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PIT commuters to PHL

It was always jaw dropping to hear how "difficult" the commute was from PIT, when you tried to come in the same day, at your convenience.

When someone keeps telling me about their $800 mortgage you begin to wonder what they do with their money.

Oh well, the Daze will be happy to accept them for $200 a month.

Get used to that.

Welcome to our world.
It was always jaw dropping to hear how "difficult" the commute was from PIT, when you tried to come in the same day, at your convenience.

When someone keeps telling me about their $800 mortgage you begin to wonder what they do with their money.

Oh well, the Daze will be happy to accept them for $200 a month.

Get used to that.

Welcome to our world.
love to see how we are one big happy group. Yeah its going to suck big time and some will quit, some will move and some will get the ezpass and ADAPT. But the tone of everyone ganging on the pit group is bullshit. Anyone who would move for this shitty company is none to smart.
Every crew member, but especially those who live in PIT and are almost by definition very senior, knows that crew bases close. To the last man and woman PIT commuter, they have all seen crew bases closed while employed at Allegheny/USAir/US Airways. When the old Piedmont "Mecca," INT/GSO closed, they should have taken the hint. When the old PSA's LAX/SAN/SFO closed, they should have paid attention.

For some reason they always seemed to smugly think that they were immune to such "business decisions." They grew complacent thinking that this particular risk of being a crew member somehow didn't apply to them. When, lo and behold, it DID INDEED apply to them, their cries of "Foul" ring hollow to those of us who have endured base closures before. Too bad; so sad. You get back every ounce of sympathy that you showed us in years past when our bases closed. That process of returned sympathy only had enough oomph to last about 3 and a half seconds.

"But we have roots, and families in school, and relatives to take care of." Been there. Done that. Life in the big leagues certainly does suck sometimes. Buck up like the rest of us had to. Some quit. Some moved. Welcome to the club. In the words of Ferris Bueller: "You're still here? It's over, go home.....GO!"

Gosh NYC..someone must have really hit you hard over one of your own bases closing. Don't really get that post. Heck, I lost an entire airline once. I have found most everyone to be very understanding and compassionate about other's bases closing. No smugness. If anything, it is only like a block holder complaining in front of a reserve about a bad schedule...we all tend to be a little self centered..not in an evil way.

I was actually more surprised when LGA and BOS closed than PIT...but all closures suck. Remember, in the no-go DAL merger in 2006, CLT was going to close as mainline. Thank goodness that did not happen. Heck we are down to 4 bases..any closing now would be terrible.


I don't want to rain on your parade, however Doug & Scott had little to do with saving HP or US in terms of coming up with a pricing strategy to keep WN at bay either in PHX or PHL! The credit should go to Andrew Nocella, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Planning. He started with HP and came up with their above mentioned pricing strategy which worked so well CCY hired him away from HP to work his magic at the original US Airways.

I have long held the opinion that if ONE person is to be given credit for saving the two carriers it should be Andrew. While he may not have slain the WN dragon, he is one of the few who have put a few bruises, cuts and scrapes on that old dragon. You want to give DP & SK some Props? Credit them for having the wisdom to hire Andrew in the first place. The problem at US is it needs fewer SK's and more Andrew Nocella's.

Except that Andrew Nocella is not responsible for making pricing strategies at US. That said, I agree with your sentiments about him.

I found their service additions to be quite interesting as it appears they are trying at least on some of the new routes to attract business away from US, just in a different way


ISP-RSW isn't even a new route, but rather a resumption of seasonal winter service.

As for the remaining routes, US was no higher than the #3 carrier on any of those routes, save for FLL-MHT where it was already a distant #2 to WN.

Ever stop to think that closing LGA, BOS, PIT was part of the plan? To drive down seniority? Thus lowering costs?

Nope, because it's absolutely not true. But in a world full of conspiracy theories, be my guest
I was actually more surprised when LGA and BOS closed than PIT...but all closures suck. Remember, in the no-go DAL merger in 2006, CLT was going to close as mainline.
I bet you were!

Well everyone is off to CLT... including you.

It's all part of the lifestyle.

The commuter hotels are cheaper and better than PHL.
I bet you were!

Well everyone is off to CLT... including you.

It's all part of the lifestyle.

The commuter hotels are cheaper and better than PHL.

Oh no, don't do it....PIT CLT sucks..don't recommend it to anyone. PHL has better trips, even with SWA gone. Better to stay in PHL.


RR, lifestyle champion
Except that Andrew Nocella is not responsible for making pricing strategies at US. That said, I agree with your sentiments about him.

