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Pit Heavy Is Doomed

deano said:
Big Big Big assumption on your part that they will be an airline.

When all those southern boys came up and pissed and moaned about how everyone was mean, well those mean bastards are coming your way so make room for a less than friendly bunch of very disgruntled guys.....IF there is a company left?

I am not a mechanic, so I will not fuel the north/south issue that many of you enjoy to have flammed. I will promise you that when those "mean bastard, less than friendly disgruntled employees" DO come the way of CLT, the managers will fire your sorry asses if you aren't doing your job and they won't back down like the pussy whipped managers in place "up" there, wherever "up" is...I know that will be too easy. 😛

Remember we created smiling as we stab you in the back, saying have a nice (very long i) day. And if we hate you, you will always get a Cee U Next Time. :huh: 😉
I beg to differ 1st, go walk through the CLT hangar and you will see more people standing around then working and no one gets fired.
700UW said:
I beg to differ 1st, go walk through the CLT hangar and you will see more people standing around then working and no one gets fired.

Thank you 700.

Only real difference is a few hundred miles and tobacco in your pouch :lol:
And you guys wonder about the push to outsource things...

Rico said:
And you guys wonder about the push to outsource things...


The guys get things done as fast as the system allows such as it is, while management scratches their asses wondering where to go for lunch and who to punish next for a frivolous violation. Like I said, it's over and management is making sure of it.
Who's job is it Rico to ensure the work is getting done?


Management does not manage its workforce, explain to me how 5 mechanics on third shift on a Saturday night are suppose to overhaul three airplanes?

And remember 7 out of 12 narrowbody buses had serious problems when they left ST MAE@BFM, that the FAA is investigating them and they FAA is watching the process like a hawk right now the heavy maintenance work being done on the planes down their right now.

Remember one thing, MAE is driven by profit alone, not safety, the plane does not leave on-time, MAE pays US a penalty. A US mechanic is only driven by safety.

Airport ID: BFM
Physical Location:
MOBILE , AL 36615

Certificated Mechanics: 532
Repairmen: 74
Non-Certificated Mechanics: 1173
Total Employees: 1776

Wonder why there are more UNLICENSED working on the planes then licensed?


Thanks for clarifying much where the mechanics are concerned. Many of us only see those that come on the airplane. We know nothing of what you do as far as your day to day schedules in the hanger.

I agree with you where outsourcing is concerned. I was on the aircraft your screen name bares with the hydrualic problem. Mobile left a sour taste in my mouth that day.
justaumechanic said:
Possibly tonight PIT base could get the TPA treatment.

Spreading more false rumors? :down:

The company might be shipping parts to support the HMV's but that's normal.

The A330 inventory is being moved out of Pit since the a/c no longer flies into the city.
Hawk said:
Spreading more false rumors? :down:

The company might be shipping parts to support the HMV's but that's normal.

The A330 inventory is being moved out of Pit since the a/c no longer flies into the city.

Well what airbuses or boeings fly out of HMV? 😛 :unsure: B)
There is a A330 down there getting a C-Check Normally done by US mechanics, since the company wanted to be vengeful to the IAM they sent that work there too and there is one A319 there also.
You wanted to know if I saw the documents with my own eyes or in the Lav.. How about my own eye's.. So lets clear that up.

PIT does not do the C-11 on the entire Airbus fleet.. We only do the A321. The A319/320 are done in DCA or LAX. Since you do not work in PIT you really should not make a comment about it. (on occasion we might do an A319/320 if it is in for something esle or DCA/LAX are backed up)

McMullen is not the Director of PIT Base. He is Managing director Technical Operations. Spina is Director of PIT Base and is now Director Maintenance Northeast Region. Once again you do not work in PIT so stop making comments about things you know nothing about.

Take my word for it. There is plenty of standing around in PIT waiting for the chains to be put on the doors..

Its not if, its when. And when will be soon.

Having worked in PIT base for over 17 years I can not remember a time when they were this solid on closing down a facility. (a PIT facility) Yes a few years ago everyone was convinced they were going to close down Hangar 2 and it seemed like a done deal until someone realized they were going to back up the checks due to lack of hangar space.. Always short sighted management.

One thing 700UW.. The what was the website you got the MAE information from. I found that to be very interesting, care to share the website with us?
DCA nor LAX does a C-11 Check, they do overnight C's.

C-11 is heavy maintenance, DCA or LAX has heavy maintenance.

FAA Database on MAE
700UW said:
DCA nor LAX does a C-11 Check, they do overnight C's.

C-11 is heavy maintenance, DCA or LAX has heavy maintenance.

FAA Database on MAE

Thanks for the website..

Can you ever say "Oh, I didn't know that".

Not to go back and forth.. I work in PIT.. Simple as that.. We do not do the C-11 on the A319/320.. Lets be clear on that.. We only do the A321.. Ok.. Now if they don't do it in DCA or LAX where do they do it? It's not done in PIT. OK.. So inform us..

Don't fight it. Roll with it. Besides.. Look at the PIT track schedules.. You will not see a steady Airbus Track.. The A321 is one in a Mixed Track of 737 C checks and A321 C-11 checks.. After that you have 4 Q check lines on the 737 (up until a few days ago) One dedicated 737 C check line and one drop in track for MISC work and the Fwd Bulkhead Mod.. We run 7 tracks in PIT..