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US718 PHL-FCO 5/26 returns to PHL

No, by your own statement the aircraft will not return to service until "later this evening". A "ferry" flight, is, by definition, not a revenue flight and therefore is not considered "in service".

Darn, no wonder the "Tempe morons" and in general wife abusers keep their jobs. We keep it that way by adopting their own weasel words and statements.
Look, The Aircraft IS available for service should it be needed. If it was needed to swap in CLT it could. Sounds like you have been drinking a little with DoUgIe... Word of advice, use a car service.
Look, The Aircraft IS available for service should it be needed. If it was needed to swap in CLT it could. Sounds like you have been drinking a little with DoUgIe... Word of advice, use a car service.

That is like saying an aircraft is "ready for service" right out of Birmingham.

It was not available until it was ready to be actually "in" service and not a moment before.

Perhaps you are right. I expect competancy where there is apparently none.

BTW, is it true a 767 blew a slide yesterday on opening the L1 door, and,

the slide/raft did not inflate?

You are wrong, when the airplane is fixed and paperwork completed it is considered back in service, RTS (return to service) is what it is called.

No matter if it sits as an RON, ferries to make up a later flight or goes right back for a flight, US Airways considers the airplane back in service and available.

Thank you for the simplified, self-serving, maintenance, definition. Yes, it might have been out of your hands by noon, RTS, indeed out of base that it was.
That is like saying an aircraft is "ready for service" right out of Birmingham.

It was not available until it was ready to be actually "in" service and not a moment before.

Perhaps you are right. I expect competancy where there is apparently none.

BTW, is it true a 767 blew a slide yesterday on opening the L1 door, and,

the slide/raft did not inflate?
When I was at work this am, oops mean MORNING.. the computer did not show any 76's out of service.
It was inbound ATH. :lol: The slide did not inflate but was considered an ISD. :blink: Opps. Monitor and Challange! 😛
Ok, now that we've spent 10+ posts defining "in service", can someone please confirm or deny the open COMM door rumor that started this whole clusterF?

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