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Why hasn''t anyone posted the Mar 1 codaphone?

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On 3/1/2003 4:41:12 PM savyinvestor wrote:

Hi MLT, Darn my mistake! Friendly seems to be of the ALPA persuasion and that wouldn't work for me no matter how big their salary or pension is. Savy
Oh you cutie you Savy! I'm not ALPA anything. I do have opinions, which last time I looked, I am entitled to hold. You don't have enough money to force me into matrimonial Hell with you. You are probably a....gasp choke wheeze...liberal Democrat and my spine just curled as I typed that. (liberal shmiberal)
What I am is a people person. I don't like to see anyone go down for the count. I am not envious of any person's salary or wage or how many toys they have. What for? That won't change a hair on my head or my position on this Earth.
So go free, my little one! Romp and play! As I watch thee stomp upon others whom you deem to be more fortunate and you despise them thusly, I shall toast your right do do so. And then I shall go get my shotgun.
On 3/1/2003 5:31:09 PM tug_slug wrote:

On 3/1/2003 5:09:29 PM PITbull wrote:


Don't waste time on PUP, don't think its someone who gives a damn. They just want to antagonize the groups. Plus, their all over the map.

I dont think friendlypup thinks this is some sort of a joke and has nothing better to do, how sad.

Not at all. It IS sad. Very sad.
On 3/1/2003 4:34:07 PM mlt wrote:

Hi Savy,
Good to hear from you also. I think you're great, however you are confusing me with friendlypup--I believe f.p. was the one discussing marriage. Certainly not me!

9.gif'] Please! I won't marry you either! But I'm glad you straightened that out. You don't want any nasty rumors going around, do ya
Lav, Tell us how you really feel. Their young are mostly gone now its time to feed on whats left. Savy
On 3/1/2003 4:59:29 PM friendlypup wrote:

On 3/1/2003 4:54:51 PM savyinvestor wrote:

Lav, Tell us how you really feel. Their young are mostly gone now its time to feed on whats left. Savy

Sav---Lav......whatever....why don't youse lay off this cannibal thing? The hour is late and the issue is daunting. Yer 'gittin on me nerves, the two of yee. If yer' insinuatin' that yer gonna feed me to some union, be advised I have my shotgun at the ready.
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/11.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/11.gif']

? Stick to the post!
Why not endure a little more pain and stay tight in that bud?
On 3/1/2003 5:56:23 PM DELLDUDE wrote:

i smell money....

Never confuse style and manners with money. One can have the first two without the latter.

I find the majority of the posters on this board to be clueless as to the humaness of this issue. Man's INhumanity to man does not require membership in a union. Thank God I've never had to belong to one!
On 3/1/2003 5:02:56 PM mlt wrote:

Why not endure a little more pain and stay tight in that bud?
On 3/1/2003 5:09:29 PM PITbull wrote:


Don't waste time on PUP, don't think its someone who gives a damn. They just want to antagonize the groups. Plus, their all over the map.

PITbull, are you trying to out me? Okay, here's the deal. I certainly DO give a damn! I don't antagonize anyone. I will personally be very affected by a negative ruling by the judge. You must be young. You don't have a wide range, do you? I wrote to someone else that I will quite literally BE OUT ON THE STREET if the judge decides in favor of the company. I don't care? Surely you jest. You have no idea of what it would be like to wear a pair of my moccasins.
Hey Pup, I was right on the related to ALPA point so how did I do with the dog training? Just curious. Savy
On 3/1/2003 5:01:08 PM savyinvestor wrote:

Pup, My instincts tell me you were related to an ALPA type and now your a dog trainer. Ruff Ruff throw the dog a bone! Don't know where that came from , but it felt good. Savy
I had to put on me bifocals to be sure you weren't callin' me a dawg. I'm glad you're having fun. Ruff day though. For some of us.


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