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Pilots board approves proposal 9-7...now what?

I may still be totally wrong, and I probably didn't word it right. I realize AMR stock is totally worthless. My thought was if AA successfully restructures. Eventually new stocks will go upfor sale and may be worth thinking about buying.
It would still be interesting to know what Parker offered the unions ar AA for them to even consider it and be part of his rally before they had second thoughts. This is why even if a merger does occur, it will be interesting to see the outcome of the entire workforce. It's obvious that his promises are smeared with weasel words that make you believe he said one thing and means another. That's why I wouldn't buy a car from him.
What is everyones feelings, Will the pilots vote this in?

Well Bates and the advisors recommend it mainly on the 13% stake.

It would still be interesting to know what Parker offered the unions ar AA for them to even consider it and be part of his rally before they had second thoughts. This is why even if a merger does occur, it will be interesting to see the outcome of the entire workforce. It's obvious that his promises are smeared with weasel words that make you believe he said one thing and means another. That's why I wouldn't buy a car from him.

Parker can offer anything as he is desperate to wed the last remaining major airline. I still feel AA should come out of #11 as a stand alone carrier and then they can decide whether to absorb US on its terms and its time schedule. I also agree with some who have said the AA unions are using US as leverage to gain a better contract. Reminds me of bob Kraft,the owner of the new England patriots in using threats of moving the team to Providence,R.I. and later Hartford,CT to gain traction in building a new stadium in Massachusetts. The top state officials in Connecticut really thought they had a solid deal with plans for a new stadium and a selected plot of land. Kraft pulls the plug on the deal a few days before a clause that would bind him to the deal was set to expire. Kraft got what he wanted from Massachusetts and played the other two cities for fools.

I've been saying the same thing you have said and it is my belief. You enlighten me with the AA restructuring scenario, and they take over US. Wouldn't that be a vapor trail in the afterburner?

When Parker was hoping to marry United, he even said he was willing to step down as CEO!!!

I've been saying the same thing you have said and it is my belief. You enlighten me with the AA restructuring scenario, and they take over US. Wouldn't that be a vapor trail in the afterburner?

When Parker was hoping to marry United, he even said he was willing to step down as CEO!!!
There is absolutely no way that Parker will allow Horton to run a merged US / AA . He will nix the deal if that were the case . It just won't happen . If it came to that then you would be correct . There will be no merger .
And as far as AA unions using US to get some levarage . They aren't . There are legal reasons behind it .
With Horton at the Helms...2 years after AA exits bankruptcy AA will b no more...
Do tell what they'd be...

It seems like if UA used US to get CO to walk down the aisle the APA, TWU, and APFA could do the same...

This time around US has signed contracts with APA,APFA,and the TWU. US did not have the same with UA . The UA thing was management to management . Unions had nothing to do with it . Come on Jim . You should know better than that .
Actually they haven't signed contracts, merely bullet points. Besides, US can't legally have an enforcable contract with other airline's employees - no merger and any potential contracts between US and APA/APFA/TWU go away.

Do tell what they'd be...

It seems like if UA used US to get CO to walk down the aisle the APA, TWU, and APFA could do the same...


Read the letter put out by APA's President. It explains much. The merger may yet fail, but it won't be because APA membership agree to AAs terms for an agreement.

The PHX crew news is also informative.


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