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PIT inspection:send help!


Oct 29, 2002
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a week or so ago,someone came up with the brite idea in hangar 5 base inspection that it would be a good idea to eliminate the inspectors in the sheetmetal shop and add them to hanngar inspection.so they abolished the sh metal inspectors(4 or so)and were going to increase the head count in hangar insp,then farm guys in sheet metal as needed.someone discovered you can''t farm into an area that doesn''t have inspectors.so they recinded all the abolishments.
end of story?ah ha ha..stay tuned,it gets even better.
in PIT ssb building there are about 8 or 9 inspectors over 3 shifts in about 3 or 4 different bid areas.well now it looks like its a good idea to abolish these 3 or 4 bid areas and create one new bid area and send inspectors to each of the old areas as needed.also this abolishment was originally intended to have the end result of eliminating one inspector.the new bid area was supposed to encompass ndt-hydro shop,elec shop,composite shop and weld/plasma repair.it will be called:-ndt/rep/fluid/comp .well when they posted the bid they forgot to put ndtat the begining.
so they awarded 2 lead insp and 5 inspectors positions on a bid area that doesn''t exist.also they abolished 2 leads and 6 insp''s from the original area and they are exorcising their seniority to bump another 6 inspectors and leads in other areas.these guys who were awarded the bids to the wrongly worded area are also supposed to get abolished.
so now about 23 inspectors are getting bumped around to eliminate 1 guy.
It just wouldn't be right for the company to get it right the first time around.
Now you see why we have such a valuable manangment team! I am sure they paid a consultant to to do a study, then it was recommended to a supervisor for his evaluation, then to a director for his approval, then to the desk of one of our fine VP's for his signature. What did we end up with? Another costly mistake by U Management. Times are changing !!!!!!!!!1
they have a dart board in don muellers office....
actually,if they don't get it right...bronners going to pull dip financing.
This sounds similar to Inflight. In the last 4 months Inflight has created 4 new Director positions and 3 new manager positions even though we have 50% less flight attendants to manage. It appears our concessions are being put to "good use"!
On 1/29/2003 9:10:15 AM zonecontroller wrote:

Sounds like we need an outside consultant to straighten this mess up!
On 1/29/2003 4:50:34 PM gilbertguy wrote:

On 1/29/2003 9:10:15 AM zonecontroller wrote:

Sounds like we need an outside consultant to straighten this mess up!

Maybe they can bring in someone from Southwest to consult.... [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/11.gif']

I don' think anyone in their right mind at WN would come. If I were the newest ramp rat at WN, I wouldn't come over if the offered me the station manager's job. Be sorta like transfering onto the Titanic.

And sadly, if a whiz kid came over from WN, no one in the Palace would listen[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/15.gif']