Yet another steaming thread for haters to buzz around like flies over dung. The same, pompous self-informed and laughingly predictable condemnations from the same usual suspect (and I don't mean freedom).
someone should at least make sure their in working order
Agreed. I nominate you.
that's the very LEAST we could do .
Actually, the very least we could do is complain about it anonymously on an online message board and expect mysterious, shadowy others to fix it for us. Any problem worth mentioning here is certainly a problem worth trying to solve, right? Who knows, it might even be fun. That way we can turn this thread into a productive, collaborative effort instead of the same bucket o' bitchin'.
Let us identify the problem:
There is a lack of working power outlets and power outlets overall in the N1, N2, N3, and N4 concourses of Terminal 4.
This is bad because:
- Custopax are unable to charge the devices they use for entertainment and work while flying since US has no real IFE to speak of.
- Custopax have to crowd uncomfortably around outlets or sit on the floor to use or charge these devices, detracting from their traveling experience.
- Custopax will be less willing to purchase in-flight WiFi service if their device isn't powered.
- Terminal tenants and contractors also use power outlets for daily airport operations.
The problem could be solved (to different degrees) by:
- Introducing a customer-friendly solution such as charging stations that increase convenience and reduce frustration.
- Simply increase the number of available power outlets in the terminal. Can some disused podiums be refurbished and equipped with additional outlets to create low-cost charging stations?
- Only repair those outlets that are broken.
The only thing missing now is data. This will require some work.
You will need:
- The number of custopax-accessible outlets in all four concourses.
- The number of those outlets that are not working (they will need to be tested)
- The number of available, working outlets (if any) during T4's daily maximum terminal occupancy.
- The percentage of custopax that use charging-dependent devices at the gate or in-flight (stuff like this might be online)
- An exploration of existing solutions elsewhere, specifically, how WN does it on the other side of T4.
- A survey of US CSR's who have the most exposure to the environment and their opinions on how big a problem they consider it.
- An online canvassing of custopax at other forums (anet, flyertalk?) about the solutions they've seen and why they liked them.
This information will give you a much improved idea of the problem, information that that is necessary and useful in solving it (since anecdotal accounts typically are not). Once you have the data you can compile a report or proposal or a super-RFA and send it (anonymously) to all responsible parties including the facilities people at US and COP and anyone else you can think of, and post it here too of course. If you are able to get the information listed above I will happily write this for you.
So I'm just putting this out there. If anyone else has any thoughts or ideas on how to go about this then by all means share. If people want to gleefully recount for the billionth all the ways US sucks they can take it elsewhere. There's an old saying,
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem". I like that.
"Put up or shut up", that's a nice one too.