Here is an opportunity for both East and West employees to get together and show unity all while having fun. Its a great way to make new friends and enjoy the warm Phoenix sunshine. Lets show the city of Phoenix we have PRIDE! 

Maybe if Jim Bakker was Grand Marshall
OHHH Swell!! Can FFOCUS come and lead the show tune sing along after the parade????
You have me confused with someone else. I never mentioned the dude as you say............................................................
How about that "pencil necked lil' dude" you keep mentioning ????
I'm not nor will I ever be the morality police nor will I march in a gay pride parade. Not because I don't approve but because what a person or persons do in the privacy of their home should be just that PRIVATE!
Curious, but I wonder if USAirways would sponsor a group for the Heterosexual Christian Pride Parade? That is if the ACLU would allow that kind of parade.
Yes this is a serious question. Do you think that would be fair?
Perhaps the company would sponsor a Heterosexual Christian Pride Parade if societal conditions warranted such an event. I'd support it too.
However, heterosexuals' or Christians' place is healthy and strong. Heterosexuals or Christians are hardly without a voice in our society nor without a face. In fact, if gay people could, for example, enjoy the same rights and privileges, even Gay Pride parades would have less purpose.
Christians and heterosexuals are hardly under threat, as your post attempts to imply. So healthy are both, you don't even notice, unlike gays, how public you are and how pervasive you are. All that's good but post was inane and rhetorical. And don't tell me Christianity is some kind of closeted, hidden pariah. With churches on nearly every block in some communities, enjoying tax-free status (thanks in part to me) and Christianity dominating society (or trying to insert itself), seems to me you're doing just fine. Your parade is every day, 24/7. You don't seem to realize it.
Can you do something from Cabaret? I love that show.OHHH Swell!! Can FFOCUS come and lead the show tune sing along after the parade????
I recognize that chip on your shoulder, your one of our flight attendents arent you. I posted a fair question. No implications. I appreciate your reply however I disagree.
No chip on my shoulder. I replied to your nonsensical comment about having a parade for heterosexual Christians. Stating I have chip on my shoulder isn't a response, but also false and childish name-calling.
Your chip on shoulder is wrong and is as silly as your initial post's comments. And you also wrong about me being "one of our flight attendents."
Your wrong about a lot of things. Perhaps your problem is much of your thinking if formulated from thin air and a rather closed mind.
I can't speak for US/HP. But I can tell you that AA also sponsored Christian events. Back in the day, AA was quite generous with donating discount coupons and logo items for church fundraising activities.