American Express is doing. That is the way things are heading for US call centers. So much for good customer service.
USFlyer said:
Let me get this straight. US will have ONE and ONLY ONE res facility? Bad move if weather or something else happens in INT.
That is hardly a concern with this management group....it is as Chip outlined , a warning shot across the bow of Allegheny County and the state of Pennsylvania.

Logic and long term ramifications is a moot point with CCY....it's about them making a point or making an example of something/someone.

Res wouldn't close overnight....and being off the field , they'll assume thier draconian measures won't make an "On the Field" disaster during the peak holiday traffic season.

I see this scenario that Chip is speaking of as a most plausable possibility....I knew if he kept throwing enough at the wall...eventually some of it would have a chance to stick. Time will tell on this one....I hope for PIT that he's wrong again.
Stop spreading rumors. Your information about an announcement and/or executive visit tomorrow at the PITRO is not true.

In the absence of fact, what else is there. Surely someone with your vast experience knows that "rumor control" is alive and well at all airlines.


Hawk said:
Stop spreading rumors. Your information about an announcement and/or executive visit tomorrow at the PITRO is not true.
....are we in denial about the CCY Pow Wow too Hawk ????...or is Mum and a letter of confidentiality got your tongue??? 😛

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