This company has never, ever done anything to help commuters..and I am not arguing they are required to by market forces. But that said....
I moved to PIT in 2002 from Atlanta, because management was cutting everything after 911..even the thief Siegel made it clear they expected us to live in base. PIT closed 3 years later. And to follow so did LAS, BOS, and LGA. We do not "commute because we choose to."
As to commuters "not generating revenue" that is management's choice. I can see many scenarios where commuters might just do that.
One of the threads in this forum when I joined was that US commuters Phil-Pitt were causing scenes and practically a riot at the WN counters "demanding" to get on the aircraft! We even read about the warnings that a certain 'Tina', I believe, was was telling the commuters that Southwest won't put up with their bursts for much longer.
Maybe if WN isn't going to go out of its way for commuters, you should blame yourselves.
I'm just saying B)