I guess we see things different. You see, ALPA has been advised for months as to what was to come, and we in fact had 4 guys who stood resulted in what they were repeatedly told would happen with delay.
This is a math problem, plain and simple, and it is being imposed beceause of the timeline, we are way past where we should have all acted in our best interests. We will see if the judge believes what the company has to say, it is in a 41 page brief, have you read it?
The only reason it is a 23% cut is because it does not encompass other areas, something that ultimately will be addresed. It could be much less for the AFA, I'm sure, assuming other areas are modified.
The days of having what we have at Airways are other, we must compete with these low fares and make money, or not have jobs. I think going in with your eyes open and picking and choosing is not cowardly, and that all groups would be best off to do so...but it is a math problem and targets need to be meet to get the support of wall street.
PITBull has said repeatedly that if the company can not make money it should just go away...the company is attempting to make money in the low fare enviroment by court imposed changes to the contract.
They told us it would happen, and now it is happening. So we will see shortly how the judge feels about it.
On page 19 of the breif, he FA pay is compared to the industry and after a 23% emergency relief, US Airways FAs are in the middle of the pack ahead of AWA, Sprirt, JetBlue, AirTran, and Southwwest.
I have a feeling that will be a tough sell to prevent changes. There are charts like this for eack employee group as well.
Good luck to us all, and that you for the civil debate.
firstamendment said:
I don't think Pitbull is in anyway suggesting that the judge would not implement any cut..just that he may not believe evreything the managment represented lawyers say. You see, this group has scared us sooo badly into believing whatever they say. If the judge says 23%, then fine. But to not stand up to these jerks? Now THAT would be cowardly!! :angry: