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Pilots Could Control Fate Of Us Airways

Don't worry Jim. Most of us agree with you. Even if UAIR still exists ina few months (which I doubt), you can bet thet the ONLY employees they have are Pilots, Mechanics, and a few management types. All the rest will be contracted out, for minimum wage and NO benefits. Then El Gato will have all kinds of time to justify her existence while looking for work. And, by the way, once it happens here, it'll sweep the industry, ruining jobs for all of the airlines. That is, unless the employees at UAIR get some cojones at stop it now.
Boeing Boy,
Just want to say I always enjoy reading your posts. Dont' let El gato work you up. There's an old saying that goes something like "a mans true character and integrity is finally seen when under pressure. Sorry I don't remember the exact saying. But some of the true characters of men are being shown for what they really are , under these stressful times.

One way or another things will work out. But the bottom line is your right, by posters who get on here and tell others how they must vote is wrong. Each individual will make up his or her own mind and have to live with their decision.

For the posters who want to blame other labor groups for the bad business mistakes that have been made over the years YOUR THROWING YOUR ANGER AND FRUSTRATION in the wrong direction. All fingers should be pointing to the top, where ALL DECISIONS, good or bad are made !!!!!
seeking the truth said:
Boeing Boy,
Just want to say I always enjoy reading your posts. Dont' let El gato work you up.

Jim has got to be the kindest soul that posts but posters like EL Moron who obviously has brain cell damage from too much drugs and alcohol with a big red nose hanging down the face, well that kind of poster challenges even the gentlest of the bunch....

I think we need to have a big love in for all the hurt and wounded souls who post on here, of course EL & M is not invited, just the ones with mental activity present.
El Gato said:
BoeingBoy, I am in a union. The union I belong to is small in number, however, so we do not really have much say in things.

Must be a TWU member, funny they are the only group not to be approached by the company.
WestCoastGuy said:
My Grammy always told me three things to remember in life:

1. Never argue with an idiot

2. Never try to teach a pig to dance.

3. Stay outta the way of a scorned/rejected woman

My Grammy must've been sick that day as I never got that kind of info from her. I'm guilty of No. 1 and 3 and some of my friends could make a case for No. 2 but that doesn't count as it was late and the alcohol had flowed freely.....right?? That is a defense right?? :blink: :unsure: (I sure hope so!!)
I think at some point in time...we've all been guilty of a couple of those things... 😉
cavalier said:
Jim has got to be the kindest soul that posts but posters like EL Moron who obviously has brain cell damage from too much drugs and alcohol with a big red nose hanging down the face, well that kind of poster challenges even the gentlest of the bunch....

I think we need to have a big love in for all the hurt and wounded souls who post on here, of course EL & M is not invited, just the ones with mental activity present.
I have had the pleasure of meeting & talking to Jim & I can only say I wish that most of our other pilots came close to him . He is a great guy..

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