Andrew Nocella is possibly the smartest man I've ever met. He's not now but he was and he gets IMO, ZERO credit which sucks. I've met him and he's kinda like the Clark Kent of Aviation.


ISP-RSW isn't even a new route, but rather a resumption of seasonal winter service.

Well I accept your point as the very next time I fly to RSW will be the first.

As for the remaining routes, US was no higher than the #3 carrier on any of those routes, save for FLL-MHT where it was already a distant #2 to WN.

I did not know that, thanks for the clarification.

Nope, because it's absolutely not true. But in a world full of conspiracy theories, be my guest
Yeah, AWA really showed them! What are they down to a couple of flights a day now out of PHX and LAS? :lol:

LAS was not exactly a money-maker.

Lots of connects going through LAS, not OD.

And look what they bring in - whatever Allegiant doesn't take.

They can have it.
LAS was not exactly a money-maker.

Lots of connects going through LAS, not OD.

And look what they bring in - whatever Allegiant doesn't take.

They can have it.

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! You guys have been telling us for the last few years that it was the migration of the east high cost to the west that caused the pull down of LAS. You mean that's not true? :lol: You guys need to get your story straight.

How about PHX. Anything left of SWA there, or did they get tired of the ass kicking that AWA has been giving them all these years? B)
One of the threads in this forum when I joined was that US commuters Phil-Pitt were causing scenes and practically a riot at the WN counters "demanding" to get on the aircraft! We even read about the warnings that a certain 'Tina', I believe, was was telling the commuters that Southwest won't put up with their bursts for much longer.

Maybe if WN isn't going to go out of its way for commuters, you should blame yourselves.

I'm just saying B)
That was a long time ago and even though there have been isolated incidences they are FEW and FAR between. Everyone has learned the system and are very respectful to the gate agents of both US and WN. Commuters who just don't get it have been dealt with on an individual basis.
What a quaint 1960's Point of View.

Ever stop to think that closing LGA, BOS, PIT was part of the plan? To drive down seniority? Thus lowering costs?

The last time I had a conversation about Loyalty to a company or employees even the Dinosaurs were giggling.

NOBODY CARES! How loyal you are, how long you worked for US, or how long you've lived in your community. To DP, SK & RI you're just so much Sh*t under their feet.

Once you realize this then it gets easier to rearrange your life around what's truly important to you. Not some piss-ant airline run by a pecker-wood like DUI Doug Parker.

While I guess it is quite clear I may be stuck in the past where people still had some loyalties, manors, tact and live in houses with white picket fences it does not change my point. I was trying to say that a lot of folks seem to bunching everyone from Pittsburgh as whiners that have no sympathy for others and have a sense of entitlement. I would submit that there are self serving people like that from everywhere that commute that you could place in the same category. I would also submit there are just as many kind and sympathetic employees around that just do what they have to do and don't complain at all. That was all I was trying to say.

I Already said that people will have to decide what is best for them. Commuting may no longer be an option for some. Some will just make it work. When I commented about business plans I was not siting specific events other than to say they can change at any time. To just pick up and move for a company that could close any base tomorrow might not make since for everyone.

Alas, I was just trying to sympathize with those that have lost one more option to work. That goes for anyone.
That was a long time ago and even though there have been isolated incidences they are FEW and FAR between. Everyone has learned the system and are very respectful to the gate agents of both US and WN. Commuters who just don't get it have been dealt with on an individual basis.
As it should be 🙄 :unsure:
Every single time it has been from someone from the "Burgh".

The "you should live where you work" line has come full circle.

Be careful what you wish for... and sometimes you get even with yourselves.

Maybe you might understand PIT bashing when a provincial "Burgher" works with you to your home town but is dense enough to bag on your home town, then asks where you commute from. No apology, no nothing. Just the silence of inserting foot in mouth...duh!

Oh did I mention the only reason they were going was to buy Two Buck Chuck?

I asked someone who commuted TO PIT what the deal was? Their answer was - the "Burghers" didn't travel well - to put it politely.

I also laugh at the "Burghers" bagging on PHX real estate yet are unable to sell their own homes for lack of interest. It's what they're worth when you need to sell them!!!

The world has come into balance again.

For the good people who were nice I wish you good luck.

For those of you who were less than nice then you got what you deserved.

"You should live where you work!"

I get what you are saying, and I believe you. It is not nice when you are stuck working with those with closed minds. My point was that these people exists everywhere and not just the "Burgh". We all reap what we sow for sure. I just hope the good ones will not be lumped in together with the bad apples.

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