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Express Closes More Statons

That is yet another chapter in the Express saga. It is bad enough that they are flying a stone age SAAB, then add to that with the payload of a pick-up truck...and you know the rest.
It seems like U is trying to order 8000 Express aircraft, but is retreating out of small cities left and right. Midwest stations, Beechcraft stations, noe 30 seat prop stations. Any ideas on what ones could be next?
I flew LEX-PIT a few months ago on Shuttle America. It was embarrasing. During the flight attendants level off announcement, he mentioned the beverage service. "I only have onboard a few diet Cokes, a coke, two Sprites, some juice and one beer and two wines. I also have little ice." At the time it was quite humorous, but in fact, it is sad that USAirways allows this carrier to fly for them.

Despite the flight attendants announcement, he was dressed to uniform standards and was quite attentive to us. He actually tried to have a conversation with each of us individually. There was less that 20 on board. The flight was fine. The legroom appeard to be more than a Dash 8. But, i would pick a Dash 8 anytime over the Saab.
Is it Shuttle America or Colgan Air with the extra legroom?

One of them has huge legroom in the back because they had to take out seats for weight and balance purposes!
I haven't flown Colgan. But, I was actually impressed with the legroom on the Saab i flew from LEX to PIT. I had like a whole foot in front of me and i wasn't bulkhead. I really didn't notice the seat width of the the other rows. Despite the extra inches of legroom, the plane makes odd and unfamiliar noises during flight, unlike the Dash 8 which sounds consistant throughout flight.
They may as well have lots of legroom on the Saab. It would be best if they removed about 5 seats since they can't take a full load of 30 anyway. The DH-8 has 7 more seats and can take a full load in MOST cases. The DH-8 is easier to work and it also has an APU.
A different Express operator, but the results are the same.

Little Rock-New Orleans gone

Interesting last line......and sadly its not just this route that got the treatment. I know we've scared a couple of preferreds offline because of this very problem with the Express.
actuallly on some good days the rj can take 50 pax and a full load. today our clt rj took 50 and roughly almost all of the 74 checked bags and carry-ons. i flew home
last evening on the erj-145 from pit to abe and it was weight restricted to 43 pax and 50 bags total.. just leave it to the airline to get the junker planes! might as welll call in the ww2 planes for the transport of the rest of the bags left behind!
Colgan Air F/A's are professional for the most part, I used to commute on them to get to PIT in order to get to DCA or IAD. Some of them were a little ditzy, but at least they were in compliance with the uniform.
Here's a classic for you,
I was flying from PIT to CLE yesterday on Shuttle America. The flight was running late due to the weather. The gate agents were doing a good job keeping the passengers updated. About the time the aircraft arrived, another crew showed up and I heard them say something to the agent about "flag stop" and Columbus. I don't think anyone else heard them. Nothing else was said so I didn't think too much about it. Once the aircraft was boarded the flight attendant welcomed everyone onboard US Airways Express flight 4604 service to Cleveland with a quick stop in Columbus. The passengers chuckled but then a guy in the front said "Your kidding,right?" The flight attendant said "I'm afraid not." You could have heard a pin drop. The captain finally came on the intercom to explain that the crew was needed in Columbus along with a part for the broken airplane. Those of us who work in the industry know that this happens once in a great while but the fact that the gate agent didn't inform the passengers before the flight was boarded was inexcusable and embarrasing. I have to believe that there will be a number of nasty letters written to consumer affairs over this.
I've heard people say many times over the years," It doesn't matter,it's Shuttle America' or "it's a commuter flight,what can you expect." Those airplanes have our name on the side of them. The flying public doesn't differentiate between Shuttle America and US Airways. If a commuter operator screws up it reflects badly on all of us. This is bad service we just don't need. The people at the top of this company (that's you Dave) had better start to address some of these issues or we'll be in a deeper hole than we already are.
Interesting to hear about Shuttle America dropping LYH. At times on the LYH to PIT runs, I feel as if I am flying Aeroflot Express instead of US Airways Express.

On a similar note, the local paper here today has an article describing LYH airport administration as kicking Midwest Express (I think a division of Mesa) out as of April 30 due to poor service and high cancelation rates to and from CLT. Article quotes US Airways spokes-person as saying they will replace the CLT service with another Express carrier. There is nothing in the paper however, about the Shuttle America departure.

While I know that LYH is not a strategic market by any means - US has really taken it on the chin here. Delta (ASA) started flying RJ's here in May and they have grown their market share from less than 20% to nearly 50% in the 9 months since. DL has better equipment and prices are often half of US.

I am a US1 and the staff at US treats me like a king - however, I am being forced to DL more and more due to the the price disparities. US simply doesn't seem to want to compete. I still fly US whenever I can just because of the great employeees and the way they all treat me.
[I flew LEX-PIT a few months ago on Shuttle America. It was embarrasing. During the flight attendants level off announcement, he mentioned the beverage service. "I only have onboard a few diet Cokes, a coke, two Sprites, some juice and one beer and two wines. I also have little ice." At the time it was quite humorous, but in fact, it is sad that USAirways allows this carrier to fly for them.

Despite the flight attendants announcement, he was dressed to uniform standards and was quite attentive to us. He actually tried to have a conversation with each of us individually. There was less that 20 on board. The flight was fine. The legroom appeard to be more than a Dash 8. But, i would pick a Dash 8 anytime over the Saab. ]

I did a DH on the same route several months ago and the male flight attendant had a studded dog collar around his neck. so much for a profesional appearance. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

as someone stated above the passengers think that we are all one airline.


PLEASE write this up and send it to CCY. I think I have seen this F/A before (there can't be more than one, can there? :blink: ) wearing combat boots with multicolored laces, and a backpack with buttons with some pretty explicit stuff on them.

Even if this ship is sinking, the hired help dressing like prostitutes should not be tolerated. This is an airline, not a sex club.

I cannot believe that US Airways uses companies like this. They deserve everything they get (not the employees, the short-sighted, greedy, and stupid management.)
Boeing4me said:
On a similar note, the local paper here today has an article describing LYH airport administration as kicking Midwest Express (I think a division of Mesa) out as of April 30 due to poor service and high cancelation rates to and from CLT.
That would be Air Midwest. Yes, they are a part of the Mesa conglomerate. Their history, though, predates Mesa by many years. They were one of the 'third-level' pioneers, starting out way back in the '60s out of Kansas City and prospering by taking over services to towns and routes that were being shed even before deregulation by (original) Frontier and Ozark.
Not to be confused with the established Milwaukee-based niche carrier that was known until last year as Midwest Express. Now just Midwest Airlines, dropping the "Express" due to it's connotation with commuter carriers.

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