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Prudence and mathematics clearly dictate that these programs have run their ill-fated course and it's time for them to end before the whole nation implodes. People need to pay their own way because there is no way the top 280,000 income earners can pay for 308 million other people's retirement and healthcare costs by "paying their fair share".
fine, as long as I get a full refund of my SSec and Medicare contributions.
fine, as long as I get a full refund of my SSec and Medicare contributions.
They are just another tax like income taxes, estate taxes, aviation taxes, business taxes, and fuel taxes. Your money and mine has long ago been spent on anything and everything congress can dream up to get votes in return for passing out little financial goodies to their constituents. I would like all of my money back too with interest, but its a lost cause now. The government is broke, in debt way past it's eyeballs, and cannot pay it's current obligations without borrowing $0.40 of every dollar it spends. If you think SS and Medicare will be around in 10-20 years if the nation doesn't collapse before then, you are very likely to be disappointed. Where do you think the $115 trillion in unfunded liabilities is going to come from when we take in $2.5 trillion in revenues and spend $3.9 trillion just in 2011?
I had a niece who had no insurance, she was 26 with a child and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, the dr's would not see her unless she came up with $35,000. That is criminal.

So is that doctor's $250,000 student loans to LEARN how to save your friend.... and I think its criminal that same doctor pays $150,00 a year in medical malpractice insurance because of runaway lawyers & bogus lawsuits.

So yes, he needs $35,000 up front because that's just going to pay or part of his school loan and part of the medical malpractice insurance.

(btw, I left US and work for a medical board.... so I know this *first hand*)
They are just another tax like income taxes, estate taxes, aviation taxes, business taxes, and fuel taxes. Your money and mine has long ago been spent on anything and everything congress can dream up to get votes in return for passing out little financial goodies to their constituents. I would like all of my money back too with interest, but its a lost cause now. The government is broke, in debt way past it's eyeballs, and cannot pay it's current obligations without borrowing $0.40 of every dollar it spends. If you think SS and Medicare will be around in 10-20 years if the nation doesn't collapse before then, you are very likely to be disappointed. Where do you think the $115 trillion in unfunded liabilities is going to come from when we take in $2.5 trillion in revenues and spend $3.9 trillion just in 2011?
OBAMA '12!
Seriously, not my problem on where the $$ is coming from. The promise was made that we would have $x in SS benefits come retirement day. If they aren't going to pay (BTW, I'm not voting for the fools that say just that), then I'd seriously like to have my contributions returned as it would be cheaper for the govmt (they'd save about 50% on the payout) and less worrisome for me.
But, alas, I am a realist and I do realize that SS/Medicare are unfunded and are unlikely to be there when I need them. And I can't prepare for that eventuality. Loss of the pension made PBGC and SSec a large chunk of what I'll rely on for my retirement, since being in aviation is such a great career...

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