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Pilot has stuck mic. Caught going on rant about F/A's.


Oct 5, 2003
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Right in the middle.
Oh boy...

HOUSTON -- A Houston-based airline pilot has been suspended after his cockpit microphone became stuck, allowing an obscenity-laced rant to be broadcast over hundreds of miles, Local 2 Investigates reported Tuesday.

Article here.
Oh boy...

HOUSTON -- A Houston-based airline pilot has been suspended after his cockpit microphone became stuck, allowing an obscenity-laced rant to be broadcast over hundreds of miles, Local 2 Investigates reported Tuesday.

Article here.

I hope those "FLIGHT ATTENDANTS" FIND OUT who said that. I bet those two PILOTS would NEVER ask/request a BEVERAGE from those grannies and homosexuals again. LMAOOO. (spit)
I hope those "FLIGHT ATTENDANTS" FIND OUT who said that. I bet those two PILOTS would NEVER ask/request a BEVERAGE from those grannies and homosexuals again. LMAOOO. (spit)

Cry me a river.

Too bad I don't have a couple of decades of taped conversations heard from the back of the crew vans or the galleys.

The one's referring to mothers with babies and small children, or were they refferred to as "breeders", have been especially "charming".

Everybody from every group "unloads" in private conversation. Unless there is a crime committed or fits in with a pattern of other discrimination, harrassment or other intolerable behavior in the workplace, it should be dropped.
'Anti-woman' 'anti-gay' 'anti-age'

Hmmmm...I heard a US pilot use those once. Should I have reported it since he used it in a conversation? 🙄
Too bad I don't have a couple of decades of taped conversations heard from the back of the crew vans or the galleys.

The one's referring to mothers with babies and small children, or were they refferred to as "breeders", have been especially "charming".

........now if we can decide IF it was just venting or this PILOT is a BIGOT. BIG DIFFERENCE.
You don't make the kinds of statements made by that pilot when you are just venting... and you also learn that there are places to vent and there are places where you just keep your mouth shut.
Apparently the "family" culture WN propogates isn't quite as ironclad as they would like to make it out to be... or someone hasn't figure out what LUV is really all about - and where you get it.
You don't make the kinds of statements made by that pilot when you are just venting... and you also learn that there are places to vent and there are places where you just keep your mouth shut.
Apparently the "family" culture WN propogates isn't quite as ironclad as they would like to make it out to be... or someone hasn't figure out what LUV is really all about - and where you get it.


Although I would have to be there to know the exact context. Airline cockpits are small, generally noisy enviroments and when a couple of guys or girls converse during what may be 9 hours locked in there some days, the conversations sometimes get raw and colorful. The cockpit is a perfect place to vent as long the duties are not neglected and outside the sterile period.

Besides that, that pilot, or any pilot working for a US Airliine wouldn't last 1 month if he behaved towards his fellow employees with the convictions based on the transcript. Talk is cheap.
but other pilots also know when to make those kinds of comments and when not to.... I don't for a minute believe that even the majority of airline pilots, let alone those at WN, even think, let alone speak about other people in the way this pilot talked about his coworkers. I also don't believe that even a majority of airline employees talk as if they need to sleep with other people.
It is clear this person isn't reflective of WN or pilots or even American society as a whole but instead lives in some over-sexed mindset that views everyone else as a pawn for his use. Normal, adjusted people don't live that way - and they don't talk as if they do.
And WN doesn't fly 9 hr segments; the length of the flight is immaterial. He had enough time to talk like that in 20 minutes - and he likely did.
I doubt if we will know how WN will ultimately handle the situation but some time off for personal reflection might help this guy learn to keep his thoughts to himself and better yet to change the way he actually thinks about other people, including his coworkers.
but other pilots also know when to make those kinds of comments and when not to.... I don't for a minute believe that even the majority of airline pilots, let alone those at WN, even think, let alone speak about other people in the way this pilot talked about his coworkers. I also don't believe that even a majority of airline employees talk as if they need to sleep with other people.
It is clear this person isn't reflective of WN or pilots or even American society as a whole but instead lives in some over-sexed mindset that views everyone else as a pawn for his use. Normal, adjusted people don't live that way - and they don't talk as if they do.
And WN doesn't fly 9 hr segments; the length of the flight is immaterial. He had enough time to talk like that in 20 minutes - and he likely did.
I doubt if we will know how WN will ultimately handle the situation but some time off for personal reflection might help this guy learn to keep his thoughts to himself and better yet to change the way he actually thinks about other people, including his coworkers.
WT, Go read the US Pilots ranting about East Vs West. Talk about Kindergarten... This Pilot was expressing his feelings, a Constitutional Right, Free Speech, in this Country. Whether it be politically correct, who cares. He just got caught, probably with a 'stuck open' Mic. I don't know how much you 'World Travel' but I fly almost every week and at times on different carriers and the things I hear Crew say among themselves makes this guy look like Billy Graham. Some of the Pax cell phone convo's while boarding crack me up as well. I was sitting next to a guy who was talking to his wife on the phone. He says, I Love You and hangs up. Immediately after calls his Mistress and starts dissing about his wife and her Family calling them every thing in the book. His language was horrible and it was obvious other pax were not happy, especially with their children present. My main problem with this whole thing is, what if another aircraft had an emergency issue and can't get thru to ATC due to this pilots rant blocking the channel? FYI, He went to Sensitivity Training or whatever it is and was reinstated!
but other pilots also know when to make those kinds of comments and when not to.... I don't for a minute believe that even the majority of airline pilots, let alone those at WN, even think, let alone speak about other people in the way this pilot talked about his coworkers.

