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Pit Cuts

TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
PIT will retain service to major cities. PIT will become a major focus city just like DCA/BOS/LGA and the soon to be focus city of FLL :up: .Im guessing PIT will see service to LAX/SFO/LAS/PHX/BOS/BDL/LGA/BWI/ATL/MIA/FLL/TPA/MCO/RSW/MSY/DFW/ORD/BNA and maybe a few others. I didnt add SEA because Im dont sure if their is demand for PIT-SEA service. I may be wrong.

There is plenty of demand for PIT-SEA. However, during the winter it will probably go down to 1x319 or be completely eliminated. SEA service during the december sked is cut to:

CLT 1X319 redeye
PIT 1X321 1X319 redeye
PHL 1X319 1X320 ----no redeye service.

So, if PIT is eliminated, then you are looking at only 2 daytime options from SEA. Wouldn't it be better to farm that station out to UA?
FM2436 said:
Im certain EAS contracts are bid every two years. An airline currently operating a EAS route under contract can not discontinue flying the route without finding a suitable replacement airline. However, once the two year contract expires, the airline is able to walk away from the route by simply not bidding.

Actually, they can't. The DOT can force them to remain on the route while they look for another carrier, and reimburse them for any losses they sustain.

But in practice, that doesn't happen. There are *always* carriers wanting to pick up the EAS routes, because that's the only way many of the 19-seat carriers can make any money.

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