Kirby made the analogy that if you see a gas station with gas for 3.50 and another one with gas for 4.00, which one are you going to go to for gas? The cheaper fuel station! Well, let me add my two cents. That isn't a good analogy.
UPNAWAY and others....
FlightChic is WAY more correct/right then you folks are giving her credit for. In fact, in both her posts, I'd argue on her side of all her logic.
The real problem with US, for the 987th time (this week) is that the genius rock star kids in the sand box have "bought into" some real, ugly, not well thought out ideas...
I've heard
PineyBob say it....and he's 1,000% right, "sure, it's a commodity, but US made damned good and sure NO ONE would think it anything other then a cheap commodity." Right now, there is only ONE...maybe two points of differentiation.
The DM program is still top notch....I'll give US that....although, they are working triple time to devalue it and, US does have PHL and CLT....which as far as hubs go are certainly worth more that LAS or PHX.
The product continues to be "Sky Bus/De-Valued" on a daily basis...stupid little things like "taking a 3-cent bag of pretzels" out is just dumb. is anyone going to live or die due to this? Of course not...but it goes to point on how this company thinks of it's pax and product. Then there are bigger things like plastic cups, crappy F-Class service/seating/cabins, etc. Frankly, I still fly US...because the ONE thing that Kirby does say that is true is that, at the end of the day, there are times and schedules where I'd just rather "get the trip over with." HOWEVER, those times are getting fewer and farther as I move my travel more and more to CO.
And while we're on that topic...and this is a GREAT example of why the kids in the sand box are just WRONG....
If I'm shopping for air fare, many who know me know on any flight over 3 hours, I'm riding up front, I simply pay for it. I don't rely on upgrades. Now, I'm not all about paying the highest price I can, to be sure, but look, if I'm looking at buying an F-Class ticket, say, PVD-SFO....and CO and US are identically priced, which one do I pick? Thats right I pick CO (This is a bad example since CO is actually LESS expensive 100% of the time)
But you get my point...when you commoditize the product the way, all things being equal, pick the product that has better service...even if it is, only glassware.
And to take it one step further....
For me....lets say CO was, $25 or $50 more....I'll pay a little more because the product is better...less commoditized.
And finally....gasoline companies realize they have a "commodity" issue on their, anyone care to see what they are doing to try to "brand" their product? Shell has "V Power,", most companies understand the ONLY way to have leverage is to differentiate their product and make it better. (read: sand castleless kid companies)
FlightChic is attetion out there everyone!
FlightChic is right....much more right.