THANK YOU. A obscenity filled rant OF HATRED towards gays and the elderly.
Sorry for being judgmental, while it is true that bigotry exists everywhere, Southwest should have made an example of this guy by keeping him terminated; and instead give "Sensitivity Training" to everyone else at the company. Make an example of this pilot. A clear message needs to be sent out to employees that this type of mentality, as well as the expression of intolerance and bigotry is not permitted while on duty at SW. People who evidently are so jaded that they cannot control their emotions, have the potential to engage in discriminatory harassment. When stuff like that is discovered in a manner like the above event, they should not be allowed to stay in these types of customer service jobs. Being a pilot is also part of Customer service. If you are a bigot or racist deep inside, then keep it to yourself. Kinda like "don't ask, don't tell."
Southwest should have made an example of this guy by keeping him terminated; and instead give "Sensitivity Training" to everyone else at the company. Make an example of this pilot.

Waaaaah. Waaaaah. Sure let's ruin a man's career because he wants to get laid. If you think this is a rant, wow have you been coddled all your life.

Grow up. This was intended to be a private conversation between two adults. Just like you drama queens like to talk about your favorite interests, these guys were talking about one of their favorite interests.

Everyone getting their panties in a wad about this just reflects what a wussified country we've become. Guess what, straight men talk about women. Straight women gossip about men. Homosexuals gossip about other homosexuals and their conquests.

I guess if they had been giggling and talking about Ricky Martin it would have been ok.

Live and let live people. No one was harmed by eavesdropping on a private conversation.

Who's protecting his right to "diversity" in that he likes women, I guess that's an unprotected class these days.
Apparently the "family" culture WN propogates isn't quite as ironclad as they would like to make it out to be... or someone hasn't figure out what LUV is really all about - and where you get it.
Why would you indict LUV due to the actions of one person in one incident. DAL has had a rash of engine failures recently, does that mean that the entire fleet of DAL aircraft is unsafe?
Why would you indict LUV due to the actions of one person in one incident. DAL has had a rash of engine failures recently, does that mean that the entire fleet of DAL aircraft is unsafe?

Ok SW employees, give it up...what does this gem of a man look like..lol I'll be hoping his wife (or partner) is forgiving. I'm guessing he couldn't "get some" if he paid for it... Guess he'll be a little more careful with his mike from now on... Most "grannies" and "gays" would have better taste in dates. He probably should adopt the "ask 100 and one is bound to say yes" philosophy.
If it isn't the US Vultures, it's the Delta Glass House dwellers come to throw stones, and the rest!

I remember Delta making national news back in the 80s or 90s when they decided they were going to retire all flight attendants over 40. They sued and won. Since it was so long ago please correct me or fill in the blanks. An old leopard doesn't change it's spots. It just becomes more stealth.

Tell me there aren't racists, sexists, jerks in any airline, you'd be lying. Saying this type of conversation doesn't happen in your holier than thou airline is a crock.

We can all agree that this type of conversation has its place-only the delusional think it never takes place. A cockpit with 2 people would be appropriate as long as your mike isn't keyed. I assume an ATC can't override the keyed mike because they were warning the pilots about their conversation.

No people, these pilots shouldn't be fired for an inappropriate conversation they thought was between them. They seem to suffer from something that doesn't discriminate-stupidity!

Their conversation only proves that they are clueless because they either suffer from issues or are ugly. They don't seem to grasp the fact that they could only date the 'beautiful on the inside' crowd. 🙄

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