Well, SWA is running away from PHL, it appears. Parker said SWA wasn't having much success there and that LCC was really killing them, guess he was right! Bad for commuters, yes; but GOOD for the airline and PHL revenue capabilities.
Markets that Southwest will exit on a nonstop basis are:
Boise-Salt Lake City
Kansas City-Seattle/Tacoma
Manchester-Las Vegas
*Note how they appear to also be abandoning SEA on non stop basis as well? ALK's agressive strategy to protect territory is obviously paying dividends up here as well. 😀
Anyhow, this is clearly a victory for USAirways over the supposedly invincible LUV!! LUV first tried to crush AWA at PHX after 9/11, and AWA mgmt. (read: Parker and Kirby) smartly came up with a pricing strategy to keep LUV at bay. It was a remarkable aviation story, never fully told. LCC owns PHL, SWA can't compete against them at all. They will be running flights through BWI or stopping them completely. Watch for DAL to (attempt at least) to crush them in ATL. I think buying AirTran might have just made things worse for them.
So, in PHL, it's no surprise that LUV's fortunes immediately went south once the US/AWA merger happened. We had the better hand -- US's huge hub operation. You may remember that LUV moved into PHL shortly before this purhase, figuring they could replace US when it died.
So now we have some more great fundamental news today, and yet, the stock (and all airlines) is down?? Whatever 🙄
Thought this subject was worth more of a shout out, beyond the commuter issue.
Anyway, let's keep it up US!! 😛h34r:
You bring up a few interesting notes in your remarks, it's almost as if you are writing for someone else, which it appears you are on other airline chat boards.
I'm gonna paste the yahoo! chat board today and it quotes:
I previously posted in this thread, but used a word that I guess is modestly "off-color" and seems to have been deleted.
Anyhow, it's another victory for Parker and Kirby over the supposedly invincible LUV. LUV first tried to crush them at PHX when AWA was almost out of money after 9/11, and our Dynamic Duo came up with a pricing strategy to keep LUV at bay. It was a remarkable aviation story, never fully told.
So, in PHL, it's no surprise that LUV's fortunes immediately went south once AWA bought US. Here, Parker and Kirby had the better hand -- US's huge hub operation. You may remember that LUV moved into PHL shortly before this purhase, figuring they could replace US when it died.
So now we have some more great fundamental news today, and the stock is still down! What a crazy market. Someday, it will matter, if we all don't go broke first.
Then we have the comments from sweetflyer2:
SWA is running away from PHL, it appears. DP said SWA wasn't doing much there and LCC was killing them, guess he was right.
Markets that Southwest will exit on a nonstop basis are:
Boise-Salt Lake City
Kansas City-Seattle/Tacoma
Manchester-Las Vegas
It was mentioned on the yahoo! thread and now the remarks are being deleted?
The wording and the language are the same. Its funny that iahphx has tried to command respect and bring only honor thru Doug and Scott via their historical and importance, ie, they are they Dynamic Duo of Doug and Scott and only these two have been in saving the airline from failure and now are profitability. On the other end, the somewhat overbearing, at times vulgar sweetflyer tries to garner respect by stating over and over they are going to be worth a million dollars, if you believe in Doug and Scott and were lucky enough to buy LCC stock as they were. Sweet doesn't need unity at the table or a contract. They have invested millions of dollars into the stock and will soon reap rewards.
I post this only because earlier today, iahphx posted one thing on yahoo! and it was word for word here on airlineforums.com under the name of yvrushp. The second part of the message was posted on yahoo! by sweetflyer2